
Chapter 104

I woke up late, mainly because I was too lazy to just get out of bed. I kept trying to make myself sleep a bit longer. This was one of those rare days I could just completely waste. Well, maybe except for two rather casual meetings. One with Will, the other with Nadia. I had to fight with my own body used to getting so damn early.

When I finally got outside, I was greeted by an unexpected view. I bet you would never, just as I, predict something like would happen. In the middle of a road, sitting on a chair, with his legs crossed was nobody else than Blue.

- Finally, you got up. You sure took your sweet time. Do you know that sleeping too much is bad for your health? - he said with a smile on his face.

- What do you want?

- Just a bit of your time. I know we had our differences, but I believe we should put them behind us. Clear the air as they say - he changed his position a bit, leaned forward, spreading his legs, and resting both elbows on his knees.

Then he made a pyramid with his fingers, touching the lower lip slightly with both forefingers.

- I have nothing to clear with you. You should be thankful you are still alive. You might not believe it, but that\'s something you owe Hatta and his sense of justice.

- Oh, I know. Trust me. I am very well aware.

- Let\'s be real Blue. We have nothing to talk about. Bother me again, and you might get yourself killed.

He laughed.

- Why the aggression, Peter? I took you for a civilized, reasonable person. Was I wrong in my assumptions?

- I don\'t give a shit what you thought or are thinking about me. You are a liar, murderer, and a scumbag. They should hang you.

- Have you ever heard of infinite prisoner\'s dilemma?

- What? Just cut your bullshit Blue. This is my day off, and I\'m gonna enjoy it, even if I have to beat your ass up. So better grab that chair and go.

I was getting angrier with every minute. It was so bad, that I started to think about how fast I can grab my Pudao, and even wondered if I could somehow explain myself to Hatta and others if Blue would be suddenly found dead.

- Let\'s say there are two completely rational individuals. For example both of us. We might choose not to cooperate even if it would benefit both of us. That\'s what we did in the past. We focused on what we personally wanted, ignoring the other, and lost in the grand scheme of things. I won at first. Then you won, and after I won again, to lose in our fourth clash. So how about we draw some conclusions and start to cooperate, hm?

I laughed to his face.

- How about no?

- Peter. Be reasonable here. We are, as a community, facing something very big right now. I believe we should put the past behind, and...

I just started walking, ignoring what he had to say. For me, it was plainly obvious that\'s just another scheme. He was cut off the boss points and tried to fish for a way out.

- Peter? Peter?!

I didn\'t even bother to answer him. He didn\'t try to chase me. I wasn\'t deluding myself. It was not the end of this situation. He for sure would either drop the idea to try something else or change the angle of his current plan. Time was to show. I was sure of one thing. The cooperation could only happen if he would admit every single wrongdoing of his and accepted whatever punishment was imposed on him.

I headed to the city center and bought new clothes. This time something a bit different. Gray sweatpants, and a simple, black T-shirt. Nothing fancy. I just needed to have something to wear after shower.

The stuff I was wearing was only good for a garbage bin. Ripped, and cut in multiple spots. Dirty and stinky.

Then I went to Wuxia\'s baths, to clean up. It was not like it used to beck when the organization had so much more influence and members, but still functioning. People knew who I was, so there were no problems with me going in. Although the water was cold, and I got just a little bit of soap. I made a mental note to donate some crystals to the bathhouse.

Fresh, and wearing clean clothes, I went to visit Will. He probably expected me to show up because was already waiting in his room. Sitting on the couch, and staring into the air with an open bottle of beer at the table in front of him.

- Morning sleeping beauty - he greeted me.

- Morning you ugly bastard.

He chuckled.

- Why so offensive this early in the morning, huh? Did somebody stomp on your toe?

- Yeah. Guess who, though - I said, slowly getting inside, and closing the door behind me.

- Nadia? No, Nadia wouldn\'t piss you off. Aisha? No? Hmm... I have no idea.

- Blue.

Will just burst into a laugh.

- Seriously?

- Yes.

- What did he want.

- With him, it\'s hard to tell. He started to talk about cooperation, but it\'s obviously just bullshit.

- He wants some kind of compromise?

- I don\'t know. I ignored him halfway thru his lies.

- Well... Maybe you shouldn\'t?

- What? Why?

He stood up.

- Have a sit - he said, also inviting me with a gesture. - Let the old professor William give you a lecture.

I shook my head but sat on the couch.

- Good lies are built on truth. So sometimes when somebody is bullshitting you, it\'s worth listening and fish for the parts that are not a lie. You know the guy somewhat. You could at least attempt.

- I know what he wants. We are cutting him off the class points. How many times did you guys allow him to kill the goblin boss?

- Once.

- See? This, or it was just a performance so I would thought this way. My point here is, we will never cooperate because we both want opposite things. He wants to rule over everybody, I want us all to stay free. I\'m not gonna feed a tyrant. Ever.

- I get it. I get it. Just... relax. Now we know he is either desperate or trying to hide his triumph card. Which in this case would be a different spot to acquire class points. This means he could be hunting rats. We should ask Hatta if his men saw Blue around the nest, and also take over this spot. Now I\'m only assisting in the goblin boss hunting. They won\'t let me kill it anymore.

- Actually, my plan from the beginning was to get you plenty of crystals, so you will be able to kill that rat, and move there. But we will need somebody to keep spawning it for you. By the way, how many class points did you get?

- Five. Hatta tried to push for more, but nobody else agreed, and about that \'somebody\'. We are really thinking alike because I made some preparations already. I have a guy.

He was very proud of himself. Even did a little triumphant pose. I shook my head in disbelief.

- Five will be enough. Who\'s the guy?

- Remember that naked dude you gave crystals to?

- Seriously? - I grabbed my own head. - Couldn\'t you ask Vesa or somebody we both know? What the heck you even promised him for the help?

- Just some crystals. Not that much.

- Ok. I need to talk with him. Let\'s do it later today, and now we should pay Hatta a visit.

- He is in the goblin cave with others.

- Then I\'m going to Nadia. I\'ll be in Velvet Lotus if you need me, or around.

He sighed.

- Love...

I got up and left. I didn\'t immediately head to Aisha\'s place. Instead, I made it to the device. With plenty of unspent points, and approaching rat hunt, there was no reason not to grab few upgrades. Especially with potentially upset Blue roaming around.

I just couldn\'t get over that guy. My brain was going nuts in the background, trying to solve the riddle of what is he really planing.

I touched the device and dumped 900 500 points in upgrading my strength 200 times. Energy surge and pain twisting my limbs, forcing muscles to twitch, knocked me on my ass. My body was changing. My body was getting stronger, again.

It was a big upgrade, leaving me with only 366 271 still on my account. Too little to keep going, but still a lot. Then I started to head, finally, to Velvet Lotus. But I only made few steps before a single thought made me stop.

What if now Blue will start targeting Nadia? Our relationship, while still young, awkward, and undefined, was a weakness. If he was ever to find out, there was absolutely no possibility of him not trying to use such a triumph card.. I needed a solution.

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