
Chapter 975 - Love Comes Softly (3)

Chapter 975: Love Comes Softly (3)

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

She had been exceptionally happy that day. Despite his words having been heartless, she had felt that she still had a place in his heart, but now she was sure that she had overthought everything. As she stared at Wu Hao, she realized she had now forgotten to cry. After some time, she finally asked, “You were the one who sent me home when I was drunk that night, weren’t you?”

Jiang Qianqian deeply wished that Wu Hao would shake his head. Even if he had been behind all those things, as long as he refuted it before her, she was willing to play the fool and believe him until the end, but now he was proving colder and more heartless than she had imagined. He blinked resolutely at her without bothering to hide and said, “Yes.”

Yes… How could he reply so unabashedly? I’ve been with him for a long time, and I am his woman…

As Jiang Qianqian felt the blood drain from her face, she also felt that Wu Hao was a sudden stranger, completely different from the man whom she had loved so deeply. She was suddenly reminded of the time when she had been arguing with Xu Wennuan and had lost her balance and fell, causing her own miscarriage. Right after that incident, Wu Hao, whom she had not seen in a long time, had visited her in the hospital with some seltzers he’d brought for her. He had said to her that she had been aggrieved and told her to let matters tide over. Because she had loved him, she had done as he had asked. Now that she thought about it, though, he had not come for the loss of their child but for Xu Wennuan. He had wanted to ensure that Jiang Qianqian remained calm and didn’t blow up things to a degree that might have affected Xu Wennuan.

Tears trickled down from the corners of Jiang Qianqian’s eyes. She obviously knew the answer but, as if she wanted to be tormented, she still asked, “Back then… Back then, did you even feel an ounce of grief when I miscarried?”

“Do you want an honest reply?” Wu Hao asked calmly.

Jiang Qianqian nodded her head.

“No.” Wu Hao gave a clear-cut response. “Not the slightest bit. To put it another way, even if you hadn’t miscarried, I would have found the chance to kill the fetus in your womb, because I’ve never wanted you much less your child.”

Suddenly, Jiang Qianqian charged up to Wu Hao as if she had gone mad. Lifting her fists up, she began to thrash his chest. “SHUT UP! I DON’T BELIEVE YOU! YOU’RE LYING TO ME, AREN’T YOU? WU HAO, YOU LIKE ME. YOU LIKED ME, DIDN’T YOU? IF YOU’VE NEVER LIKED ME, THEN WHY DID YOU TOUCH ME?”

Wu Hao stood firmly rooted to the ground and allowed her to hit him hysterically without avoiding or stopping her. His nonreaction caused Jiang Qianqian only to realize at that very moment how foolishly sentimental she had been and how unrequited her feelings were. They had never been together. All along, she had been the one who had been so full of herself and so indulgent in a fanciful illusion.

She had loved him so deeply, so wholeheartedly, and so sincerely that she had gone all out to help him attract customers, introduce him to investors, and even hook him up with the State Administration for Industry and Commerce. She had given him all her reserves without hesitation, but he had only turned his back on her and set her up in such a deep trap that it was impossible for her to give a convincing explanation for her actions. She was destined to be punished by the law.

Not knowing whether her strength had given out or her heart was now cold, Jiang Qianqian, tired of fighting, squatted down on the ground awkwardly and began to wail. She wailed and wailed and then slowly began to giggle.

After a long time, she looked up at Wu Hao and asked, “Wu Hao, can you face me without guilt?”


  • 2ney1


    Wu Hao’s true colors are coming out

  • Zeq


  • Zeq


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Chapter 976: Love Comes Softly (4)

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

“I’ve treated you so well. Everything you have in your life today is because of me, yet you’ve turned your back on me after pushing me to the edge of the cliff. Can you rest easy?

“Haha… Wu Hao, don’t think that I am unaware of your plans. You’re successful now and merely want to rekindle your old love. You’ve dealt with Xu Wennuan through my hands so that you can play the knight who rescues the damsel in distress. You want to use the ruse of injuring yourself to touch Xu Wennuan’s heart again… Hahaha… Wu Hao, you’re truly pathetic. You’re just like me. You’ll go to great lengths racking your brain to have a connection to the person you like. And I curse you for it, Wu Hao. Even with all you’ve done, you will never have her…”

Jiang Qianqian’s subsequent words finally touched a nerve, and Wu Hao, who had retained a calm and indifferent expression since the moment he had entered the room, suddenly pinched Jiang Qianqian’s jaws together and lifted her head up to see the chilling expression that consumed his face. He stared into her eyes with a fierce look in his eyes before saying through gritted teeth, “Jiang Qianqian, shut up. Do you really think for a moment that I won’t be able to rest easy? You’re overthinking it! Right now, I would like to slice you up into a thousand pieces!”

“Do you really think that I used your hands to hit you when you were down for the sake of Xu Wennuan?

“Have you forgotten all that you’ve done after having performed so many evil deeds for so long?”

As Wu Hao spoke, he lowered his voice and closed in on Jiang Qianqian’s ear. Speaking in a volume that only the two of them could hear, he emphasized each word. “Let me ask you. Did you drug the cake that you fed to me?”

“You’d already begun plotting against me before I’d even started my company and before I’d gotten together with you, correct?

“And then you used drugs to addict me to that cake you make and to coerce me into meeting you over and over again without being able to control myself…

“Jiang Qianqian, did you really think that I’m such a fool that I would allow you to toy with me forever?

“Hear me now: From the moment I realized that you’d been drugging me, I’ve been plotting a way to put an end to you!”

Jiang Qianqian was dumbfounded. She stared at Wu Hao with shock-filled eyes, as she could not fathom how he had discovered that she’d been drugging him all along.

Knowing what she was thinking, Wu Hao had no patience to explain it to her and, instead, finished what he had to say. “You better confess to your crimes obediently. Don’t think that I don’t know your brother’s involvement with drugs. If he ends up in here, as well, you’ll never get out of here, will you?”

After Wu Hao finished speaking, he released Jiang Qianqian’s jaw and left her to slump to the ground. After he straightened his back and tidied his shirt, he turned decisively and left the interrogation room.

Wu Hao walked up to his car parked outside the police station. His secretary opened the door for him and, after getting in, Wu Hao stared out the window in silence lost in thought. After a very long time, he finally said to his secretary, “Get me home.”

When the car reached the foot of Wu Hao’s apartment building, before his secretary could say goodbye, Wu Hao had already stepped out of the car and was heading toward the elevator inside. Once at his apartment door, Wu Hao keyed in the password and entered the room. He closed the door after him and dashed straight to the master bedroom without even bothering to remove his shoes. He then got in his bed, curled up his body, and bit hard into his sheets.

Something had entered his body and was tingling inside. It crawled into the depths of his bones and, although he desperately wanted the tingling to stop, he couldn’t figure out what was causing it. He reached out his hands and began to scratch his body in random spots until he accidently reopened the wounds on his back. Blood began to stream down his backside, but he did not stop scratching. All he could think about was the cake that Jiang Qianqian made.

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