
Chapter 302 Attack!

"Stop being so loud! The Queen is right there! I also missed you, my Queen," Tigra said, crawled onto my shoulders, and rubbed her body on the side of my face. The other two got comfortable as the girls were all watching me with amusement.

Once everyone was on board, we all headed for the bridge, where Rai Cait, Shiva, Davo, and Kiliada were all waiting for us, standing at attention. It was finally time to get this show on the road!

"Everyone to your stations! Everyone knows what you are doing and what your job is. The first Wasp Nest that we are going to hit is just over an hour away, and we are going to hit them in three fazes! All the Drones have been upgraded and equipt to stun and capture. These are creatures being forced to do this by the W1 Virus, and I need to get to the Queen. The first phase will be Project Night, and Davo and Kiliada are in charge of that. After we take the light away, Tagsig will come in to disable the army in phase two," I explained to everyone and then waited for Tagsig to explain further.

"We will be using a large-scale vocal attack that will stop them and knock them out of the air. We can continue doing that, but you are only going to have about 45 minutes to get to the Queen, then everything is up you you, our most excellent Queen," Tagsig explained.

"You can do this, Ashia. We all Bee-lieve in you," Rai Cait said with a smile, and I smiled back.

"Thank you, but there is still the final phase. The ten of us are going to have to fly in, but I need every splitting off into partners and minimum damage, please! I will be working with DQ Bee, so I need you all to pair off, and the first to locate the Queen will send me their location. Timing is very important because we are going to be going into a maze from what mapping we were able to get from the Sky Folk on this nest," I explained, and everyone nodded.

"Now let\'s get to our stations because we are about to do this for real," I said as the girls and I walked over and got in a hug. "Oh, one more thing." They all look at me. "I Bee-lieve in you all as well!" We then pulled away from each other, with Xani crying tears of joy and Miku giggling like mad while hugging everyone around her waist as they could reach her shorter self. Miasma just stared at me with so much love that it almost melted my heart right there on the spot before she picked me up into a bear hug that a lighter version of herself could not do without falling over first since she was top-heavy still.

"I Bee-lieve in you too, Ashia," Miasma said as she kissed my neck and set me down on the floor.

I then got a mischievous grin on my face as I looked at everyone around me. "Now let\'s go kick some W1 Virus butt!"


The Super Otter Bee Mega Cat Battleship Mk II, or SOBMCB for short, slowly approached a mountain that was covered in a grey shell. Below, thousands of Wasp Drones started to stir, but as they did, thousands of small ships poured from the SOBMCB and flew high into the sky.

Each of the little ships started to expand as they rose and connected together, slowly blocking out the sun in a massive area; the higher it rose, the large area forced into the darkness grew until all light was blotted out. The Drones on the ground began to get agitated as they couldn\'t see anything.

Suddenly, a loud screeching noise filled the air as Tagsig flew over the mountain and dive-bombed into the mass of Drones below. Its mouth started to glow, and then Tagsig let out an earth-shattering scream that caused all the drones to fall back to the ground, paralyzed.

The Drones writhed on the ground, trying to get away as Tagsig flew over them, spraying them with a thick honey-like substance. The Drones were soon covered in it, and then Tagsig flew up into the air and joined back up with the SOBMCB. The honey had been a last-minute idea of Beezli, who had called the idea in from her station with Pelleta in the now-dubbed Hive City.

"Now!" I yelled into the com-link, and all ten of us started our dive toward the mountain. We all hit the entrance to what looked like a maze that had been carved out by the water at some point long ago but never finished drying out.

All my girls quickly got ready to disperse throughout sections as each team picked their separate ways looking to for signs of where this Queen might be located in this vast place. The Queen watched as each of the paired off and headed out.

"Come on, Rixie!" Miku called from her HydroBee, and she nodded her blacked-out ShinoBee as the two blasted away in laughter.

"Miasma, you are with me!" Messia called in her CharBee, but Miasma grabbed her with her crackling TeslaBee.

"Let be the first to find the Queen!" Miasma cackled, and then there was only an afterimage left from them leaving.

"Ready to go?" Serria asked in her NekoBee, and Xani nodded, holding her big rifle with her TerraBee as the to flying off.

"This thing is still weird, but it is part of me, and when I touch myself, I can actually feel my metal body!" Sakura said in her Demon NekoBee, but Helaina grabbed her and dragged her away in her Lightning Longshot Bee.

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