
Chapter 13 - The Eye Of Destiny

Yuki skimmed through the books and photocopied the parts she felt were useful. After about two hours, she decided to head back to her house so she could look up some things online. She decided not to take the books with her and returned them. When she did, the young woman behind the counter gave Yuki an annoyed look from being disturbed from whatever she was doing on her laptop.

When she exited the library, the afternoon sun was starting to set, and the evening air was beginning to settle in. Yuki hugged herself as she felt a chill run through her body as a cool breeze passed by her. Not wanting to waste any more time, she hurried home. Luckily today was a clear day, and no one bothered her as she made her way to her room. After making sure her doors and windows were locked, Yuki plopped herself down in front of her laptop. With a pen and paper in front of her, Yuki began roaming the internet looking for people who have started crafting in SFO. Unfortunately, even after thirty minutes of trying everything she could think of to enter into the search bar, she came up with nothing.

"Are people not crafting yet…? Now that I think about it. Didn\'t the game say that cultivation was also part of the game? They have cultivation levels, but you have to grind levels to reach the next realm... I haven\'t heard of anyone cultivating yet either." Yuki pondered this thought for a while and could only figure that maybe there was more to it. She began searching on this topic but after another ten minutes and finding no results or mention of actual cultivation, Yuki became frustrated.

"Ahhh!" Scratching her head in frustration, Yuki bit the tip of her pen. "Forget it. I need to stay on track. I will worry about the cultivation thing later on. First comes money making."

With her mind back on the prize, Yuki spent the next hour learning more on how to process plants as they did back in ancient times. Luckily this kind of information was still widely available and even had videos showing the processes of doing these things. When she was done, it was once again time to log in to the game again.

When Yuki logged in, it seemed to be morning time in game. She looked around to see players running about, and the NPCs were starting to set up for another day of business. The morning mist was low, making the visibility shorter than normal. But luckily, today, Yuki did not plan to go outside the village. She walked over to a middle aged woman who was busy setting out her merchandise. When the middle aged woman saw Yuki walk up, she smiled and said: "Such a handsome man! To see such a handsome man so early in the morning sure has made my day. I tell you what, handsome, since you have brightened my day with your presence, I will give this to you."

Yuki was stunned when the middle aged woman suddenly handed her a strange orb.

[System notice: Unique quest: The Eye Of Destiny]

[Because you were at the right place at the right time and able to brighten up Fran Willaims day, you were given the Eye of Destiny, an item that the president of the Trade Skill Guild in Flim Village has been looking for, for many years. ]

[Quest completion: Give the Eye of Destiny to the president of the Trade Skill Guild in Flim Village. ]

[Reward: A favor from the President himself.]

The quest Yuki just received was a unique quest and could only be completed by one person. Unique quests were hidden and hard to activate. All the right conditions had to be met in order for a player to get the quest. Some were hard while others were easy, like the quest Yuki got just now.

Yuki gave the middle aged woman named Fran a bright smile as she bowed her head and said: "Thank you. I am glad I could be of service to you. May I bother you to point me in the direction of the Trade Skill Guild?"

"Sure can, hun! Go right down the street here and turn left onto a street called Filmo. You can\'t miss it. It is the biggest building on the street." Fran happily gave Yuki directions. After saying her goodbyes to Fran, Yuki headed in the direction she was told to and quickly arrived at the Trade Skill Guild.

The building itself looked like the others, but it took up much more land than the rest and had many chimneys that puffed out smoke. Even this early in the morning, people in work clothes were already gathering around the place. Yuki could not tell if any of these people were players or not since there was no way to tell unless she went to try to attack someone. Only monsters had visible markers if you focused on them.

Yuki walked over to the crowd to see them all staring at a board with a bunch of posts on it. She read a few and found them to be requests from other people. It seemed when someone decided to take a request they would tear it off the board and run inside to go accept it. Yuki did not come here to take on any requests, so she went into the guild. The main room was very large and had ten windows lined up. Four of which were for requests, five for the trading of materials, and the last was an information booth. That was the only booth that had a short line. Yuki went and stood in line and waited for her turn.

In the end, it took twenty minutes to finally reach the information window that had a young man sitting behind it. Yuki took one look at the young man, and even though he was very handsome, she lost interest in him quickly. The young man did not notice anything as he looked up at Yuki and asked: "What can I help you with today?"

"I need to speak to your president. I have the Eye of Destiny." Yuki answered. What she thought would be a routine item turn in suddenly became something big when the young man jumped up from his seat and ran out of the room, not even saying anything to Yuki. Yuki could only watch the young man\'s retreating back as she stood there stunned by the turn of events.

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