
Chapter 57:

Chapter 57:

“Every step you take from here, you will lose $100k.”

Robert froze as soon as he heard those words, and without saying anything, he quietly sat back on the chair in front of Will.

“Look, man,” He explained, “This better not be a prank. I already have a lot of things to deal with.”

Will smiled, “Neither of us has the luxury to prank or be pranked. My offer is still on the table. A chance to audition for the lead role, and if you pass, a 2 Million Dollar contract.”

Robert looked around, trying to find something and then stared at Will.

Will was a bit confused by his actions, so he asked, “Anyone else on your seat would have at least waited to listen to what I had to say. Why were you in a hurry? And… what are you looking for?”

“Hidden Cameras.” Robert replied, “And yeah, anyone else would have surely at least listened to what you had to say, especially someone like me who’s at the end of his career. But you know, once bitten, twice shy. All this kinda feels like Deja Vu to me. One of the senior producers and a big name actor offered me something like, and when I jumped in happiness, they recorded everything and told me it was a prank.”


“Will,” Robert pursed his lips, “It’s these harmless pranks that hurt the most. Anyway, I will take a leap of faith and trust you on this. What’s the movie about?”

Will shook his head, “Nothing will be revealed so early.”

“Nothing?” Robert was a bit taken aback, “What’s the whole secrecy about? Won’t you tell me to act on a scene anyway?”

“I will, but don’t worry. It will be more about testing your character rather than your acting.”

“You won’t audition for me for my acting? That’s a first…”

Will nodded, “This audition is also your first, and it may also be your last audition, Robert. I want you to think carefully and decide.”

“Can you… tell me the genre of the story?” Robert asked with a slight pause, “I don’t want to work hard for an audition, only to find out I will be playing the lead role in some gay movie or maybe as a pimp. I mean, I have nothing against either of those, but I am pretty sure I won’t suit such roles.”

Will twirled the wine and took a sniff before replying, “It’s your call, Robert. You want to come or not?”

Robert cleared his throat and sighed, “I have nothing to lose anyway and neither do I have any right to act entitled. I will take this opportunity to work with you, Will.”

Will smiled, “That’s what I like about you, Robert. You know when to take the chance.”

Robert smiled back and asked, “Can you tell me who else is in the movie? Is…is June Roberts in it too?”

Will’s hand suddenly paused as he raised his head and asked, “That’s an interesting question. Why do you ask?”

“Nothing, it’s just, your first movie was with her as the lead. And…uh, I have heard the rumours, so I was just asking, nothing else.”

Will stared at him. He knew what rumours Robert was talking about, and they were about his relationship with June, and it was now becoming an open secret.

Sensing the stare, Robert waved his hands and explained himself, “Oh, don’t misunderstand, I was just asking.”

“You like her?”

“Like her? No…” Robert shook his head, “I have never even met her. Well, I do feel envious of her. Also…I am just worried.”

“Envious? And what are you worried about?”

“Well,” Robert pursed his lips, “If you look at it, six months ago, both of our careers were on the same level, but now she has gotten her break, and I am still the same.”

“Well, it’s one at the time,” Will replied, “That was her break; maybe this time it will be yours.”

Robert nodded and then hesitatingly asked, “I know this doesn’t happen with everyone, but as I said, I have nothing to lose. So I will say this, I am worried that you might give her preferential treatment if she’s a part of the movie. I know it sounds quite presumptuous, but I have seen it quite a lot of times.”

Will smiled, “The only thing I gave preferential treatment is my work and my money. So don’t worry about these things.”

Saying this, Will took out a pen and then scribbled something on a napkin at the table.

Passing the napkin over to Robert, Will stood up and said, “See you then. Don’t be late. And enjoy your lunch; it’s my treat.”

Robert stared speechlessly at the disappearing back of Will.

By the time he regained his composure, Will was long gone.

Lowering his head, he stared at the folded napkin.

Using his hands, he unfolded it and stared at it for a long time.

[11 AM. In two days. Dream Vision Studios. Will]

‘Should I go or not?’

Robert kept sitting on the table for a long time, thinking of the whole meeting with Will.

The valet had Will’s car ready as soon as he stepped out of the hotel.

Switching it on, Will headed for his next destination – [Shoot of 17 Again.]

As he sat in the car, he first took out a few papers from his pocket and put them into the car’s deck.

These papers were none other than the contract that Will had asked Jason to prepare for Robert.

At first, when Will hadn’t yet met with Robert, he was ready to sign the contract as soon as he confirmed that the latter was indeed as talented as Robert Downey Jr.

However, as he sat at the table, he slowly realized.

The person in front of him was indeed as talented as Robert Downey Jr., but it wasn’t the same person. While Micheal was at the bottom of the industry right now, he had never experienced any ups in his career; however, in the case of RDJ, he was someone who once had the whole industry in his grasp and lost everything at once.

The latter had tasted success and was overwhelmed with it. But he recovered and turned himself into one of the industry’s most in-demand, talented and highest-paid actors.

Micheal was still yet to taste overwhelming fame. This was why, although Will gave him importance, he also showcased indifference and seriousness when it came to working.

No matter how big of a fan Will was of Iron Man, right now, he couldn’t be delusional into thinking that RDJ and Michael were the same. And not to forget, Will was investing a lot in the [Sherlock Holmes], and any mistake would cause irreparable damage to his reputation.


It took Will about thirty minutes to reach the shooting location. A high school in the suburbs.

Today, he came here to play the role of his Stan. However, that was yet to come, and the scene they were shooting was right before the main character, Mike, throws a party to celebrate a basketball game win at his friend Ned’s house while Ned is out with the school principal Jane.

During this party, there would be a scuffle between his character, Stan, and the main character, Mike, because Mike’s daughter, Maggie, would refuse to sleep with Stan. Over this, the latter would break up with her.

It was a cliche bully plot, but Will didn’t care much.

In fact, one might ask why does he even need to do such roles? Why not just direct the movies and conquer Hollywood?

It was because, while directing movies was Will’s dream, he also wanted to try out other things, and not to forget that the system he had was the ‘Hollywood’ System, not just the ‘Director’ System. He wanted to experience different roles and not forget that acting would increase his reputation the fastest, whether from a good or a bad character’s role.

As for how his bad reputation could affect his career, well, that was the least of his worries. With the help of the Hollywood System, he had access to countless movies and shows ever made in the history of the earth’s showbiz industry. If he chose some of the critically acclaimed fan base creating and box office exploding roles, he could easily change the people’s opinion about his characters.

Stepping out of the car, Will leaned on it and waited for things to get ready. After a few high school scenes, his scenes would come, which would be at Ned’s mansion.

Right now, the reason he was at this place was, of course, because of June.

She had a few scenes today in the high school, and once that was done, he would take June to the next spot, the mansion.

Just then, Will felt something on his cheek.

Frowning, he raised his head and looked at the sky.


-tap! tap!

-tap! tap! tap!….


It was beginning to rain!

“Why all of a sudden?”

Will frowned and walked inside the school.

The scene was shot on the open ground, and as Will walked towards the crew, he saw them rushing to pack up everything.

The rain had suddenly become intense, but Will cared more about a certain someone.

He darted his eyes and found Drake.

‘No, not him.’

He looked around more, and yeah, there she was.


He lightly smiled and walked over to her.

She was half drenched in the rain because the downpour had suddenly intensified out of nowhere, panicking everyone at the set.

She rubbed and cleaned her face with a towel as Will came and stood in front of her.

“Huh! Will?” She was pleasantly surprised to see the person in front of her, “What are you doing here? I thought I would see you at the mansion?”

Will shrugged, “Someone told me it was about to rain, and you might need a lift.”

“Or really?” June smiled.

Will nodded with a serious expression, which made June chuckle.

Just then, a crew member came over.

“Mam, the shooting is cancelled for the day.”

“What?” June was a bit surprised, “Because of the rain?”

“Yes,” The young man said, “It looks like the rain will continue, and we can’t shoot the mansion scenes today.”

After the young man finished his words, he went to the other lead actor Drake.

Will stared in their direction, and Drake somehow sensed him.

Both of their eyes met for a moment, and the latter nodded his head in greeting, to which Will nodded back.

“What’s with him?” He asked June.

June shrugged, “Maybe because he now knows that I am with you, and he’s being respectful of that fact.”

“Oh really?” Will put a hard-to-believe-that expression, to which June nodded, “Yes, really.”

“That’s nice to hear,” Will smiled, “Well then, my lady, please.”

He said while making an ‘L’ shape with his left hand.

June smiled and, moving her hand, she crossed her hands with his at the elbows and soon walked out of the school.

People around them noticed but didn’t pay much heed; their relationship was not a secret. Although it was a toxic one in the movie, it was the opposite in real life – a sweet romance.

As they walked out and stood at the main entrance, Will moved his hand and held her palm.


June opened her eyes wide and turned her head at him, “Are we really gonna do this?”

Will shrugged, “It doesn’t rain every day in Hollywood.”

June laughed and nodded, “Alright, one my count of three…. Three!”

June tricked Will and pulled him out in the rain, to which Will was happy to oblige.

As both of them merrily hopped and ran towards the car hand in hand, and even stealing a kiss in the run, on the other side of the road was a black car.

And from the car’s half-opened window, a black circular pipe-like device appeared, which, on careful observation, was actually a camera lens.

And as it was moving out, as if zooming in, in its outer glass was the reflection of Will and June kissing in the rain.




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