
Chapter 660 NADIA

Chapter 660 NADIA

  Her mother was the last person Apple would ever want to see or perhaps, the last person she would ever expect of coming to this house.

  Especially when she was here for less than five minutes, and was already fighting with Adrian. How could she upset the bodyguard?

  She was absolutely unbelievable and after years of not seeing her, it turned out that she had not changed at all, not only did she not, she didn\'t even show any remorse for abandoning Apple.

  This woman was truly unbelievable. How could she call herself a mother?

  "You want to meet her?" Adrian asked Apple, making sure she really wanted to talk to this woman, otherwise he\'d be happy to tell her to leave, and he could do that anyway. It was no problem for him.

  Apple then nodded her head, indicating that she would take over from here and Adrian could back off now. "Okay, what do you want to talk about?" Apple asked her mother. She wondered what made her mother come looking for her.

  There was no way if nothing big and significant had happened, she suddenly came looking for her here, because for years, her mother had never looked for her at all, even though her father\'s house had not changed at all.

  But, when her mother was about to walk into the house, Apple stopped her by standing right in front of her and tilting her head, as if asking where she was going.

  "We\'ll just talk here," she said firmly.

  "Here?" Her mother looked at Apple like she was crazy for even suggesting this, but Apple didn\'t flinch at all when she heard the question. "We can\'t talk in front of your fence like this. I\'m your mother and you treat me like a stranger."

  Apple narrowed her eyes when she heard that. "Yeah, you\'re my mom, but you haven\'t played that role at all all those years ago, during the very period of time you didn\'t even care what happened to me," she said very clearly and made her mother feel embarrassed because Apple said it in front of many people.

  "Apple, my daughter, at least we can go somewhere to talk together," said Nadia, Apple\'s mother. "This isn\'t the kind of talk you want people to hear, honey," she coaxed, trying to make Apple warmed up to her.

  It was just that Apple just stared at her with eyes that looked very hard, she seemed to have no feelings when she saw her mother in front of her now, as if this was a stranger she didn\'t know at all.

  "Apple, please… at least give mom a chance to explain," she pleaded with Apple.

  She looked pathetic to say the least and Apple couldn\'t bear to make her any more sad than this, only, Apple was very annoyed with her current attitude.

  "Adrian, can I borrow your car keys? I\'ll be gone for a bit," said Apple, holding out her hand to Adrian, waiting for the man to give her the key, but when Adrian seemed hesitant to do so, Apple then added. "You can follow from behind."

  There were at least three cars waiting by Apple\'s house, therefore, it was very easy for Adrian to follow her later.

  On the other hand, Adrian knew that he would not be able to ignore this one request from Apple, so, with a heavy heart, he finally gave the car keys to Apple and let her do what she wanted.

  "Thank you," Apple said to Adrian, walking to the nearest car and opening the door. She immediately sat behind the wheel of the car and waited for her mother to come in too.

  "Where are we going?" Nadia asked with a little enthusiasm, but Apple didn\'t respond to that at all. She was more focused on getting this car away from her house as quickly as possible, because she didn\'t want her mother to be around the house or near her father.

  So, Apple did not answer the question. She didn\'t want to answer the question at all. She just wanted to get out of here right away.


  Apple ended up taking her mother to the nearest cafe she could find. This was not a fancy or expensive cafe like her mother had imagined.

  But, they were here just to talk, right? And the cafe was quiet enough for them to talk without anyone bothering them.

  Therefore, Apple could casually refuse her mother\'s suggestion to go to an expensive restaurant and spend money just for a place for them to talk.

  "You can ask Jayden Tordoff to rent a restaurant, can\'t you?" said Nadia, looking around her with disapproval. "What if there are reporters around here?" she scowled and kept glancing behind her back, as if a reporter would pounce upon them out of nowhere and ambush the two of them in this cafe.

  "You don\'t have to worry, they won\'t come," Apple said soothingly to her mother, brushing off her mother\'s meaningless anxiety. "Now tell me, why did you come to me?" asked Apple again.

  However, Nadia kept glancing around her, and her face lit up a little when she saw Adrian enter the cafe together with a man. Apple assumed the rest of the bodyguards were outside, standing guard there.

  "Oh, at least he came into this cafe and did a good job of being a bodyguard, not just sitting around doing nothing," Nadia grumbled. "He has to look after their lady boss and if they don\'t do their job well, you have to report it to Jayden." Nadia kept on rambling, ignoring the fierce stares from Apple who seemed to have almost lost her temper.

  "If you don\'t want to talk, I can go home now. Stop criticizing them. They\'re much better at taking care of me than you ever have," Apple said curtly. 

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