
Chapter 190: The Husband

Chapter 190: The Husband

Once, there was a perfect warrior molded by the Mother Cardinal. She was a Warrior and unlike her other sisters, she was ruthless and uncaring about the lives she took.

She slew tens to thousands of lives just to keep the order of the Dracian Fate. Her name only known to a few was the strongest Valkyrie, Freyja.

At some point she was hailed to be the strongest.

This Freyja may have softened overtime after her decision to leave Fate, but after being tested by the Mother Cardinal, one could see that her dagger could still content with the swords of Masters.

Her courage to thrust into danger to gain the upper hand still existed, and her cold demeanor seem to show no signs of disappearing. However, at this very moment as the pure rage-filled hate and anger devoured the entire Cathedral, the greatest Freyja trembled.

“Saintess, do you know what you’ve done? You angered the one wife you can’t possibly hope to anger, please tell me no one touched her!”

“FREYJA!” a loud booming voice echoed in everyone’s ears came from the Mother Cardinal, “That is the Saintess, you are touching, how dare you do such a blasphemous thing! You may not be of the Valkyries but you are still a NUN!”

A spell filled the air, everyone was put on edge. Pel even readied her shield to fight against Sister Mary (Freyja) did not heed the Mother Cardinal’s words.

“Shut up old hag, you don’t know what’s happening here. Saintess, tell me! Tell me what happened!? Maybe we can salvage this thing!”

“I-I think she got into a fight with Gunnr and Helvor, I don’t know I wasn’t really paying attention. I was too entranced by the scent of this man. Di-did I do something bad? I—I just thought this man would become my husband and the Pope…I—I just thought he’ll become… the savior.” Tears threatened to form.

Sister Mary cared not about these tears; her anger was at its peak. She even had the urge to do something even more blasphemous and was about to raise her hand when Sister Fer stepped up from behind and touched her by the shoulders.

“Sister Mary, don’t do it, or else you’ll be facing the Guardian and Mother Cardinal.”

On both sides of Sister Mary were two monsters, on his right was the Mother Cardinal preparing to start her Four Elemental Manifestations and the other was a suit of Black Gold Armor that appeared out of nowhere.

“Tch… this is why Saintesses get spoiled.” Sister Mary let the Saintess go.

Mother Cardinal also regained her cool and had Pel help the Saintess up, “So, do you want to tell me what’s going on, Fer… Freyja?”

The two were silent.

“You two have no intentions of telling me what’s going on, don’t you?”

“It’s not that we don’t want to, it’s just that we can’t.” Sister Mary sighed, “The situation is complicated, you say we can’t touch the Saintess because of the Goddesses? Well, we better pray now because he was taken. And we better beg if even a single drop of blood comes from his wife… but considering the situation, I think praying might worsen it… ugh, this is hard.”

Freyja turned her back on the Mother Cardinal.

“Where are you going?”

“Cleaning up the mess the Saintess created, I’m not even a Valkyrie and I’m doing this, Fer, come with me we’re going to apologize to the Young Miss and try calming her down. It may not work but it might save us all.”

Sister did not even hesitate and nod in agreement to her plan.

The Mother Cardinal still had questions but seeing how serious these two were, she let it go.

But the surprises the moment the doors opened, a pair of women burst in, one was holding a curved dagger and a sword and shield.

“What are the both you doing here?”

It was Sera and Mary and the two ignored that question.

“Sister Mary? Sister Fer? What are you doing he —” the one with the dagger gasped as she raised her blade, “Are you with the enemy?” She got ready to fight.

Sera and Mary snuck into this part of the Cathedral rather easily after Mina went ballistic from having her husband attacked and claimed. They wanted to get Colt back to her as soon as possible else something bad happens to both parties.

They were prepared to negotiate with everything and anything the other side wanted, they were prepared for everything — but not for Sister Mary and Sister Fer’s presence.

Sera and Mary immediately became apprehensive of Sister Mary. She was known to be a friend of the Young Master, but seeing how she was with the enemy, the two were ready to take her on — albeit a little hesitantly.

They knew of their limits and attacking a friend felt wrong.

“Me? With them!? Hell no, I’m actually a traitor. I’m actually going out to help the Young Miss.” Sister Mary proudly stated and carefully went over to the two girls’ side, she then pointed at Fer, “She on the other is a member of the Secret Elite Force of the Holy Land called the Valkyries, do you want me to provide more information for you to believe this “ORDINARY” Sister of yours?”

“Hey! That’s not fair! You were also a part of the Valkyries, “QUEEN” and—”

“ENOUGH!” Pel, slammed her shield on the ground, the entire room trembled after Pel bashed her shield on the ground.

Everyone stared at the petite sister holding the oversized shield, “You are in the presence of the Cardinal Mother, Eldest Freyja you may claim to be a traitor but know how to respect the one who raised you. Sister Fer, you are the current Queen, stop acting like a child! You two, please do not start anything, I know not what is happening but we can assure you that does not want to fight with anyone.”

“…S-sorry.” Everyone apologized to Pel.

She may look like a child but in reality, she’s the most mature.

“Ugh… why is it so noisy? Mina? Is Ayl okay? Did the Goddess ask you to cook for them again — hmmm? Something’s wrong, who are you people?”

“Young Master you are awake!”

Colt’s mind was still half asleep when he finally realized he was not back at home.

“My future, you are awake!” the young Saintess threw her arms up seeing Colt waking up from his “sleep”.

Before him were people dressed in tunics and with that, he traced back to his blurry memories and remembered something attacked him and caused him to blackout! He thought about it but came out with nothing.

At some point, Colt thought he had reincarnated once again because of all the new faces, but seeing Sera and the others like Sister Mary brought him back — Sister Mary?

“Okay I haven’t had a single hint of what’s happening, Sera fill me in and why is this young girl hugging me — can you please get off me? My wife will kill you if you do not!”

However, before anyone can explain anything to him, a whistling sound echoed from afar, and then, the Mother Cardinal quickly moved to cast multiple spells.

“Water Rope — Pull!”

Four water ropes shot out from four Magic Circles and latched on Sera and the others closest to the door. No one was able to respond because it was too fast and the Mother Cardinal already activated three spells simultaneously.

“Earth Strength Shield! Water Ball! Wind Tornado!”

A translucent yellow circular wall of mana, a ball of water, and a gust of wind appeared around them. Colt saw this and could not believe just how quickly and how much mana this old woman just spent in a manner of a second.

It didn’t even take her a complete two seconds to do all that and she doesn’t seem to be tired, ‘She’s strong… stronger than Miss Cille.”

Colt kept the thought to himself and then without any warning, the ceiling fell on them. The wind blasted the debris away and then caught a human using the water.

It was a woman whose entire body had turned deep blue and turned into water.

“Helvor!?” It was Sister Mary acted the most shocked of them all.

“How could this be? Who beat her? Was it the Tower Master Lucille?” Fer added.

Lastly, the Cardinal Mother expanded his Earth Shield to engulfed Helvor whose form was already returning to normal. The spells were meant to catch Helvor and despite it meeting its job the Cardinal Mother did not have the shield disappear.

Instead, the Cardinal Mother strengthened the shield by several folds.

“It’s coming.” The Cardinal Mother spoke clearly and then —


An explosion occurred as a figure clad in an evergreen glow descended to an explosive entrance, a pressuring aura of killing intent and mana appeared.

Pure and unfiltered killing intent, it screamed danger, it screamed something any man should fear and the Cardinal Mother prepared herself to defeat the beast before her.

“What kind of monster…”


The monster that was the angered Mina repeatedly hit the shield; it didn’t crack but the Cardinal Mother could feel the weight of her fists.

Her eyes then widened, she found her beloved, her husband, yet the sight before her caused her to be saddened, a woman clung close to Colt, as the two watched her wretched sight.


The barrier showed cracks as she clutched onto the shield. A single tear of blood fell escaped her.


It was destroyed!

Mina stood before them all watching Colt in silence without any motion. Another barrier was erected before her and this time it was made of fire, the Cardinal Mother got ready to fight.

“Dammit! Everyone, get back! I’m going to contain this evil!”

“No, STOP!” Sister Mary stepped up from behind and tried protecting Mina.

“She is attacking the Holy Land, she is an enemy and she’s clearly after the Saintess! Freyja you fool, do not try to stop me!”

Freyja drew her gray short sword, she looked at the Cardinal Mother and just said, “…sorry but, I can’t have you attacking her.”

They argued and were just about to fight, “Can you please make way? I need to go to my wife.”

Everyone became silent and without any notion, everyone parted. A path was created.

Colt continued his steps, and those who thought he was with the Saintess turned to see a trembling young woman — terror could be seen on her face.

No one knew what happened, but the Saintess could not stop herself from remembering the eyes he showed her.

Unlike Mina, the presence was much more subdued and without any rage, it was calm like a lake yet it felt ominous.

Colt then stopped, the barrier’ heat indicated his stop, and when the Cardinal Mother was about to disable her spell, a peculiar sight appeared.

“H-how is this possible? Wait, on his neck, is that the World Devouring Mark?” Pel’s shocked voice woke up the others.

A black tattoo slithered on Colt’s face and with its appearance, the fire barrier disappeared into his left hand. Colt’s body was now filled with Mana, his left hand burning with power but he didn’t care.

Colt approached Mina; his steps stopped a couple of inches from her.

“Be careful!” Pel shouted.

Colt did not listen. Standing before Mina, he wiped the blood tear on her face, “Did I worry you, my dear?” his words were soft and caring.

“I’m fine now… I have returned… were you scared?” Colt’s hands were steady his words slow.

A glowing hand reached out to his own, it held him affectionately and tightly as if she didn’t want to let go.

The green light surrounding her shattered, showing Mina’s tattered clothes and battered body. She looked at Colt’s eyes, tears streaming down her face, “Darling… you’re here, again… was I successful? Did I… protect it?”

Colt had Mina rest her head on his chest, “Yes, yes, you did.”

“I’m glad… hehe… I may not be able to save the lives of others… but with this, maybe… I can be a hero for our family… haha…………”

Mina fell asleep, Colt carefully laid her on the ground.

Colt sat by Mina’s side. Using his nails, he cut his wrist to let out his blood then fed it to Mina. This was no ordinary blood, because with it was the essence of his mana, the Dragon Bead’s, and Reis’ connection.

It was full of vitality.

Everything was silent, no one moved — no one could.

They watched Colt brush Mina’s hair with affection and care.

Sister Mary knew something was wrong, she knew that the Young Master was unstable.

‘It’s happening again.’

Sister Mary was afraid of Colt for a reason. It was not just because of his connection with the Goddess, rather, it was because of his overprotectiveness.

When Mina was captured, he went to shout at the Goddesses seeking for information and at that time, she saw his eyes to be truly frightening.

Right now, Mina, his wife was bleeding before him. He’s using his own blood to nourish her and not even asking for help…

He could erupt at any given time… Sister Mary became apprehensive and called out to him offering help, “Young Master Colt the Cathedral have dozens of Healers I will call them for—” she was interrupted.

“Did you know? I was really forward to this trip despite what I say. I like this kind of family trip, we were attacked when we came here but that’s excusable as an honest mistake, but this… seeing my wife bleeding… bruised and crying… is something I cannot simply pass…

“They regard me as a Hero… many see me as a kind person yet even I have a limit…. and that limit just broke. Right now… even I do not know what’s happening to me, I am overflowing with rage that I can’t express properly… my heart is beating calmly but I grow restless the more I think how Mina suffered…  unwanted memories are coming up… a time I wish to forget… I want it to stop… so…. can any one of you answer me?”

Colt’s words stopped and when he looked back at the group from the Dracian Fate, everyone’s heart momentarily stopped seeing a pair of void-like eyes.

“What should I do to stop this quell my rage?”

Colt has been angered.

The Novel will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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