
Chapter 507: Find the Hell

Chapter 507: Find the Hell

Leopolt, after calling Erich and I, began our strategy meeting in a part of the fort that narrowly escaped destruction.

Sounds can be heard outside of the soldiers making emergency repairs to the encampment in preparation for the raid that will come at night.

Sitting at the front of the table is Erich, with me and Dingus next to him and one side then Leopolt and Tristan standing on the opposite side. Rinuga, who is in the last seat, is visibly uncomfortable, likely because he is among enemies. Others present include the guards and adjutants invited by Erich scattered in the vicinity.

Speaking of which, Celia is behind me standing as straight as she can and Rafaella is clinging to my back. I tried to lower her because I wouldn’t look cool, but I felt bad when she sobbed loudly so I left her where she was.

「This girl, how long is she going to stay on Aegir-sama’s back......I’ll do this to you.」

「Aau, stop, kuuh.」

Celia whispers softly enough so nobody else around her could hear as she pokes the defenceless side of Rafaella.

With every jab Celia makes, a hot breath leaks from Rafaella’s mouth, which to me is irresistible, no, wonderful.

Her attacks aren’t hurting Rafaella, so I’ll let this continue.

The meeting commences while I enjoy the antics between Celia and Rafaella.

「I will now report on our future operations.」

「I have also compiled a list of the casualties.」

I peek at the damage report presented by Tristan.

「Roughly ten percent of the eastern army, huh......?」

「It can be said we got off lightly considering the circumstances, but it can also be said this is all we can do despite the fact that the battle, excluding the last moment, was in our favor.」

Erich folds his arms and Dingus taps his temple.

「What is particularly of note is the low amount of recoveries. The enemy’s lethality is extremely high, meaning there are extremely few injured and almost all of the casualties is comprised of deaths.」

Leoplol states indifferently.

Erich, who also has to think about the rear, racks his brain momentarily, but quickly raises his head.

「That is fine for now. It’s more important that insect’s base......I don’t know if I can call it that, but the origin needs to be destroyed. Do you have information regarding that?」

Leopolt looks at me and I nod.

Rafaella is enduring Celia’s prodding and sticking extra close to me, pressing her breasts against my back.

「From what we’ve heard from the refugees, the insects initially attacked from the west and most recently from the south.」

「Didn’t they come from the east this time?」

When Erich quickly points out the contradiction, Leopolt glances at me and then answers.

「That part is the key. We think that the group that came from the east followed the decoys we set up to avoid getting attacked on our way to the fort.」

「What does that mean?」

Rafaella’s heavy breathing hits my neck. Man, it’s marvelous.

「The premise is that they are not intelligent. They can’t make decisions like, “let’s walk along this road because humans, or food, are collected in one place like a city” or “there isn’t enough food to the right to feed everyone, so let’s chase another target”. They simply pursue any targets they discover.」

「Damn inferior lifeforms.」

「So they’re nothing more than giant bugs.」

Erich and Dingus nod.

「We can speculate that the ones that came from the east headed in a straight line for the places where we left the decoy livestock. If we exclude the hours during the day and measure the time it took for them to arrive......we can estimate their speed.」

「Fumu......sure, the enemy’s marching speed is important, but......」

Erich makes a face like he is dissatisfied.

Rafaella is biting my neck to endure Celia’s tickling, no, this isn’t the time for that.

Leopolt continues.

「The refugees don’t originate from a single source. If you overlap their hometown with the date of the attack and the direction......」

「You will know where the bugs spawn from!!」

Dingus abruptly stands up.

Erich still doesn’t seem convinced.

「That’s too early to conclude. For example......if they came from the Garland Empire, the distance would be too great that a slight difference in date and time would result in an error. It’s also possible that they chased a herd of wild animals along the way, which could disrupt their pace. You can’t deduce the base with calculations alone.」

I see, the reason Erich isn’t jumping at the smallest bit of hope is probably due to all the responsibilities he is shouldering.

I speak to Leopolt as I stroke Rafaella’s thigh.

「There is no need to build a theory sequentially, so skip to the conclusion. We don’t have much time.」

Leopolt proceeds to signal with his eyes, then Balbano and Sekrit enter.

Everyone gasped at the peculiar height of the dwarf, but soon screamed at the object thrown by Sekrit.

「They don’t spring out from any ordinary forest. You also can’t open up the mouth to hell just by digging a small hole in the plains. The only place they can come from is the mountains that connects directly to the abyss, from deep tunnels, and cracks in the ground where you can’t see the bottom or as a result of a giant iron and steel explosive shell......do you have any ideas?」

「The border of Garland consists of forests and plains as far as the eye can see. As for tunnels and cracks, I haven’t heard of any. Giant iron and steel?」

Erich answers honestly, while the others could only focus on what Sekrit threw.

The dark red mass emits a foul stench and black liquid drips from it......forget it, they’re just guts.

「What’s this......?」

Sekrit grins when Dingus poses the question and then she uses a knife to slice open the organs.

Everyone scrunches up their faces in disgust.

「Enough. Get to the point.」

When I scold Sekrit for deliberately showing off something grotesque, she scoffs and tells me how boring I am.

Also, I’m fine with Rafaella holding onto my chest, but those are my nipples you’re gripping tightly.

「Well, I found a dead spider in the east after those things left, you see. I was curious and decided to take it apart.」


Rinuga vomits.

Erich and Dingus aren’t fazed, though they don’t look very pleased.

「I am obviously not an expert on insects. I don’t know what anything is aside from the poison tube and poison sac. That’s why I dissected another one in the south. And then I noticed a small difference.」

Sekrit places another bag on the table and cuts it open with her knife.

The odor from this one is incomparable to the first.

「This smell is......」

I recognize this from the battlefield.

「It’s the smell of human entrails. They suck a person’s insides, remember?」

Unable to bear it any longer, Rinuga dashes out of the room.

Hey, Rafaella is looking like she’s at her limit too.

「This is their stomach. The one from the east is empty, whereas the one from the south is full. By the way, the one from the east died without any external injuries. So, why do you think this one died? It did not have a scratch and had an empty stomach......」

Tristan continues from where Sekrit trails off.

「When I had the scouts go to the east, they found plenty of them had died. Worms and spiders dotted the ground like a path. On the other hand, that didn’t happen in the south. All the corpses were on this side.」

I gently rub the back of trembling Rafaella, who is holding her mouth shut with her hand and urge Tristan to go on.

This is bad, this face she’s making means that something has risen up her throat.

「The ones in the east fell for our decoy and failed to eat anything last night. They somehow caught up, but ran out of energy......if they don’t eat within 48 hours, give or take, there is a high chance they will starve to death.」

「The border of Garland Empire has a very low population density. Even if they came from the south, most of them would probably starve to death. This means they came from a place in the Central plains less than 48 hours away from where we were attacked.」

Erich and Dingus jump to the map and hold up a compass to it.

Leopolt writes down the information he heard from Rinuga, the refugees, and the other soldiers.

This is like the reverse of the essential skill of staff officers, which is to predict the point of attack based on the position and speed of the enemy forces.

Movements are being read from the tracing back of past points of attack.

「They came here five days ago, here seven days ago, and to this village ten days ago. In that case, it’s impossible for them to have come along the mountain range!」

Rinuga, who was puking outside, was dragged back in.

「So this is where you were attacked eleven days ago!? When did you lose contact with Vandola!?」

He mercilessly criticizes us vigorously.

No one cares that Rafaella has gone past her limit.

「There are two possible points?」

「No, we have not seen them in Malt as of yet. This is because of the unmanned region born of the volcanic ash acting as a wall.」

Leopolt’s calm voice is strangely clear.

Celia forcibly pulls Rafaella off my body and takes her outside.

「I knew it had to be here. It has been verified by so many important people here, and even if it’s incorrect, it’s not my fault.」

Tristan concludes lazily.

The marker was placed pretty much in the center of the Dard mountain, between the peak and the midpoint.

The date and time of their supposed appearance is also written.

「Bugs also crawl out of a mountain that spewed fire?」

「It erupted? The bugs can’t withstand lava, but if that’s what caused the mountain to collapse, it’s not impossible.」

Balbano affirms the derived answer.

「Let’s go then.」

I say as I rest the Dual Crater on my shoulder.

My suggestion prompts four people to sigh simultaneously for some reason.

Why? Also, I can hear Celia screaming.

Leopolt opens the window beside me.

「You can see the Dard mountain, right?」


The Dard mountain is the largest mountain in the Central plains excluding the great mountain range.

Although it’s blurry because of how far away it is, it is still relatively visible from here.

「It’s big, right?」

「Quite grand.」

The shape has changed considerably since the fire shot out, but it is still rugged and very magnificent.

I can understand why people superimposed the image of God on the mountain long ago.

Someone heaves a big sigh.

I get it. It’s impossible to walk around the mountain and search for the hole.

Normally, this is where we would deploy scouts, but since they’ll be entering the spawning place of insects, there will be no hope for them once night falls. It’s near impossible for even cavalry to go back and forth within half a day.

「Actually, it’s impossible even if it took three days. Ash has stopped falling from Dard mountain, but the ground is still buried with it. Insects aside, no human or horse will be able to move.」

「In that case, we can’t do reconnaissance. The only option is to charge in after all.」

Leopolt, after pausing unusually for a few seconds, turned to everyone and spoke.

「The operation will be split into three stages. The first stage will be to scout the area to determine the exact location. As it was said just now, it’s impossible for regular scouts, so I will use a special method requiring preparation.」

Leopolt moves on before Erich could ask what the method is.

「The second stage is to hold the line and stop their invasion until our reconnaissance bears fruit.」

Leopolt looks at Erich as he continues.

「I will need a large number of cavalry and replacement soldiers. Lend me your strength here, Lord Radhalde. I will tell you the exact amount later.」

「Disregarding the rudeness of a mere private army staff officer――is there any meaning in reinforcements? The Goldonian army is not infinite. Don’t you think it’s impossible to challenge the swarming insects head-on?」

I’m sure the insect hydra is weighing on Erich’s mind.

If five of those things come, there would surely be nothing we can do even if we had tens of thousands of soldiers and a castle.

「It is not a problem. As long as you provide the specified amount, it is possible to defend even against two or three times the number of enemies.」

Leopolt returns Erich’s sharp gaze with an equally cold one.

I can’t think of a way to fight such great numbers of insects, but if Leopolt says there is a way, then it must be true.

He’s proven time and time ago that he has a solution. I should at least trust him that much.

Erich stares at me.

「He can do it. I guarantee it.」

I reassure him by saying I will take responsibility if he fails.

If the plan fails, we’ll all end up dying anyways so it wouldn’t matter if I take responsibility.

「I see.」

Erich doesn’t say more.

「And then the third stage. We will begin the destruction or blockage operation after identifying the emergence point of the enemy. This will also be a special operation due to the terrain restricting the movement of a large army.」

Despite his air of importance, it doesn’t sound too difficult.

First we search for the opening, endure while we search, and then destroy it.

Pretty simple.

「I guess, but everyone will probably be taken aback when they hear the details. I also did after all.」

Tristan leans back and lets out a “yikes” when Leopolt looks at him.

Don’t tell me what you dislike about it before I ask about the details.

Dingus, while staring at the map, suddenly calls Erich over.

「Military Commissioner. If the location and date is correct, then the insects that have been moving west will......」

Dingus and Erich exchange looks.

As if giving form to their anxiety, the sound of galloping horseshoes come from the distance.

「Message from the west of the main army to the Military Commissioner! The South Yuguria army before us has suddenly fallen apart! We later engaged with a horde of unknown monsters, and, at the discretion of the commander, halted our advance and began to retreat! We ask for the Military Commissioner’s orders urgently――」

Erich bites his lip and addresses Leopolt.

「There is no change in the circumstances. I will arrange for the planned numbers, so begin your operation immediately.」

Leopolt sends a glance at me.

Once I nod, Leopolt declares the start of his plan.

When I exit the room, I find Celia sitting down in tears and Rafaella apologizinging countlessly to her.

Rafaella returns to her spot on my back after noticing me, but doesn’t stop apologizing.

I’ll order for a bath to be drawn for Celia.


I turn around when the voice stops me and see a rather solemn-looking Carla.

「Do you have time to spare? I mean, just come quickly.」

「Hm, right now?」

I have to work out the details of the operation with Leopolt.

「Yes, right now. It’s about Schwartz.」

Carla pushes me.

「Isn’t it fine? The Margrave has the job of charging anyway so knowing the details is not that important――」

I pick up a palm-sized spider crawling on the ground and throw it at Tristan before following Carla.

「Is it finally time for him to pay his dues?」

「It’s not a joke, this might be really bad.」

Protagonist: Aegir Hardlett. 25 years old. Autumn.

Status: Goldonia Kingdom Margrave. Great Feudal Lord of Eastern Area. Mountain Legend.

Friend of the Dwarves. Friend of the King of Aless. Dragon Slayer Hero.

Elf Mediator. Sex King of White City. Mad Demon God. Secret Golden Lager.


Nonna (jostling), Carla (impatient), Mel (taking refuge), Leah (rescue), Pipi (rejoined), Miti (jostling), Maria (jostling), Catherine (escape), Gretel (jostling), Melissa (jostling), Kuu (jostling), Ruu (jostling), Mireille (jostling), Casie (5 head figure), Rita (cooking), Yoguri (playwright), Alice (sleep), Mother: Marceline (consultation), Daughters: Eldest – Stephanie (denied), Second – Bridget (agreed), Youngest – Felicie (either)

Sofia (jostling), Dorothea (in trouble), Claudia (imposing stance), Clara (riding on shoulder), Adela (masturbating)

Celestina (reigning queen), Monica (mama attendant), Benel (coma)


Dingus (eastern army commander), Rinuga (haggard), Rafaella (back parasite)

Celia (contaminated), Myla (commander), Irijina (commander), Luna (commander)

Leopolt (staff officer), Tristan (staff officer), Yakov (emergency sortie), Gido (desperation), Mack (emergency sortie), Christoph (reinstated), Guigue (villain)

Adolph (domestic affairs official), Sebastian (butler), Marta (jostling), Sally (jostling), Maruru (jostling)

Jim (sortie, low morale), Suzy (sortie), Solana (given up), Altair (founder), Remia (victim)


Erich (capital), Ijaris (cooperating), Yularen (cooperating)

Sekrit (preparing for defense), T-99 (preparing for battle), Brynhildr (preparing for battle), Natia (healed), Felteris (vexed)

Piris (insane, house arrest), Baroness Rukino Escaote (jostling), Seika (squeeze)

Busco (promoted), Gildress (training), Visitacion (confined home with child)


Lammy (moving), Alraune (potted plant), Mirumi (hunch), Pochi (entomophobia), Messerschmitt? (sleeping)

Tropical Smooth-scaled Monitor Lizard (arrived), Schwartz (critical condition)


Escort Unit: 43

Infantry: 3000

Cavalry: 400

Archers: 400

Cannoneers: 400

Bow Cavalry: 1000

105 Army Corps: 3700

(war time, weapons are produced as necessary, being deployed)

Cannons: 45, Large Cannons: 23, Dwarven Cannons: 15, Field Artillery: 18, Chariots: 38

Reinforcements / Allied Forces:

Eastern Army: 13 000 ⇒ ???

Mixed Refugee Team: 5800

Elves: Black: 200, White: 200

God Altair’s Army: 2800 (Rafen charity work, inviting)

Teries Fleet: Battleship Suvorov, Battleship Leviathan IV (temporary), Large Combat Ships: 3, Medium Combat Ships: 7 (in repair)


Assets: -75 000 gold

Sexual Partners: 805

Children who have been born: 70 + 567

Current Location: North Kisatto, abandoned fort

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