
Chapter 579 - Flame Temple

[Direct Contact: Leva]

Nix waited for a few seconds until a life-sized holo of the former dark chancellor appeared in front of him.

Leva bowed deeply while offering him a fanged smile. "How may I be of service, Nix?"

"Do you know what an Arcturis\'Fraiza is?"

Leva shook her head. "Sorry, no."

"It\'s a leech that grows forever until something kills it." Nix paused for a moment while considering the best options. I need as many people as can be spared. Eidengal is covered in fresh meat."

Leva\'s dark eyes showed her interest. "Is this a primal creature?"

Nix nodded. "Yes, start processing the meat for transport to wherever it\'s needed. Prepare containers for blood. Also on the outside of its body are bone quills. Save those for me."

Leva nodded as Nix spoke. "We\'ll head out within two hours. Will you be in Eidengal?"

"Alpha is on another mission here, but we\'ll speak again once it\'s completed." Nix closed the comm before turning back toward the King.

Without a doubt, the King of Eidengal found himself in Inferno\'s debt once again. When Duran asked what Nix wanted, the Guild Leader wasn\'t shy about it. "I want the Fire Temple that\'s hidden in the Great Desert."

Slowly, over the course of the next hour, the members of Duran\'s inner circle started to wake up. Many seemed outraged that the Inferno Guild would receive the temple, but the King was determined. He stood in front of his court, a new mandolin clutched in one hand. "Inferno has come to our aide twice! We would have eventually lost the Bone Fortress, despite heroic efforts on behalf of my nephew and niece. Then there\'s this arctic leech. This world is more dangerous than it was when last we roamed this desert."

Edi approached and bowed deeply before the Inferno Leader. "If you are going to the temple. Would you keep an eye out for Emi? She disappeared right before the city was taken."

"Emi is safe at Haven." Nix liked both Edi and her brother; that affection covered their group of misfits. "Her intel helped us quite a bit."

Edi\'s serious face broke into a genuine smile. "Thank goodness. Did she say what happened?"

Nix nodded. "Fell off her mount."

Edi shared a glance with her brother, both of them were struggling to maintain a straight face. "Well then, I suppose you\'ll return her when you get the chance?"

Semmi raised a hand to get Nix\'s attention. "They need to be briefed about the current situation in Everspire and the rest of the planes."

/Alpha: Nix: I\'ll allow Duran, Alfie, Edi, and their group to visit Haven. You three can escort them there when you return my Ashobel puppets.

/Alpha: Semmi: You aren\'t coming?

/Alpha: Nix: No. Me and the old bastard are going to find this temple.

Nix\'s Shadow Daiken banked toward the eastern rim of the desert. Because his Raven was temporarily out of service, he brought out the mount he used before the Bone Fortress.

/Alpha: Nix: See that snowdrift that looks like a sleeping dragon?

/Alpha: Pon: Don\'t say things like that! We\'ll get down there, and it will be one!

/Alpha: Nix: Fine. See that snowdrift that looks like a keg of cold beer?

/Alpha: Pon: Fuck yeah! I see it!

/Alpha: Nix: The entrance should be around there somewhere.


Gideon leaped onto the back of the Howler, slicing through the creature\'s throat, spraying Jiggs with bright red blood. Rolling to his feet, the assassin kicked the corpse off his scout a moment later. "Moving kinda slow today..."

Nebs nodded in agreement. "What\'s up, Jiggsy? I\'ve seen statues move faster." The group openly laughed at their guildmate; the most notorious prankster in Salamander had finally been laid low.

Jiggs frowned at the laughing cleric before wiping his face with the back of his sleeve. "That shitty thing was stealthed! Some sort of rogue howler." The scout sighed heavily, that damned Nix had stolen his Mojo. "Anyways, there is no sign of the Fir\'Dhassi."

Gideon zoomed in on the immediate area. "Parliament has been dark for more than two days. To the point that accessing it from the 69th floor of the Embassy is no longer possible." The Assassin was wearing a new arctic camo that Nix had drawn up especially for the Deep Winter Offensive. "You really want to tell Nix that we couldn\'t find Raine Xai?"

Jiggs shook his head quickly, fairly certain that such a thing would not bode well for him. "Damn, Howlers are slowing us down."

"Do not be alarmed." A voice spoke from nearby, causing the entire group to startle. She appeared in their midst, an Ain\'Dhassi ranger with a bow in one hand. Her short white hair was shaved close on the sides and worn in a top-knot.

/Pathfinder: Nebs: That\'s Nix\'s camouflage overlay she\'s wearing.

Gideon cursed their scout in his head. "I\'m Gideon, from the 12 Pillar Alliance."

"Gideon?" The young woman said the name like it was familiar. "My name is Cora, well-met Pathfinder."

/Pathfinder: Jiggs: She knows us?

/Pathfinder: Roto: That name sounds familiar.

/Pathfinder: Gideon: She\'s part of the Ain\'Dhassi contingent in Parliament; she has deep ties to Inferno.

"We\'ve been sent to find Tura Raine Xai." Gideon watched the woman\'s face while he spoke; no trace of recognition filtered across it. "Sent by Nix," he amended.

Cora\'s pretty face showed the start of a smile. "Inferno is here? I guess we can all go home." She laughed at her own joke before turning her smile onto Pathfinder. "Follow me, please." She glanced teasingly at the Pathfinder scout. "Try to avoid stepping into any more Howler nests."

/Pathfinder: Nebs: She\'s kinda neat.

/Pathfinder: Paco: Try one of your snappy comebacks, Jiggs!

Jiggs smiled pleasantly, he\'d seen plenty of Ain\'Dhassi, but this one seemed different. "You have the Air Element?"

Cora nodded but didn\'t slow down as she took them toward a large clearing.

Jiggs shook his head slightly. "We\'ve been over this area already; nothing is here."

"Hmmm." Cora stopped and held both hands palms outward. The air around them seemed to thicken and warm; a moment later, a doorway formed. "Through here, please." The Ain\'Dhassi ranger held the door open and ushered Pathfinder through.

Gideon fixed Jiggs with a scowl when he stepped into the entryway.

/Pathfinder: Gideon: Guess we are looking for a new scout.

/Pathfinder: Roto: Let\'s recruit this ranger!

/Pathfinder: Paco: Seconded!

/Pathfinder: Nebs: Thirded!

Jiggs went through last; he distinctly remembered scouting this area, but... He paused next to the Ain\'Dhassi, who was holding the door. "There\'s a mental barrier on this place."

Cora gave him a playful smile. "Is there?"

A flood of relief washed over Gideon when he stepped through the doorway. The Fir\'Dhassi had managed to cloak Parliament. The buildings and courtyards were exactly how he remembered it, although the vendors were absent. "Why can\'t anyone else access this place?"

"During a Planar War, the neutral ground of Parliament reverts back to Inuit so that we can protect our territory." A lean Fir\'Dhassi addressed them before bowing slightly. "I\'m Delyn Xai; since Pathfinder is here, I assume that Nix is looking for my Apprentice."

Gideon nodded. Although the Inferno Leader kept his own counsel regarding his personal feelings, he made it abundantly clear; find Raine Xai.


Nix had no time to react. One moment he was talking to Pon; the next thing he knew, the Fire Mage had vanished. The ice-covered ground collapsed beneath them as they plummeted downward until coming to a bone-jarring stop a few seconds later. Nix helped the old man to his feet. "The fuck is g..." His words were lost in a long howl as the ice they landed on gave way and sent them down into another freefall. Along with a few tons of ice and stone, the two Inferno mages shattered one barrier after another, rolling and slamming their way to the bottom until finally stopping at the entrance to a large cavern.

Pon lay on his back, gasping for breath. "That was horrible, fucking horrible." His eyes drifted upward in the direction they had come. A small pinpoint of light was barely visible. "How far did we fall?"

"Far," Nix helped Pon to his feet and activated [Dragon Eyes] and scanned the area, stopping when he spotted the massive metal doors. "Nothing says, \'Temple of Flame\' like a set of big ass doors."

Pon\'s old face nodded in agreement as he sent flames into the nearby torches that hung unlit on the wall. The metal door was etched with drawings that seemed to depict the Temple\'s history. "Why couldn\'t they just write a brief history? Look at this image. Is he lighting a fire or coping a squat?"

Nix grabbed one of the iron rings that were attached to both doors and pulled. "Nope, didn\'t even budge."

"Hey... What do you suppose this is?" Pon pointed to a cylindrical-shaped stone that had been hollowed out and mounted horizontally near the door.

Nix pointed to one of the drawings near the top of the door. It showed some casting flames into the cylinder. "You first."

Pon scowled slightly, his hands glowing with flames. "Fine, but next time it\'s your turn."

Nix nodded in agreement, watching the door while the old mage used his flame. The fire\'s flash and sudden heat in the room was the only indicator that Pon used his fire. The door itself hadn\'t budged. "Was kinda hoping that would open the door." The Inferno Leader turned back toward the cylinder. "Pon? Crap. The hell did you go now?"

Emerald Fury Flames burst out from Nix as he ignited his aura; muttering an expletive, he moved to the front of the cylinder and cast his flames. An instant later, the floor rose up and slammed into his face.

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