
Chapter 305: Smitend Ragoir, Competition Starts

Chapter 305: Smitend Ragoir, Competition Starts

" I didn\'t know you had a 2-star weapon, I thought boss gave you a 1-star weapons since Tier-1 order base people can\'t actually use the true capabilities of 2-star weapons. "

Drizzly said after seeing that Athan didn\'t have a 1-star weapon.

Athan shrugged as he put the spear away, " Well, There weren\'t any 1-star weapons so he gave me a 2-star weapon. "

" Then let\'s go and buy a 1-star weapon for Athan. " Shish spoke with a grin and pointed at the shop behind them before continuing, " It\'s good that you asked early Celesti. Otherwise, Athan would have been kind of handicapped against other competitors. "

They had just left the shop after buying their armor and weapon, and after coming out, Celesti asked Athan if he had one.

Athan shook his head, " I think I will be fine without a weapon. My strongest forte currently is body, which is at Red realm 2nd-step and I can\'t release the Skyline blows through a weapon. "

Drizzly raised her eyebrows, hearing that, " Who said you couldn\'t use Skyline Blows through a weapon? We can buy you gloves or gauntlet, which will increase the power of your Skyline Blows if you release them through your hands. "

Athan was taken aback but nodded, " That make sense. "

" Well, Then let\'s go and buy a pair. The boxing gloves weapons would be the best choice since body strength is your highest forte currently. "


They then went inside the shop again and bought a pair of gloves for Athan.

At first, Drizzly really picked weapons that looked like boxing gloves for Athan as a joke, but in the end, They found good weapon gloves that could boost Athan\'s Skyline blows technique.

The gloves they bought for Athan were made from a smooth semi-liquid-like material that was brown in color. The gloves also had white patterns on them. There was also a small circle on each glove in the center filled with a white pattern. The name of the gloves was Smitend Ragoir.

The order effect of these gloves is that they can strengthen the power of technique released from it by fifty percent.

But...There were several conditions. The first and foremost condition was a common one that applied to all types of equipment: Only Tier-1 order base people can use 1-star weapon\'s ability. Tier-2 order base people can\'t use the ability of 1-star weapon just like how Tier-1 order base can\'t use the ability of 2-star weapon.

Everything should be done according to its set of order power, and only then could they grant the additional effects to these types of equipment and many other things like food, pills, etc.

The other condition of applying the order effect of these gloves were listed below:

The order effect will only apply to body order techniques.

The order effect will only activate if the target hit by the body order technique is ten meters away from the user.

The second condition was a crucial one as body order techniques were short-ranged primarily, but it was because of this condition that its order effect was a powerful one, like increasing the body order technique\'s power by fifty percent.

After buying it, Drizzly asked Athan, " You know how to use weapons and armor, right? each one is enchanted with the order effect/power of the crafters who made them and have special abilities. "

Athan nodded and said, " I know. Reikent told me before. I just need to infuse a bit of order force to activate the effect of weapon and armors. "

He only needed to infuse a bit of order force depending on the effects of weapons and armors.

For example, If he infused 1.4% of his current order force into the gloves, The next Skyline blow released from his gloves would be empowered as long as it hit the target that was ten meters away.

So 1.4% of his order force can empower two Skyline blows, one from each of his gloves, and will show its effects given that his Skyline blows hit the target ten meters away from him.

As for his armor, Aquafest, He needed to infuse ten percent of his current reserve order force to activate its ability called Aquira guard.

This ability, Aquira guard, will conjure a shield in front of him and will also boost his natural body defense for a short period of two minutes.

After they were done, Drizzly concluded their outing for preparation, " Alright. Since we are done here, then let\'s return. I\'ll also teach you how to release the techniques through the weapons. It\'s actually not that hard once you get the basic hang of it. "


Four days have passed and today was the last day of Athan\'s training to release the Skyline blows through his gloves weapon, Smitend Ragoir.

They were in the open ground that was behind the shop. Celesti and Shish were also there.

" Good. Try again. All types of equipment are very compatible with order force. Focus and harness the moment you release your technique with them. "

Hearing Drizzly, Athan nodded as he swung his right fist and executed Skyline Blow.


From his right fist, A punch projectile with a green hue in it released towards Drizzly, who was standing ten meters away from him.

The punch projectile hit Drizzly on her abdomen and was diffused without even a scratch on her.

The green aura on the punch projectile was due to the power of Jadeite Skelendrom. Since he had to course the order force in his body before releasing the Skyline Blow, It gains the power of Jadeite Skelendrome in the process, which could make it more powerful.

All people who train in body order methods will have their body order technique empowered by their respective body order method\'s power.

It is just like how Athan can give his Sumireas Slash the attributes of Lightning Dust.

Suddenly, Athan felt something in the right pocket of the pants.

\' The token. \' He had put the token of participation in that pocket.

After taking out the Token, He saw that it was faintly shining before a voice rang out from it.

" All participants. Gather at the Hemindal Field. The competetion will start in an hour. "

Drizzly smiled and nodded towards Athan, " Let\'s go. "

" Hahaha, Athan. Let\'s at least get into the top 30. "

Said Shish as he touched his nose in a not fully confident attitude.

" Yep. It\'s fight on from now on.! And Shish, stop showing that pessimetic attitude and show some more confidence in our training. We have practiced hard to master our essence order techniques. "

Celesti also nodded towards Athan with a smile before showing a stern look at Shish.

Roselin also arrived in the backyard and said with a chuckle, " Let\'s go. Our ride is ready. The Hemidal Field is several miles away from the city and although we won\'t be late since it takes just five minutes to go there, It\'s better to go there early so that Drizzly and I get can get an audience seat there. "

Everyone left the shop before they arrived outside of the city.

Roselin took out a fancy-looking pouch which shined a bit before a giant creature was summoned in the sky.

The creature had a pair of very wide wings, just like a manta ray, and its body looked similar to an elephant with a broad back. Instead of one, it had three pure white trunks with hard body flesh, and its body skin was white and brown mixed with wide patterns.

There was a big block of a wooden building on its broad back.

" Let\'s go. This chaos beast is specifically for traveling because its natural chaotic power can negate any general harsh environment of the Chaosverse so we can have a stable ride. "

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