
Chapter 173: Past

Chapter 173: Past

“What did you say?” My eyes opened wide. This is really a huge matter. The last time when she spoke about it, I thought she was just trying to guess my identity. But I was wrong. What the hell was that man thinking? Is he trying to expose the secret to everyone?

Alexandra’s eyes were fixed on me while a smile appeared on her face. “Surprised, right?”

I didn’t say anything. To think that she knew about me? But what did she find there?

“What did you find?” I asked her after a while.

She shook her head and closed her eyes as if she was trying to recall. My eyes were fixed on her while my heart was beating furiously.

“That day was the most memorable day of my life. I was searching for clues. Clues to become free from the restraint of not being able to ascend. Unknowingly, I went deeper and deeper into the records hall. I found the history of that world. From the records, I found that they have a long history. In the past, these people were known as Spirit People and they specialized in divination.”

She paused and looked at me. Her lips curled into a smile. “I think you know about divination, right?”

I nodded, “Right,”

Even though I kept the straight face. My heart was beating furiously. Divinations? Spirit Man? Why does it sound like some characters from the novels? Even though that Granny was also a diviner. I thought that it was just some Power. But to think that there was a race who specialized in divination? I was really shocked.

“What happened to them?” I asked her. She told me that these people were known as Spirit People in the past. It was obvious that something happened to these people.

She nodded and said, “These people were known as Spirit People and were known for their divination. Due to their Powers, they avoided every calamity. But one day, something happened. The Power of Divination vanished, and they could not find the cause of it and due to millions of years of evolution, they adapted to the conditions. But what surprised me the most was that none of those people could ascend to godhood.”

She sighed and closed her eyes again. “I became really helpless. To think that I was unable to find the cause of the restriction. I became dejected. But that trip was not in vain. I got to know that there was a species in this world that could divine the future. But, something happened and they lost that power. I was just about the go back when suddenly, I found myself in the Isolated Space.”

She took a deep breath and opened her eyes and looked at me again. Her eyes were glowing.

“You would not believe but I was scared. For the first time in my life, I was scared. But I preserved and observed the space to find that there was nothing but a man standing at a distance.”

She took a deep breath once again. “I could only see that the man was tall and his back was facing me. I approached him slowly.”

Alexandra looked at me and started narrating the story in detail. 

“I was rooted to the spot when that man turned around to look at me. While I was searching for clues, I came across many blurry pictures of the GOD of our planet. You will not believe it but every picture I found was blurred. I didn’t know what she looked like but when I saw that person before me. I knew that he was the person in the picture. The GOD of our planet.”

She looked at me and said, “But I was shocked when I heard his words.”

My brows were furrowed when I heard her. Why is she trying to be so secretive? From the moment she started telling these stories. I knew that she was telling the truth. That man has a habit of creating a mysterious environment. Even I was trapped in the isolated space. Let’s see what she has to say now.


“He said that he had been waiting for me for a long time. I was shocked when I heard her words. Even though he was GOD, but why was he waiting for me? But when I heard his next words, I got to know the reason.”

She stood up and walked towards the window, her gaze fixed on the sky. I could see that she was lost in her own world.

“After joining the forces, I got to know that there is some Power which is restricting us from ascending to Godhood. But to think that the only GOD of our world has sealed this universe. It was quite shocking to me.”

“To be honest, I was unable to process the information. I stood blankly, while my eyes were fixed on that man. You know what? He looked just like you. When I saw you for the first time. I was really shocked. You looked just like him. But then I remembered his words.”

“What did he say?” I asked her while my eyes were fixed on her. I saw that she was still gazing at the sky.

“He said that it was my destiny to guide his reincarnation. He told me that I would be the anchor to his reincarnation and his reincarnation would need my help to ascend to GODHOOD.”

She turned around to look at me. “When I saw you for the first time. I knew that you were his reincarnation. That was also the reason I forced you to join forces, and it was also the reason that I was the one who trained you.”

I kept my mouth shut while my eyes were fixed on her. I was stunned when I heard her words. Now I realized, why was she so active in training me. It was my past self words that encouraged her. She knew all along that I was his reincarnation. But I can’t find fault in her. He was the one who chose her to be my guide. But why did he choose her?

“Why?” I asked her.

She came and sat beside me while her big eyes were fixed on me. “Do you understand your importance? Do you understand that you would be the one who would ascend to GOD? To be honest, even though I knew that you were the reincarnation of that man. I kept my mouth shut. He told me not to disclose about reincarnation before the time is right,”

She paused while I stared at her. There was no denying that she knew the truth. But why did that man choose Alexandra? He could choose anyone to help, right? But then I remembered her words. She only cared about the Power and nothing else. She would be the right person to guide me, otherwise, if any other man got to know about my reincarnation. They would start doing experiments with me.

A sigh escaped my lips while I closed my eyes. “Why did he do that?” 

I didn’t hear any answer for a while. 

“He told me that there is a different world out there and a lot of secrets are hidden in that world. You know, I was surprised to find that even though he ascended to become the GOD. There are many GODs in that world. And the most surprising thing I got to know was that the world is also a secluded space?”

My brows furrowed when I heard her words. What is she saying? Did he tell her about that? Even I don’t know many things about that world.

As if she knew what I was thinking, she interjected, “Don’t think too much. There are many things I knew about this world. From the moment I met him, he told every secret about this world and why he sealed this world and why those spirits people lost the power of divination.”

My brows were arched when I heard her. “What is the reason?” 

She shook her head and smiled bitterly, “He used one of the most forbidden powers of that world. You know, in that world. Only a few have the power to divine and look into the future. But somehow he stole that Power and used the Divination. But it backfired and he couldn’t see the future. After a few years, he had a hunch that something is going to happen to him. He exhausted everything and used the Divination again to see the future. His move created the ruckus and his move absorbed the Divinity Power from the entire universe. He was the reason that those Spirit People lost their Power of Divinity.”

She sighed and closed her eyes.

“He told me that he knew about his demise and he also knew that he would reincarnate. He gave me the mission. Mission: To guide you to become powerful. Shield you from unnecessary trouble and you know what? I also got to know about the most powerful goddess in that world. He told me that one day she would talk to me.”

“And as expected, the night before you went missing, I had a dream and I met her,”

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