


Hailee felt that her heart was about to jump out of her chest when she heard what Ramon said. How could he say something like that...

Sure enough, Hailee\'s guess was correct. This man already knew all her lies!

Then what will she do now? Escape? That is practically impossible.

However, instinctively, Hailee glanced at the door, while thinking of a way to escape this place. It was her survival instinct. Who knew what Ramon would do after he exposed all her lies?

It was possible that Ramon Tordoff would be more brutal than Roland Dimatrio, the perverted district attorney who was still alive.

Half of her mind was relieved that he was still alive, which meant that Hailee couldn\'t be prosecuted for a murder, but the other half felt sorry that she did not confirm that the old man was dead. People with personalities like himself and who hold high power in society would only be a scourge.

Hailee continued cursing silently and glanced at the half-open door. If she ran now, would Ramon be able to catch her?

It\'s just that, before her mind could wander any further, she felt a gentle blow to her head, which shattered all her reverie.

"What are you thinking?" asked Ramon with a flat face and as if he could read what was in Hailee\'s mind, he calmly walked toward the door, locked it, took out the key and put it in his trouser pocket. "Are you thinking of running away? Please, go ahead…"

Ramon walked over to the single sofa near the bookshelves on the left side of the room and sat there, before fixing his eyes on Hailee.

"Do you have a tendency to lock up other people?" Hailee grumbled, this was the second time Ramon had locked the two of them in one room.

Ignoring Hailee\'s complaints, Ramon nodded to the empty seat opposite him and said in a voice that sounded very patient. "Sit down. You will get tired of standing there, our conversation will be very long."

Hailee was completely out of options now. She could neither escape nor avoid Ramon, who now demanded honesty from her.

"What do you want to talk about?" Hailee asked, still refusing to sit near Ramon. She stood with her back to Ramon\'s desk and showed a defensive stance by folding her arms across her chest.

"Why don\'t you just tell me first?" asked Ramon, his eyes fixed on Hailee now, as if to say; There\'s no need to string another lie, because I already know it all.

Getting such a gaze, Hailee shifted restlessly and tried to avoid Ramon\'s eyes.

For a moment, the silence between the two of them felt so torturous for Hailee who could only stare at the tips of her toes with her face down, like a child caught red-handed doing mischievous things.

"…Sorry," Hailee whispered, but her voice was too low for Ramon to hear.

"I didn\'t hear what you said." Ramon tilted his head and leaned back in a relaxed manner. It\'s only a matter of time until this man got what he wanted, especially when he was holding Hailee\'s death card.

"I\'m sorry," said Hailee, this time her voice was much louder and she lifted her head.

There were various kinds of feelings implied in her beautiful eyes. There was doubt, fear and also anxiety.

This girl was thinking too many things at the same time.

"Sit down," said Ramon, once again he nodded his head at the empty sofa opposite him.

And this time, Hailee complied. She walked slowly over to Ramon and sat down on the sofa that the man had shown her earlier.

There was no point in dodging, let alone lying again, because Hailee was sure Ramon would find out easily and she didn\'t want to make this man even more angry with her.

Therefore, Hailee decided to do whatever she needed to convince Ramon to show a little generosity and forgive her, without prolonging the matter.

Even if Ramon was going to throw her out right now, Hailee would happily walk away, but it seemed, from the look on Ramon\'s face, this matter wouldn\'t end that easily.

"What did you say earlier?" asked Ramon again, wanting to clarify Hailee\'s apology.

Maybe under normal circumstances, Hailee could see the glint in Ramon\'s eyes that showed an interest in Hailee\'s awry condition, but right now the girl wouldn\'t be calculating with a word \'sorry\'.

"I\'m sorry, I lied." Hailee would say that sentence a thousand times if it really made Ramon feel better and didn\'t make things difficult for her. "But, how do you know? Has your memory returned?" Hailee asked carefully. Her curiosity made her daring enough to ask.

"No, I haven\'t got my memory back yet," replied Ramon. However, that did not resolve Hailee\'s curiosity. "You think with your bad acting, you can lie to me? Girlfriend for two years?" Ramon raised his eyebrows. "Your attitude towards me further shows that you didn\'t even know me before."

Hailee bit her tongue when she heard that. What else could she do? How could Hailee be affectionate with someone she just met? It must have been this awkward attitude that made Ramon suspicious.

"I didn\'t mean to lie to you…" Hailee lowered her head solemnly as she spoke and tried to explain her condition. "I was really in a difficult position at that time... I didn\'t lie to you when I said my parents were gone, I just lost my parents in a robbery attempt..."

Ramon already knew about it, but he was quite surprised when Hailee didn\'t seem to have any suspicions about the bizarre robbery incident.

"I know," interrupted Ramon when he saw Hailee on the verge of sobbing, as if she was about to start crying. He wasn\'t Lexus, who knew what to do with a crying woman or knew how to coax her, so he cut off Hailee\'s words before he got too emotional.

Ramon chose not to be too emotionally attached to anyone.

"I also know about what happened between you and District Attorney Roland Dimatrio," said Ramon in a calm tone.

"You know?" Hailee raised her head and looked at Ramon, her sorrow immediately replaced by a shocked expression. "Ramon… I really don\'t have anything to do with Roland Dimatrio, how can I possibly want a man who is the same age as my father and has children and a wife? That is all…"

"…Aileen\'s deeds," Ramon finished her sentence. "Aileen who set you up so that she can make you to come to the hotel."

This time Hailee covered her mouth to prevent a loud scream from escaping her lips. "You know all that?!" shrieked Hailee under her breath, her eyes wide in disbelief.

Hailee was going to tell the truth about what happened to her, but she was a little pessimistic that Ramon would believe her and was afraid that Ramon would thought she was just making excuses and stringing new lies.

But, if Ramon already knew all that ...

Suddenly a glimmer of hope appeared in Hailee\'s heart, for some reason she felt so happy because this man was so smart and not easy to lie.

Excited, Hailee stood up from her chair and sat down on the table right in front of Ramon and this time, it was Ramon who looked a little surprised at the change in Hailee\'s attitude.

How come, this girl looked so frail and pitiful a moment ago, but then looked like a convict who was given a parole the next second?

"If you already know, then you won\'t blame me, right? You must understand why I\'m spouting all these lies. I also have no ill will towards your family and I constantly rejected our marriage." But then Hailee seemed to have remembered something. "But, if you already know why are you actually announcing our marriage in public?"

It was just yesterday, there was no way Ramon could gather all this information in just a few hours. He must have known long before the press conference took place, but why?

"Because I intend to marry you," Ramon replied straight to the point.

"What? But… "Hailee looked confused.

"On conditions," said Ramon again.

"Conditions?" Hailee was ready to agree to whatever conditions the man gave her.

Not imprisoned and forgiven for her wrongdoings for lying and, if she heard it correctly, Ramon was willing to marry her, then Hailee had no reason to refuse!

Wasn\'t this a million times better than her previous choices?

"Yes, I want you to sign the terms I propose," said Ramon as he stood up and took a document in one of his work drawers and handed the document and a pen to Hailee. "Sign this."

"What is this?" Hailee asked suspiciously looking at the rather thick document Ramon handed her.

"Just sign it," said Ramon as he sat back down opposite Hailee. The distance between them was so close that their knees touched each other\'s.

"I\'ll read it first," Hailee said, but Ramon prevented her from doing so.

"Sign this first and you can read it later," replied Ramon in a firmer voice.

"That\'s called blackmailing, I can report you for forcing me to sign documents I don\'t know," Hailee said, squinting.

"And I can sue you for fraud," replied Ramon, which left Hailee unable to retort.

"You\'re not going to put me in prison, are you?" Hailee asked worriedly.

"No," replied Ramon immediately.

"Are you going to make me a servant?"

"I already have a lot, no need for you."

Hailee then inclined her head and said, half whispering. "You don\'t have a sex disorder, do you? Like Christian in fifty shades of gray...."

Ramon almost let out a curse when he heard that.

What was going on in this girl\'s brain to get that thought?!

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