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Chapter 24: Calming the Winged Tiger

Chapter 24: Calming the Winged Tiger

Shortly after Uncle Theo asked Vanessa who was still being hugged by Aunt Leila, she realized that a human figure was standing a hundred meters from their position.

Elysia did not disguise herself or make her invisible, she had been standing there openly there. She was not immediately recognized because they were too focused on Vanessa and her story.

"Human!" Theo immediately released his \'energy aura\' at the Saint-level and jumped towards Elysia as if he was about to pounce on her.

"No! Uncle Theo!" Vanessa immediately breaks away from the lock of her aunt\'s hug to rush and block her uncle from attacking her master. While Leila is still confused by the things that immediately change drastically and it\'s too late to respond to the situation.

Elysia felt cold because she was targeted by a Saint Beast. A purple wave of scratching attacks was launched at her regardless of what was shouted by Vanessa, Theo only had one thought at this time, to destroy this human who dared to infiltrate his sacred nest.

Seeing the shock wave attack quickly launched at her and destroying everything that was blocking the attack lane, she only needed to dodge quickly to the side which was strengthened by her magic.

Then she positioned herself to prepare for further attacks and look for loopholes to strike back. The way she did when defending against wild animals in the forest when she was trying to calm down in the jungle that was far from humans while she was still on Earth.

Strangely, she has never been frightened by frightening wild animals rather than from deceitful humans who cause deep trauma to her.

"Uncle Theo! Don\'t attack her! Grr!" Vanessa immediately confronts her uncle who will attack again right in front of Elysia while putting on an attacking stance.

"Little Vanessa, what do you mean! You\'re going to fight me for that human!?" Theo is getting angry and will attack further, but he can\'t bear to hurt Vanessa.

"Leila, hold Vanessa. Let me kill that human first and destroy it from our sacred nest!" Theo immediately told his wife when he saw her coming next to him.

"Don\'t you dare! Shaa!" Vanessa was undaunted and tried to intimidate like a cat that Elysia knew.

Elysia was a little touched, she thought her new pet would try to pit herself to revenge for the death of her brother because she could not defeat Elysia alone, and tried to ask for help from her uncle and aunt who were at Saint-level to defeat Elysia.

Unfortunately, negative thoughts are useless. Vanessa was sincere in her role at this time. In fact, she was actually happy to be Elysia\'s servant.

She is not only kind, honest, and strong until there is no comparison, her master is not a human of this world. Vanessa can trust her master with her life only with this which is strongly supported by her instincts.

"Dear, we better listen to what little Vanessa wants to say..." Leila tried to think clearly when she saw her hot-minded husband insist with Vanessa.

"No! That human must be slaughtered! Little Vanessa, don\'t try to stop me!" Theo is still firm in his stand.

"Sit down." Vanessa hadn\'t even had time to reply back, a cold voice as if an absolute command came from behind made her shiver a little.

The gravitational force around Theo multiplied rapidly, and he felt his body become so heavy that he could no longer support himself with his four legs.

Theo lay flat on the ground due to Elysia\'s gravity magic focused on the hot-minded wild tiger.

"I came with Vanessa peacefully without any intention, so calm yourself, ok?" Elysia spoke as if asking but gave no other choice than yes or fine.

"Lowly human! How dare you attack me all of a sudden!"

Theo still did not accept himself to be helpless in an instant and condemned the sudden attack which was launched without any preparation to take it while in conflict with Vanessa. He forgot that he also launched a sudden attack on Elysia just a moment ago.

"O.K?" Elysia emphasized her intonation together with gravity pressing Theo\'s body.

"Meow..." Theo meowed as he began to sink to the ground.

"Human... Human who came with little Vanessa. Please forgive my husband\'s impudence, he just doesn\'t think clearly." Leila tried to plead when she saw her husband\'s body pressed by the strong gravitational force.

"Master, please..." Vanessa also tried to plead.

Elysia did not answer, but she released her energy that supported the magic. Elysia\'s body is no longer sparkling with white \'aura energy\' and the magic that suppresses Theo has disappeared.

The tiger, which was half-buried, immediately rose from his grave to look at Elysia with a look of disapproval.

"Let\'s talk nicely, ok?" Elysia asked again.

"Tsk! Fine." Theo snorted and moved away to their starting position near the cave.

"Purr... Purr... Vanessa will calm down." Elysia stroked Vanessa\'s head and fur a little to calm her down because the previous incident really made Vanessa so tense, even her fur and tail were still erected to intimidate, like a cat, but she was a large white pure cat.

Vanessa immediately calmed down and began to snore comfortably while being stroked by her master.

"Alright, now let\'s go there." Having had enough, Elysia stopped stroking the large white cat that began purring, and that was very much in Vanessa\'s displeasure.

Leila looked at them with astonishment at the roles of the two who were very familiar. She looked at the back of Elysia who was heading to the cave where their nest was with Vanessa who immediately followed from behind with a complex look.

Then Leila also follows them back to their original position, which is near their nest cave to find out the truth because the current event happened so fast and so shocking.

"So what do you want to say, human." Theo is still haughty despite losing in an instant.

"Uncle Theo, this is my master. She..."

"I asked her, little Vanessa. You shut up first. What!? Your master!? What does that mean, human?" Theo immediately interrupts Vanessa who tries to explain, Vanessa\'s next words surprise not only him but Leila who is now beside him is also surprised.

Then, Vanessa continued her words with Elysia\'s permission to explain her intentions. She explains the reasons and the story that she has chosen her master whom she will serve for life.

A beast that has a mind can establish a spiritual relationship with other intelligent beings with a human form, but that relationship does not benefit the beast at all. The spirit of the beast will be connected to its master and bound for life as its master\'s servant, and the beast will die if its master is dead.

Vanessa also did not forget to tell the role of Elysia and their meeting together with the fate of her brother who had died and the background of his death.

A few moments passed until the long story described by Vanessa was finished.

"So you killed, Jimmy?" Theo seems to ignore the other story and draw conclusions.

"Yes, that\'s me." Elysia did not dodge and looked into the eyes of the dark brown tiger.

"Damn it! How dare you!" Theo once again wanted to attack towards Elysia who stood not far from him.

"Theo!" Leila exclaimed loudly from the side, she no longer called dear, but a direct name.

Theo froze as he heard his wife call out his name in that tone. She only uses that name if she is really angry.

"Didn\'t you hear the story of little Vanessa? Jimmy would die even if he didn\'t meet Vanessa\'s master! He violated our warnings, foolishly entered the Human Continent, and fought hundreds of humans at his level without much thought alone! Vanessa\'s master only freed him from his agony that is at the end of death!" Leila screamed with sad and sobbing emotions.

Theo\'s anger instantly extinguished and immediately approached Leila and hugged her. Jimmy was dead and they could only grieve, he died because of his stupidity and they all knew that. They really can\'t blame anyone right now if that\'s the case.

Everything Vanessa said can be trusted because their race is adept at detecting lies thanks to their incredible instinct.

Elysia was once again a spectator, and now she saw the winged tigers hugging each other in silence, she also saw Vanessa\'s sad face once more. Therefore, she silently approached Vanessa to caress her head and fur gently once more.

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