
Chapter 295 More Beautiful In Person

"I am with you, my Queen," Hilda called out as she appeared beside me as I descended into the atmosphere. I was already locked on to the gigantic Sky Turtle that held one of the Sky Folk\'s most main and central cities and all of their higher-ups that controlled everything.

It was time to pick up where we left off!

"Are you ready to confront your people?" I asked as the heat of re-entry warmed my body, even though I looked like a meteor descending to Kadeon.

"I have been ready for a while, my Queen, but I don\'t think that they will believe that I am me, looking like this," Hilda explained as she did a barrel roll in her boxy bee form.

"Don\'t worry about that. I was able to download some of your old images from the Sky Folks computer, and I am uploading them to you right now. When you appear, you can take your old form. As long as no one touches you, it will be fine, but even if they do, you are just there to tell them how you feel. I will be the one laying down some rules after my people are free. Either that or I will start taking their cities out of the air one at a time with the Divinity Spike that they let Brand build," I explained.

"You know that Brand forced many people to do his bidding, right?" Hilda asked, but I shook my metal head as I descended.

"No, he now used people, but he was a war hero before, and that was because he was using the Wasp Folk. These people let him get to this point, so in my opinion, they are all at fault. I will give them a choice. Work with me or against, but I think that my entrance right now will make them more likely to work with us," I explained, and Hilda bobbed.

"I trust you, and I know you won\'t kill people if you don\'t have to," Hilda said, and I laughed.

"That wouldn\'t Bee most excellent of me, and then my royal guards might start giving me strange looks," I giggled, and Hilda buzzed around happily as we stopped over what seemed to be a parliamentary building. I did a quick scan of the building, and it was full of people that were clearly in a meeting. Perfect.

I targeted the biggest open area inside the building and then blinked inside.

Instantly, everyone started to scream and freak out as all the guards that ringed the top of the inside of the building leveled their weapons at me. I smiled, and DQ Bee locked on to the 356 people and guards that were in the building, and then sections of my body opened up to reveal small guns with lasers on them. I closed my eyes and dropped out of sync with DQ Bee.

"Ashia?!" Both Helaina and Sakura said at once as I opened my eyes. They both looked distressed, but they had been stuck in here the entire time, and I was kind of ignoring them while I fought because, you know, needing to concentrate and all.

"Sorry, girls, for worrying you," I said and kissed them both, but then lifted up all up with my magic as DQ Bee\'s chest opened. "Now, I need you two to come and stand quietly while I deal with these. Please just let me talk."

I looked, and both girls and Sakura nodded, but I could see the look on Helaina\'s face. These people had hunted her kind, but I planned on dealing with that as well.

"I will hold my tongue," Helaina said finally, and I nodded as we floated down to the silent room. No one was talking, but people tended to stop talking when a gun was put in their faces. I didn\'t really like doing things this way, but these sky people had pushed me too far. I was done playing nice.

"I let you people live because I thought that you might change, but it seems like things have gotten worse since I left," I said, looking at all the frightened faces. "Let me explain something to all of you right now."

I used my magic to make sure that everyone in the room could hear and see me as I started to speak.

"My name is Ashia, and until recently, I was a happy wife and Queen living on a ship called The Flying Hive Fortress with my wives and subjects that I consider my family. We were peaceful until your people came along and stole my home, captured my family, and then tried to kill some of them. I was also forced to the other side of the world and had to fight my way back here, but now I am here, and we are going to pick up where we left off," I said, but the room stayed silent. "DQ Bee, take the targets off the Speaker."

The massive Epic Bee removed the target from the Speaker that I had talked to last time, but I put up a finger and then twirled it in the air a few times. I used Nectargy and created a cloud that built up and lifted up to the roof before starting to rain down BeeBliss Serum.

There were cries of shock, but I also heard many sighs of relief. Trent had infected some of these people, and there was no way just to know how deep it went. Still, these people were the main voices of the Sky Folk, and cleaning them up was a step in the right direction.

"Now, you may speak, but know that I am not here to make deals. I also brought someone that is not very impressed with you that has followed me and been one of my closest friends," I said and gestured to the side where The Sky Eel Goddess, Hilda, appeared in a puff of smoke.

This was my first time actually seeing Hilda in a body, but I had recently seen a picture, but the real thing was so much more beautiful.

Hilda was a beautiful and graceful woman of average height with silvery-white hair that she wore in a braid down her back and long, snake-like eyes. She had greenish skin, and it had a grayish tone to it, but that didn\'t make her look any less radiant. Her mouth was full and pink, but she had no eyebrows or lashes to speak of. Even though there were near human enough for me to see their sexual appeal right away, they weren\'t truly human at all, which only made me want them more.

"I am glad to finally meet you like this, Ashia," Hilda said as she glided over gracefully before hugging me tightly around my neck, kissing both sides of my cheeks firmly, leaving small smooches there before stepping back. She looked up admiringly at DQ Bee, who was four times our size, even standing next to her, but I was just stunned by the fact that she was solid.

Hilda\'s voice wasn\'t exactly sultry, but it held an edge of femininity to it that turned your knees weak if you stared into those bright-slitted blue irises too long. I found myself strangely attracted to this gorgeous creature in a delicate Grecian-style dress wrapped snugly around a slim waist flowing down past her perfect ass, stopping mid-thigh.

"Erhm," Sakura said, clearing her throat and making me blink in surprise as Hilda looked back at me with a knowing smile that suddenly made me feel flustered. This was not the time or place!

"Yes, sorry about that. Umm, Hilda, do you want to say something to your people?" I asked with a bit of embarrassment, slightly stepping back and behind Hilda, who reached back to take one of my hands. I really wasn\'t sure what was wrong with me, but I really needed to stop acting like I was a teenager, right now!

"My Queen is right, and I do have something to say to all of you, but before that. I am sure that you all think that this is a trick, so I will prove that I am who Ashia claims me to Bee," Helaina said, and then pointed a finger to the Man that was sitting at the topmost seat in front of us. "Halcon, you are the leader, but when you were younger, you made a mistake, and people almost died because of it. Only you and I know what that mistake was or that it even happened."

"Woah, woah, woah!" The Sky Eel called, standing up with his hands out. "There is no way that anyone but you could know that, but let\'s keep it that way! Still, one this is hardly proof, and telling stories is-"

"Don\'t. Do not try to waste my time any more than you already have. This is Hilda, and she is one of my subjects, but firstly my friend. To say you do not believe her is to say you do not believe me because I fully trust her," I warned, and Halcon nodded.

"I see; well, what happens now? We no longer have your people. In fact, they just escaped as you arrived," Halcon explained, but I shook my head. I already knew that as well.

"No, I am here to set things straight. I will be taking over dealing with the Wasps and the Swarm War. Any ships that are attacking them are to Bee called back, and I will be dealing with them," I explained as I stepped from behind Hilda and walked over to Helaina, taking her hand to stand beside me. "This is Helaina. She is not only a Queen to Wasp Folk but also my wife. She is no longer infected with the W1 Virus and now will not swarm. I will be curing the other three queens as well. Starting today, you will no longer ask for tribute. Hilda was the one that rose to become Goddess, not you all."

There was a slight commotion, even with DQ Bee still targeting everyone, but they quieted down as I lifted myself and the girls into the air and back up to the cockpit of DQ Bee. I set the girls inside, but then I floated forward so everyone could see me.

"Do not make me return again unless it is to come to visit one of your beautiful cities. I do not want to have to make enemies out of the Sky Folk, but Cross me again, and it will be your last time," I said, and then floated back inside DQ Bee\'s cockpit that closed, and we blinked out of the building. "Take us home!"

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