
Chapter 42 - Poker (5)


*Half an Hour Ago*

"Let\'s make this more interesting, shall we?" Kibum smirked. He had won 2 out of the 4 hands and there was only one more round left. He had hoped that the hooker would be an interesting opponent but she only won one round and folded the rest. Her mind was still unreadable but he was getting increasingly cocky and he was sure that he would win.

"Whoever wins the last round, gets my casino," he declared. The men rejoiced at his announcement while Sunye raised an eyebrow.

"That\'s a big stake," Maurice pointed out.

"I\'m gonne win this!" Jason claimed.

"You didn\'t even win one match!" Dozier scoffed.

"Ya\'ll are embarrassing!" Kyuhyun scoffed. "I\'m gonna win the casino!"

Sunye resisted the urge to roll her eyes but said nothing. She had been observing the men around her and she knew very well that none of them had it in them to win against Kibum. The mafioso was a professional player and would not back down easily. She could have won at least another round against him but she folded on purpose to gauge her opponent.

And she had enough information on him by now.

The door opened and a server walked in. He placed their drinks in front of them. Sunye had ordered an orange margarita while the others were drinking wine or beer. Kibum watched as she took a sip from her glass.

"Shall we begin?" Maurice asked. Everyone nodded their heads in agreement.

Maurice shuffled the cards and dealt them to each player. Sunye glanced at hers before putting on her unfathomable expression again. Kibum did not react either upon seeing his cards but merely shrugged. The others looked a little more confident as they began to call.

"Call," Jason said.

"Raise," Kibum stated.

"Fold," Kyuhyun sighed.

"Call," Dozier said.

"Raise," Sunye announced.

Kibum was smirking. The bitch decided to raise huh?

Maurice upturned two cards. It was a Jack of Hearts and an Ace of hearts.

Seeing the cards made the players a little nervous. They would need a really high tier in order to win the casino and all the players except Kibum were not so confident. Sunye glanced from her own cards to the ones on the table.

Just one card, she prayed. I just need one card.

Meanwhile, Kibum was seeing the cracks in her expression. It was obvious that she had a lower hand than his and she was praying for a miracle. Too bad miracles did not work in Poker.

"Fold," Jason sighed.

"Call," Kibum said.

"Fold," Dozier echoed.

"Raise," Sunye said.

They placed their chips in the middle of the table. The tension was increasing and the air was heavy as the two players faced off against each other. Kibum glared at the woman who was looking right back at him, not flinching at all. They were eyeing each other like prey and were ready to attack.

"Check," Kibum demanded. Maurice turned one card and it was a 10 of spades.

"Check," Sunye said in a cool tone. Maurice put another card on the table. It was a 10 of Hearts.

"All in," Kibum smirked. To his slight shock, Sunye also smiled.

"All in," she repeated after him. Kibum gritted a little and put down his cards. He had a pair of 10\'s. Sunye\'s face fell in horror upon seeing his cards, making him feel triumphant. He had won.

"Four of a kind!" he declared. "I won, Ms. Hooker."

Grinning widely, he was about to take the chips when Sunye reached out to stop him. She was now looking at him with her steely eyes and she threw her cards on the table.

It was a King of Hearts and a Queen of Hearts.

"Royal Flush," she declared. "I won."

The entire table was in chaos. A puny woman won against the great mafia lord?

"She cheated!" Dozier accused.

"She\'s a fraud!" Jason claimed. All the men were outraged that they were beaten by some random hooker. Sunye did not think they were going to let her win that easily. Poker was a game of luck and unfortunately for them, she had plenty of luck in that department since she was a national level poker player during her college years. It was the only reason SD brought her there to distract them while he was off doing whatever he was doing.

"I\'m thrilled that you guys are so happy," she said in a sarcastic tone. "But I have no interest in the casino. You guys can have it. I just wanted to beat you in your turf-"

A sudden spell of dizziness gripped her. Sunye blinked several times as the world around her began to spin wildly, making her feel suffocated. Her breath was getting heavier and black spots began to appear in her vision. What was going on?

Trembling, she looked up at Kibum who was grinning in an evil manner.

"You really thought that we\'re gonna let you have fun beating us?" he smirked. "If you could have your fun, then I should have mine. Right, Ms. Hooker?"

Sunye wanted to claw his eyes out but her body was swaying. The guy must have had someone mix something in her drink. She tried to keep her consciousness but the medicine he mixed in her drink was too strong. No doubt it was a sleeping pill.

"Scared?" Kibum taunted her.

"No…" she managed to gasp. "I pity you…"

Before Kibum could demand what she meant, Sunye fell on the floor, unconscious.

"Looks like you found your muse for tonight, Kibum," Dozier said. "Can we also have our fun with her?"

"No!" Kibum exclaimed. "I\'m gonna torture this hoe all night for daring to challenge me! You can have her tomorrow!"

With that, he picked up the unconscious woman and darted out of the game room. No one batted an eye upon seeing him carrying a woman upstairs. It was a common occurrence there and no one cared what happened to her.

Kibum opened his personal suite room which was designed for his nocturnal activities. The large room had a king sized bed along with a walk-in closet with his toys. There was a slight stench of sewage in the room but Kibum was so engrossed in thinking of the ways he was going to have his way with the hooker that night, that he did not care for the smell. Hookers could do it in the drain if they wanted to.

Placing Sunye on the bed, he took in her lustful body which was giving him a hard on.

"Imma show you a good time tonight, darling," he grinned as he began to strip off his clothes. "This will teach you to not mess with me!"

He was in his boxers and was stooping down to strip off Sunye\'s clothes. His hand almost reached her shirt, eager to see the treasures she was hiding…

Suddenly, the closet burst open and before Kibum could even look up, someone grabbed his mouth from behind. He tried to scream but the hand holding him was too strong and he felt a sharp jab on his neck.

"Mmph!" His voice was muffled under the pain and a burning sensation coursed through his nerves. His limbs were shutting down and no matter how much he tried to move, his muscles would not even twitch.

His assailant let him fall on the ground. Kibum\'s mind was conscious but he was completely paralyzed.

"What you really need is a fashion sense," SD said, stooping over the still man. In his hand was an injection with a paralyzing agent which would render Kibum cripple and mute for the rest of his life.

"I told you Orea," SD muttered to himself. "Whoever tries to harm Sunye will have to bring her to me first."

The room SD had broken into was Kibum\'s one. He knew very well that Kibum carried out all his important businesses there and also his side affairs with his mistresses took place in that very room. If he wanted to harm Sunye, he would bring her there as well. SD was well aware of his routine and all he had to do was wait for Kibum to do something stupid. If he had simply let Sunye win the game with grace, he would not have faced such a cruel fate.

But humans always ran headfast towards danger. It was their nature.

Kibum was looking at the blue eyed demon with fearful eyes. SD stood up and headed back in the closet. Orea had finished cracking the code and had texted him the numbers. He typed them in and the safe flew open.

"Oooh money!" he exclaimed as he pocketed the cash in the safe. Sunye had probably won in poker anyway so the cash was theirs. He grabbed the suppliers\' list and put it in his jacket before going back to the paralyzed man. Sunye was still asleep, blissfully unaware of what was going on around her.

SD stepped over Kibum\'s body, making sure to step hard on him as he hoisted Sunye on his back. She stirred a little, settling comfortably on his shoulder as SD walked towards the exit, locking the so-called mafia leader in the room. He would not be able to walk again and SD made sure of that. It was a good thing he had brought his useful tools just in case.

The other patrons of the club did not care about them as SD carried her away. Since the casino goers were used to seeing men picking up escorts from the club, they just assumed they were another such pair.

"You did well tonight, Ms. Prosecutor," he sighed as he carried her away. I thought I\'d have preferred if she had whipped me on the back but this is nice too, he thought gleefully.

"Call…" Sunye mumbled in her sleep.

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