
Chapter 155 Stirring Of The Hive

[Hive Task] Activated!

[Born As Thick As Rocks]: Stop the Trolls from taking Sugabees Glass Flower Nectar. Complete!

[Reward]: Hexpansion!

[Would you like to activate this reward?] Yes/No?

No. I needed to wait, but I would have Serria with me when I did activate it. She would need to be there for Pelleta when I did activated the final task.

"Thank you. Now, how are you feeling?" I asked, walking up to the end of the bed she was lying on.

"Better than I could have ever imagined, but," The Queen said and stopped talking.

I could feel everyone\'s nerves go on edge as Mordiraine got up in the bed and moved around to bow down with her head on the bed. The tension in the room lightened a little bit, but I could still tell that everyone was still ready to pounce at a moment\'s notice.

"I am so sorry for the way I treated you; that was not me. I would also like to ask that you take it easy on the ones that saved my people; I know that they are you people and your choice, but they have saved almost all that is left of the Hive. If what he said was true, and they go fifteen hundred, then there are less than three hundred left in the Hive now," Mordiraine said, and that made me smile a bit, but I was already more than fair with my punishment.

"Thank you, and that Is very good to hear that we collected most of your people, but now what, where will you go? Do not misunderstand me; I am not just going to kick you out, but I will give you options. You can stay with me, but you would no longer be considered a Queen, nor will you children, and I will take you all as my subjects. Or I can take you somewhere and drop you off, and you can start again somewhere," I said, but Mordiraine kept her head down.

"I wish for you to take the SugaBees as your Subjects, and I submit to you as my Queen," Mordiraine said, and then she and the five eggs burst with light!

I was surprised that it had also affected the eggs, and now they were hatching as well. The light cleared, and I looked down at the once Queen, and her transparent dress had become white, and there were the golden hex lines wrapping the bottom of her dress.

I Scanned her right away so I could see what her Class was going to be and was very surprised to see what showed up.


[Class]: Royal Worker Mother: Royal Worker Mother is an aid to the Queen, but she is also in charge of the reproduction of Worker SugaBees.

[Unique Class Traits]:

[Royal Worker Mother]: Responsible for Birthing Worker SugaBee children.

[Bee Mother]: Responsible for caring for and raising children.

[Status]: Thankful (HP N/A)


[Bee Caring](Passive): Increase the effectiveness of tasks done to take care of Royal Subjects by 50%.

[Gene Bee Borrower]: Activate to receive up to 5 Genes that you can implement during the Planting process.

[Planting]: Activate to insert a fertilized egg into the Birthing Cell.

[SugaBee] (Gene) Acquired!

"Well, this is very interesting. I hope that you don\'t mind making more workers," I said, a bit hesitant, but the comment made Mordiraine lift her head finally with a smile as she looked over her new body and dress.

"No, I don\'t mind at all; I mean, that is my job anyway, so nothing much has changed except for the amount of responsibility I don\'t have to worry about now," Mordiraine said with a smile and I rolled my eyes.

"Yes, now I have the extra," I said with a laugh, and Mordiraine smiled brighter.

"I am an assistant to you as well, so I will help to make sure that we help, not add you to your stress level, my Queen," Mordiraine said as she sat back down in the bed, but then she noticed the five girls standing beside the bed looking confused.

I had also forgotten about them, and now my wives were finally coming alive again after everyone\'s long silence. Serria was the first to come over to me with a smile and to one of my hands right away, and my body relaxed.

"Mother?" one of the girls asked, but it was tough to tell them apart,

They all had green hair and white dresses like Mordiraine, but none of them had any distinguishing features. Then another one talked, but she sounded completely different.

"What happened? Where are we?" A Sugabee girl with a husky voice asked Mordirane.

"We were rescued, but now it is safe for you to all come out and be with me," Mordiraine said, and Serria came close to my ear and whispered to me.

"The Queen has been preventing the girls from being able to hatch but secretly spreading the special nectar that they use for building over the eggs. She was keeping the children from hatching so they couldn\'t be infected. I am shocked with the Class that she received; from what she had told me, the Tellariders prevent the host from being able to have more children by making them permanently barren," Serria said to me in a whisper.

That was why she was so fixated on keeping them from the Tellariders, but now Mordiraine and her children were safe. Possibly in the future, her children could be sent out to start new hives, but that wasn\'t something that I was concerned about right now.

"Alright, I would like to go over some scans for your girls, and then I will," I started to say, but then the door beside me slid open, and someone was stopped as I turned around to see who it was.

"They are all awake! All fifteen hundred SugaBees and they are scared and confused! Help!" A panicked-looking Ferret Clinic worker asked in a rush, and I took a big long deep breath in and held it.

I let the breath go and shook my head, turning back to Mordiraine and her Five confused-looking daughters. This was the blind leading the blind, but I would need her help to get everyone settled down, but first, I turned to Messia.

"Please take the girls and get started working on things that we will need and things that we can do now before I talked to Beezli," I said, and Messia and the rest of the women, but as Serria left; I held her hand to keep her from leaving.

Something told me that I was going to need her calming touch.

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