
Chapter 19

Except for Dudian’s small team, there were other two or three medium sized teams. The rest of the children were hesitant. As if adhering to the herd mentality, most of them formed a single large team.

More than 300 people reformed themselves into colony-like teams which gradually dispersed into the desert.

“Why are we headed towards that direction? We are walking facing the sun!” Mason raised his hand to cover his face from the sun rays. It had been less than an hour but his body was sweating non-stop because of the heat.

“We seem to be at least heading in the same direction with the sun,” another brown-haired child spoke. His name was Sham. He was one of the four that shared a room with Mason and Dudian. He had a boring character, but as a person he was a diligent child. Just like Dudian, he was the only person to stack his bed.

“Even if we want to avoid competition, we shouldn’t have come this way!” Mason responded.

Dudian whispered: “In desert, the difference of climates and temperatures are being extreme. Even though it is “Black Death” season right now, and therefore it is highest possible temperatures appear during this season. However, later in the evening the temperature will drop to the same level as “Black Snow” season. Therefore, we must head westward as much as possible. It would be the warmest place in the evening.”

The three people heard Dudian as he solemnly explained. Mason bitterly said, “If we went eastward we could have avoided withstanding the sun and heat, even in the case that we couldn’t find water source we would have gained better than harm. Considering the problem of insulation at night as well, how do you know the temperature will drop at night? My feet are burning; they are on fire! How the heck the temperature will drop?”

Sham and the other child named Zach were also very curious. It was so hot right now, so how could it get cold at night?

“You will know once it gets dark.” Dudian did not explain the heat-absorbing and heat-dissipating effects of sand. This kind of knowledge was not taught during the studies in camp so conversing about it would lead to doubt. Besides, the concept of endothermic cooling would not be understood by them even if he took the effort to inform them of it.

“There is surely water to be found, the only thing we have to pay attention to is to absolutely avoid from getting sick!” Dudian solemnly warned Mason, Zach and Sham.

Zach, Sham and Mason were somewhat surprised hearing Dudian’s confident words regarding the issue of water. However, they did not question him, but were very curious, how would he find water in this desert that is full of sand. Where does that certainty and confidence come from?

It did not take long before Dudian’s team had lost sight of other teams. All what they could see were sand that endlessly covered the desert. They could not but become tensed and nervous at the sight. The only thing that the team-mates could do was to continue to believe in Dudian’s judgement. He had never let them down during the training in the camp so they hoped that his judgement this time will be right in the desert too.

“Do you still remember the part where they first taught us on how to find water in the desert?” Dudian stopped, looking around.

“I remember, we first have to look for shady sand and then dig until we find water” Mason said.

Dudian raised his hand and pointed towards the front. There was a hill made of sand. The side which he was pointing at was protected from the sun because of the angle of the hill. The sun could not illuminate that part even in the morning when it rose from the east. Only at noon the sun rays would penetrate the sand but only for a small time. “Let us go there”. He stepped forward and took the lead. As they reached the hill, Dudian touched the sand. It was very cool.

Mason, Zach and Sham were delighted at the sight. They squatted down to prepare to dig.

Dudian waved his hand: “First wrap clothing around your hand, so that stones won’t scratch it.” Then, he tore off a fabric and wrapped around his hands and squatted down to start digging.

Mason laughed: “We are lucky that you are mindful.”

Three of them tore off clothing, covered their hands and began to dig.

It must be noted that three months of endurance training had greatly improved physical strength for the four of them. They had walked for over four or five miles under the scorching sun but they still had enough energy to dig. However, this was also kind of a gamble. Because in event that they could not find water after digging, they would not be able to support their bodies to find the next possible place to dig for water.

Thus, even Dudian felt nervous. Especially, after digging for half a meter depth they were still touching soft sand.

“Let’s end it here! We should move on to the next place.” Dudian decisively stopped. If they did not touch wet sand in this phase even if they dug for three or four meters, there was a high possibility that they will not find water.?”We have done so much, so why give up now?” Mason asked.

Dudian replied with a sullen face: “We can’t gamble and hope to win now. Follow me, let’s move on” Finished speaking, he turned to move out and walk forward.

Mason and Zach were full of doubts. They were unwilling to move on. Sham stood up and said: “Let’s go. What Dean said was right. We can’t gamble now.” Then he ran over to keep up with Dudian’s pace.

Mason and Zach sighed, they shook their hands on their knees to remove the sand.

Now, when God closes a door for you, he won’t open another one but He will release the dog at you. Suddenly Zach screamed out loud, jumped half a meter high and hurried towards Dudian.

Dudian and Sham turned back towards Mason and Zach. They suddenly saw a two-meter-long snake drilling out from the sand. Its skin was brownish, the scales reflected under the shining sun. All of them felt their bodies turned cold.

“Run!” Dudian was the first to recover. He roared loudly, turned and ran away.

The rest of the team members tried to keep up.

Mason panicked and his feet stumbled. A Plop sound echoed and he tumbled onto sand.

Dudian was running in front but when he heard the sound he could not help but to look backwards. He saw Mason on the ground and there were a bit more than ten meters between him and the snake. Snake was twisting its body as if swimming on the desert sand. The situation became precarious, he turned back towards Mason and rushed to him.

Sham and Zach were surprised for a moment. They also witnessed Mason’s fall. They saw the twisting body of snake and their faces became extremely ugly and they become hesitant.

At this point, Dudian rushed to the front of Mason, grabbed his arm, and growled: “Stand up!

Mason managed to climb up and look back. There were two or three meters between him and the snake. If it jumped it would be able to pounce its body onto him. Mason was too scared, he hurriedly retreated.

Suddenly snake leaped towards Mason, it opened its mouth showing two sharp fangs.

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