
Chapter 283

After my usual routine, I filled the only backpack I had now with some provisions, then upgraded the \'Void anchor\' skill six times, reaching its maximal level. Then shadow walked to the ogre cave. The idea was to get some more points and then focus more on putting the anchors close to a bunch of hunting grounds, so I could cover multiple of them at the same time.

This was the golden time for me, as I didn\'t have to share those places with others at all. I only wished that I had some kind of way to transport easily all of those crystals without dragging carts with me because that was annoying.

I started my hunt immediately. Killed the guards, and descended underground. I tried to be as efficient as I could, but that place was kinda random, and because of the complicated tunnels, it was easy to get lost. The \'Eyes of the Void\' skill was an immense help, as not only I could fight in the dark, but also had a decent idea about the tunnel structure around me, which allowed me to at least pick the routes with enemies.

Sixteen hours later, I shadow walked back to the city, to sell my score for 875 000 points. A nice amount for just a day of work.

It was already an early night. The little bit of light given by the setting sun was enough to outline the silhouettes of few people still walking around. As I was about to leave, thanks to the lighting coming out from the interior, I noticed Will, Boris, and Amit, exiting the pub. I went towards them.

- Hi guys.

- Hi Peter - said Will.

- You were drinking without me?

- Yep - said Boris. - We needed to talk some things through.

- Some things?

- Yes. Why are you so curious? - asked Amir, smiling a little bit.

I shrugged my shoulders.

- You are not the usual drinking buddies.

- Amit is going to replace me in the hunting party for a bit. I\'ve been for too long in the wild. I want to spend some more time with my child - explained Boris.

- Rishi is also joining us - said Will. - He is done with producing the equipment for now, so it\'s a good time for him to work on something else. What about you, Peter? You were out for a whole day.

- Hunting. I was planning on getting more crystals, but maybe it would be better if I looked around more, for better spots.

- Well, good luck to you - said Boris, and patted me on the shoulder. - I need to go before Irina gets mad.

Then he left.

- I need to go too. I still have a few things to take care of - said Amit, and he also left.

- Just you and me now. Want to grab a beer? - proposed Will.

- Sure.

We bot went to the pub. It was late, so there was plenty of people inside. The fire from the lamps was setting up the mood nicely, just like the laughs and lively conversations of the customers. Fortunately, we found a table for ourselves. Will immediately went to get us some drinks.

- So... What\'s bothering you? - I asked him, as soon as he returned.

- A little bit of everything - he said with a slight smile while putting the mugs on the table, then he sat down on the other side.

- Oh, come on. Just say it.

He sighed.

- The possibility of going back to earth is hunting me lately - he said and looked me straight in the eyes.

I nodded, knowing very well what he meant.

- If we work hard enough, I\'m sure we can achieve that soon.

- I know, but soon is not really a date. I wish we knew if in a year, or maybe two it would be possible...

I grabbed my beer and took a big sip.

- I\'ll do my best to make it happen as soon as possible. To be honest I would also want to go back. We are not losers anymore. I want to know how it feels to be a winner, you know, out there, back on earth. Maybe it\'s silly, but I always wanted to have a sports car.

Will smiled widely.

- Me too. I always wanted a villa and a private plane, but right now I want to see my kid the most. Just... If you need anything, tell me.

- Look, Will... I can\'t promise you anything, because I don\'t know what is going to happen. This past half a year was crazy, and it\'s becoming even crazier. I can\'t predict anything, but I\'m sure we will find a way. Be patient.

He nodded and smiled at me again, but this time it was a sad smile. I understood him very well. He was so close to fixing probably the worst mistake of his life. I myself was overwhelmed when I was about to pass through that portal, back in the Xuvi lab. The emotions I could feel back then, the excitement.

I wanted him to feel that too. I wanted him to reunite with his family, but I also knew that rushing and charging into the unknown was stupid, and pointless. Right now I needed to prepare myself for the possible upcoming conflict with Xuvi.

- I know. I\'m well aware that charging mindlessly ahead won\'t lead to anything good, but... You know...

- Yeah, I know. Let\'s drink, and change subject to less depressing, shall we?

He chuckled.

- Sure.

We drank through half of the night talking about everything. About hunting, women, our friends, and the future. I went into a whole long ass discussion with him about classes and the combinations. He had this crazy idea of becoming a proper knight. He even wanted to figure out a way to get himself a horse, so I suggested the summoner class.

I was very tired when we finally parted ways, but also very happy, and motivated. Something that I started to lack those days. When there was no immediate threat there was also no urge to go out there and farm more crystals.

The day came to an end with 23 441 010 points remaining on my account.

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