
Chapter 778 T.D.O.N.B: Picking Classes

The story kinda repeated itself, although in a more bloody way when we went to the cave in the wolves\' territory. I beat the shit out of the werewolf boss. Because of his regenerative powers, I could go with more power behind my punches, than I could go with the crocodile. Bringing him to the brink of death, was obviously easy, and when I achieved it, I pinned him to the ground using \'Telekinesis\' and then pulled my pudao from the vault.

- Come Carmelita - I shouted at my second daughter.

She wasn\'t as thrilled as Leonel was to kill the creature, but still came. She hesitantly took the weapon off my hands. I buffed her with my blessing.

- Just swing as hard as you can - I told her.

She nodded, very nervous, and looked at the exposed neck of the werewolf breathing heavily. She raised the pudao above her head, but couldn\'t bring herself to drag it down in a strike.

- I know it might be a scary thing to do, but you have to remember, that it\'s not a real creature. It\'s just a projection created by the sapling - I told her. - Just strike. If you have to, close your eyes as you do it.

She nodded again, and screaming brought the weapon down. The blade sunk deep into the neck of the beast but didn\'t chop its head off, so the creature didn\'t turn to smoke. She opened her eyes and shaking stepped back, letting go of the handle.

- Do it again - I encouraged her. - Just breathe, grab the pudao, then swing from above. Remember to breathe. It will be all over very soon. I promise.

I knew that behind those words, was goodwill, to make her stronger, and more independent, and yet I still felt terrible. She clearly didn\'t want to do it. She was scared and probably confused too. When the creatures easily were turning to smoke, the effect was different. In her current situation, it looked way more like she was killing something alive for real.

- You can do it! - Leonel yelled.

She looked his way, then grabbed the pudao again, and swing it, finally chopping the head off. The werewolf immediately turned to black smoke, leaving a crystal behind. Carmalita finally smiled.

- See? I told you it wasn\'t real - I said, smiling slightly.

She answered with a similar smile, but behind it, she was still very nervous.

I picked the crystal off the ground, moving quite slowly, and at the same moment turning off the blessings she received, and then I gave her the crystal. She took it off my hands.

- Let\'s go back - I told her, and she nodded.

After that, the family gathered around me, and I shadow walked us to the Petrograd. Straight to our new home, to be precise. From there, like completely nothing has happened, we all went to the city center.

A few people were still there, but most hid inside the houses, to rest. They paid some attention to just, but mostly because of my natural ability to pick anybody\'s interest due to what I\'ve already shown them.

- Go ahead - I encouraged the kids as we reached the immediate vicinity of the device.

Leonel and Carmelita looked at one another. They already had one class picked, so they know how to do it, although the class didn\'t have any fighting capabilities. Of course, we are talking here about the \'Linguist\' class, in which I got them to overcome the language barrier, back in Arc, so they could live in their new home without any issues.

- Go first - my second daughter said to my son, who didn\'t need much more encouragement.

He really didn\'t. Leonel was very eager to put his hand on the pall, and pick something for himself. He probably already had this image in his head of becoming a true hero from the stories. Mostly cartoons on TV, or comic books. I couldn\'t tell at that point exactly, because I didn\'t know his past too much.

- What?! Why does this cost ten points?! - he shouted, pulling his hand back, and immediately glared at me.

I knew exactly where the issue was. He definitely wanted to buy the prestige class he unlocked by killing the boss. It was called "Droagn hearth", and I had it unlocked too, but didn\'t get it as I didn\'t consider the number of class points and regular points in my possession high enough to make a difference anyway.

If anything I was considering getting the crafting classes to make some good equipment for the people, my family, and even myself.

- It\'s a special class. They are usually stronger in a sense because they give you access to very interesting powers. If you want to get it, you will have to save your points, but in your current situation, it will be easier to get a regular class - I told him.

- Which one should I get? - he asked me.

- Which one did you get first? - Carmelita joined the conversation, peeking at me from the side.

- I started with a class that would allow me to heal my injuries - I told them. - Back in my day any injury could be your last. Our device at this point was way weaker than this one, we didn\'t have access to good weapons. As a matter of fact, I fought with a wooden club in the beginning. So I went the safe way. If I could survive, then I could keep hunting, and get stronger. It was a slow approach, but a safe one.

She thought for a moment about my words, then slowly nodded. Meanwhile, Leonel had already bought his first fighting class and stepped back from the sapling.

- Go ahead - he encouraged his sister, moving his hand like he was presenting the device to her.

She approached it, and bout her first \'proper\' class too. As I learned later, it was a \'Hospitaler\' class. The same one I chose for my first one. Although - I think - her reasoning to go for it was to help others, more than increase her own survivability, for that she had me on the watch.

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