
Chapter 512

- So, how do you find our beautiful country? - he started after sitting down.

- It\'s nice I replied. Do you have any idea when we can expect others to arrive? - I asked.

Salem checked his watch.

- First people should arrive very soon. Maybe a few minutes from now. I was just on the phone with my colleagues, and they informed me about the arrival of other hunters. There is a bunch of people from your gate, as well as some from the Hungarian. You asking, because you want to check the competition?

I shrugged my shoulders.

- It\'s not like their faces will tell me how strong they are.... But why not say hi?

He nodded while Vikram still pretended to read. The guy was just unbelievable. It was kinda like he didn\'t give a crap about anything, but there were those moments when he showed how well informed he was about things, and how good he was with handling the bureaucracy. I admired those both parts of his persona.

- I understand. You just want to meet the people who have been in the same situation as you, just in a different place.

- Kinda - I agreed.

The waiter appeared with my glass of vodka, and he immediately asked Salem if he wanted something. The agent just took some coffee.

- I see that you are not shy about alcohol - he said with a smile.

- Peter just doesn\'t give a fuck - said Vikram.

He made the Egyptian a bit confused with the statement, but there was no time to dwell on that as a bunch of familiar faces appeared before our eyes: Ki\'rai, Nil, and Amit alongside Will, Boris, and Nobuo.

They all had their own assistants and were escorted by local agents. They nodded at me, and I rose my glass. Then they passed by, heading to their rooms.

- I guess you were right. The people started to come.

- There should be more soon - he replied to my words. - There were five plains landing when I called, so three more teams should arrive very soon.

- I hope some of them are from Hungary.

- They are, according to what I was told.

I one-shotted my half glass of vodka and rose a hand to call the waiter. The guy noticed, and moved towards us, just as another group of people, clearly hunters, showed themselves.

First was a tall blonde man wearing a white suit, white leather gloves, and glasses.

- That\'s Adam Silvas - said Vikram, hidden behind the newspaper.

I had no idea how he could see anything from behind it.

The famous fire mage was followed by a bald, walking ball of muscle wearing black shorts and a grey tank top. Next to him was a bit leaner guy with an ashy-blonde beard and short hair in the military, khaki pants, and a commando green t-shirt.

- The swollen guy\'s name is Edvard, and the wannabe soldier is Gusztav - continued my assistant.

Salem was just shocked by his boldness. They noticed us, just like we noticed them, and Gusztav even pointed at us with a slight gesture of his head, as he spoke something.

- I guess it\'s time to say hi - I said, just as the waiter managed to reach our table.

- S-sir?

- Another glass of vodka, please - I said, as I started moving towards the hunters with my hands in the pockets.

They stopped since I blocked their path. Assistants behind them, carrying the luggage, looked a bit worried.

- Hi, I\'m Peter - I started.

- Adam - said the leader of their team.

I stopped right in front of him and extended a hand looking him straight in the eyes. He shook it with a confident smile on his face. We had a little stair off before he finally looked behind his shoulder releasing my hand.

- Those are Gusztav and Edvard - he said, pointing at the two with his hand.

I passed by him, to shook their hands as well.

- Nice to meet you guys. I\'m not gonna bother you, but I do hope you will find some time to chat later.

- We definitely can do that - said the mage.

I nodded and walked back to the table, where my glass of vodka was already waiting for me. Salem Ali\'s face showed me that he got pretty nervous with what I just did, and now he felt relieved. Vikram on the other hand still remained hidden behind the newspaper. I one-shotted the drink, and gestured at the waiter, to get me another one, then I sat down, to wait for another team to arrive.

The guy just brought me a full bottle instead of filling my glass. I thanked him with a smile and a nod, then he left to return shortly with the coffee.

In the next few minutes, another team of hunters showed themselves, led by a short woman. Blonde in a plain t-shirt and jeans complementing her hips. Behind her was a taller, dark-haired female in a black hoodie, and shorts. The last person was a young man in his early twenties. White hair, long enough to hide his ears. He was wearing a grey hoodie and shorts of the same color.

- Saara. She is Finnish. Known to use ice magic, healing magic, barriers, and earth magic - explained Vikram. - Behind her you have Milena. She is Czech, very good in close combat. Uses a sword and shield. The last one is Tevye, the most dangerous of the three. He used to live in Greece. Apparently, he can use various types of magic, as well as telepathy. there might be more since he doesn\'t really show his skills, but everybody says he is the second strongest person out there. Are you going to say hi?

- Nah.

Just as I said it the white-haired guy\'s eyes rested on me, and he spoke something, which made the rest look our way. I waved at them with a smile, but they didn\'t wave back.

- Looks like they don\'t like you - said Vikram.

- Shut up.

He sighed behind his newspaper cover.

Just after that group passed by, we had another two. There were three men at the front. The first one was a brunet with a squared jaw, looking tough and wearing a black suit. Next to him a guy in a Hawaiian shirt, short pants, and long curly hair tied up into a ponytail. The last one was redhead, bald but with a beard. Short, wearing simple jeans and some T-shirt.

- The guy in a suit is Alban. Very good in close combat. Next to him, you have Kiril, an archer that can use some magic. The baldy is Oscar. Mainly supporting magic stuff. At least according to my intel - Vikram continued his flexing.

- You studied a lot, didn\'t you? - I asked him, pouring myself more vodka.

He ignored me. Instead, he continued talking about the other people.

The next three hunters were: A skinny guy, with long, straight blonde hair. He looked kinda bored and had oversized clothes on. A tall, buff man in a white shirt unbuttoned enough to show his chest hair. He had black, curly hair, long enough to his shoulders. The last member of their team was the most peculiar one. A short girl, wearing aping bear pajama and holding a pillow.

- The skinny guy is Valentin. Mage. I don\'t really know what he can do, but apparently, he is in the top five of their guys. Lorenzo, the chad, is obviously a physical type. Also pretty good, that\'s why he is so confident. The girl is a summoner, her name is Mai. She apparently is also quite good.

She was the first one to notice us. I waved at her, and she waved back, which led to the other guys noticing. Lorenzo smiled at me. There was something in that smile, that I wanted to wipe that smug out of his face. Valentin on the other hand quickly ignored us.

The whole group passed by. Going to their rooms upstairs. Salem seemed to be a bit relieved since there weren\'t any incidents.

- You didn\'t shake their hands? - asked Vikram, clearly a bit disappointed.

- You wanted me to?

- Yeah. That could intimidate some of them.

- I don\'t think you should strive to intimidate other hunters - the Egyptian agent butted it.

- Why not? The more drama, the better. Isn\'t it what they do in fighting sports? - my assistant didn\'t back down.

- It\'s better to not antagonize others.

- You are no fun, Salem.

- Maybe he is no fun, but he is right. It\'s supposed to be a friendly competition - I said, one-shooting another glass.

Those words made Vikram look at me over the newspaper.

- Pussy - he said, and hid again.

I chewed his words with a smile, poured myself another glass, drunk it, and left them to go to my room. I had enough for a day, and on top of that, there was still plenty of time to meet and talk with the other hunters. Besides, I already saw the strongest of them according to my assistant.

This period of time came to an end with 24 356 220 points remaining on my account, and 21 class points.

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