
Chapter 252

I went deeper into the chamber, ignoring the beast growing in size not too far away from me, heading to the side, so the fight wouldn\'t block the entrance. With one short peek behind I confirmed my guesses, they all piled up there, watching one over another. Like kids glued to a TV screen when their favorite show is on.

Werewolf transformed fully and leaped at me growling, swinging his long limbs. I just shadow walked further, and he missed, landing heavily on the ground. Snarling furiously. He immediately charged at me, but I calmly shadow walked again, a bit further, aiming at the opposite side of the chamber to the door.

He followed me, swinging his claws, jumping and running, tatting angrier with every single miss. When I reached the right spot and could see my hunting team entering, and also the werewolf leaping to get me, I decided to finally start the fight properly. I activated all my skills and dodged with a simple side jump. With lightning reflexes I grabbed his leg and teared him up, to smack on the wall like a ragdoll.

The impact was heavy and nasty, but that was not the end. I then smacked him again, this time on the floor, and repeated the move few times. He tried to plow my face os with his claws, but the force of my every swing wouldn\'t simply allow him to reach.

The bones were breaking, and blood started to pour out of his mouth, eyes, and snot. I finally dropped him, when his moves became dull. He needed time to regenerate. I used that time to get closer to his head, stick my pudao in the ground, and using just the brutal force of my hands, reap the beast\'s head off.

It wasn\'t easy, and I had to dig my fingers deep into the werewolf\'s flesh, while also brace my foot against his shoulder, but it eventually worked out, and he turned to smoke, leaving the crystal behind.

I looked at people close to the entrance. They were shocked, some even scared. I turned my powers off, picked the stone and my weapon, and started walking towards them like nothing happened.

- Fucking monster - mumbled Amit.

I winked at him.

- Holy shit! That was... Terrifying - said Bård. - Why did you do that? Couldn\'t you just... You know, kill that thing?

I shrugged my shoulders. I really didn\'t know why I did it, to show off? To make them scared of me? If that was the case, it for sure worked. They were scared. At least most of them.

- Here- I said to Amit, and gave him the crystal, he put it in his backpack.

- Did you do the same to the orc? - Eshe asked me.

- No, but I broke his jaw. Chopped his legs off... - I was about to say more, but I caught myself before the words escaped my mouth.

I couldn\'t indicate that I killed him more than once so openly. Soon - I thought to myself - When I will know what Xuvi are about, then I\'ll tell everything.

- You are sick - she said. - Can\'t you just kill them normally?

- That\'s exactly the problem. I couldn\'t kill that bastard normally. I had to work on his leg to immobilize him, and then I on the other to completely block his movement. Then on the arms, so he wouldn\'t break my spine, and finally, I could punch him, as I always wanted.

She smiled.

- I get the punch, and I guess you are right. From what I heard that thing was a complete monster.

I just nodded.

We started to slowly make our way back. They just bombarded me with questions about my skills and classes. I answered a few, explaining how some of the skills work, but I still kept a lot to myself. There was no reason for them to know everything about me.

We reached the city center by evening, and they sold their score. I wanted to go to the bathhouse and relax a bit, but suddenly Eshe invited me to the bub, with a bunch of other people. They just wanted to talk more.

For some of them, I clearly was like some kind of celebrity.

I agreed and got few rounds of free beer. I had to tell my story from the beginning though. Explain how everything started, how I found the motivation to hunt, how I dealt with Nacho, then Blitzkrieg About Zhang Yong, and the first war.

Many of them were really curious to hear about Uhm\'s, so I told that story too, but then they bombarded me with even more questions about them. Questions I couldn\'t answer. I had no idea about the culture of those alien humanoids.

All I could do was tell them the story of how it all began. The story Ole told me so long ago in the canyon.

After the drinking came to an end, and I finally went to take a bath. It took me way longer than it should because I just kept lying in the hot water until my skin got all wrinkly. Then I went to the cafeteria, for a nice warm meal. They made spaghetti. A freaking spaghetti.

I was looking at a plate full of pasta, with red sauce on top of it, smiling, like a crazy person. I wanted to laugh. It felt so surreal to have food like that here. I devoured it and tried to get more, but they refused.

A bit sad I returned to my room, thinking about the day. I really needed to keep my mouth shut. It was too damn easy to tell something I wouldn\'t be able to explain later. I almost did several times. The hunting was way easier when I had only Ki\'rei to talk with. Here I became too chatty, probably because of all the separation from people.

The day came to an end with 92 938 705 points remaining on my account, and eighty-three class points.

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