一路向西 粤语

Chapter 1469: You Cannot Avoid your Enemies

Chapter 1469: You Cannot Avoid your Enemies

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

It was now evening.

After a long stroll, Zhang Zian and the elves returned to their homestay. He put the roasted turkey in the microwave and heated it slightly, then cut it and divided it among the elves. As for Snowy Lionet, she enjoyed the raw mountain pork meat all by herself.

While the elves were eating, he went to take a quick shower before bathing Famous as well. He then put on his suit in preparation to attend a celebratory dinner hosted by the Matthew Davis Foundation.

After he finished washing, the elves also completed their meals and laid down to let the food digest.

The soft afterglow of the sunset shot into the house from the west, as the evening grew colder.

He changed his clothes and tied a bow tie and a collar around Famous. After entering the venue, he took off the collar and the leash.

Tired from walking around Chinatown during the day, the elves were now full and satiated. They were just slightly interested in attending a cold dinner party. All except Richard, because it didn’t eat anything.

He put the other elves into his phone, leaving only Richard and Famous outside. Vladimir was also still playing outside.

Not only was it inappropriate to wear a suit while riding the bus and subway, but it was also inconvenient to bring pets with him onto public transport. Because of this, he reluctantly called Uber and took himself to the venue hotel with Famous and stealth Richard.

The hotel was brightly lit. From time to time, private cars and taxis were parked at the door while handsome men and women walked out of them. Men were uniformly dressed in formal wear, but there were occasionally men in suits. The women were beautifully clad in evening dresses that revealed their back and thighs while remaining classy. Some even exposed half of their chest.

Zhang Zian, who was holding a dog, got out of the car and immediately attracted the attention of the reception staff and security guards.

He showed his invitation card and his passport to prove his identity.

Reception staff and security guards heard that this dog was the star of “War Dog” and squatted down to take photos with it.

Famous had grown used to the attention and didn’t refuse anyone that came forward, skillfully putting on various poses for the photos.

The guests who arrived afterward saw people rushing to take photos with the dogs. After asking what was going on, they learned who Famous was and rushed to take photos with him. Their excitement was understandable since this was San Francisco, not Los Angeles where movie stars were everywhere.

“Hi! You are here!”

The towering Eddy Lewis came over and shook hands with Zhang Zian. When he saw Famous surrounded by the crowd, he could only smile at him helplessly.

Eddy met Zhang Zian when he went to Binhai City. While taking photos with Famous, the two of them chatted casually. Since Zhang Zian was a donor and had the right to know what his money was used for, Eddy introduced to him the recent overview of the foundation and the future development direction.

Zhang Zian didn’t understand much of what Eddy talked about but responded with a polite smile anyway.

The dinner was about to begin. Eddy and Zhang Zian dispersed the crowd and lead Famous into the venue.

In the hotel’s banquet hall, there were long tables lined with white cloths, high-quality bands playing soft music, various cold foods on the table, and waiters swiftly moving through the crowd with plates.

No one participating in this kind of banquet planned on eating. They all used this place where social celebrities gather to consolidate the friendship of old friends and meet new friends. Maybe they could become a business-boosting asset in the future.

Regardless, Richard couldn’t care less. He relied on stealth; when others could not see him, he fluttered his wings and landed on the dining table.

“Yes, come with me, I’ll introduce you to someone,” Eddy spoke up as he pulled Zhang Zian anxiously away and walked to a corner of the hall.

However, Zhang Zian wasn’t expecting Peter Lee to be standing there and talking with a few foreigners that gathered around him as well.

When Peter Lee saw Zhang Zian, his expression briefly froze.

Upon noticing their reactions to seeing each other, Eddy asked, “What? Do you know each other?”

“Haha! It’s more than just knowing! We have a life-and-death friendship, a sort of fatal friendship! I just didn’t expect my brother here to be a donor to this foundation!” Peter Lee chuckled, pretending to embrace Zhang Zian’s shoulder intimately. “You look so good! It must be great to be so young!”

“Thank you.”

Zhang Zian took a glass of champagne from the waiter’s tray and drank it to conceal his inner discomfort. He kept a smile on his face and dealt with the upcoming conversation by speaking in simple terms.

“Oh, that’s great,” Eddy heaved a sigh of relief. “Both of you will be coming up to speak in a while. Peter Lee is the most generous donor of the year, while Zhang Zian will be sharing with us a story of a cat breeder. ”

Even if Eddy didn’t pull them together, they would inevitably see each other when they were together on stage. Since they both attended the banquet, they couldn’t hide from one another at all.

At that moment, Eddy was still a little worried about the old grievances between them but now saw that they seemed to get along very well. He was reassured that things will go well. He just didn’t know that Zhang Zian and Peter Lee were doing the same thing but for different reasons; they got together for a somewhat absurd reason.

Zhang Zian didn’t know how much Peter Lee had donated to receive this honor, but he wanted nothing to do with him for that matter, especially after witnessing the scene in Chinatown earlier that day.

Fortunately, Peter Lee didn’t know that Zhang Zian saw him during the day and thought it was the first time the two had seen each other again after escaping from the desert.

Peter Lee didn’t expect to meet Zhang Zian here. When he saw the guests coming in groups to take photos with Famous, he looked surprised and said, “Your dog is that big star? When you were in the desert, you were able to keep it a secret, huh? ”

Zhang Zian didn’t intentionally introduce Famous as a famous movie star to others while he was in the desert, so Peter Lee always thought it was just an ordinary German shepherd. Besides, German shepherds all looked similar and always thought that Zhang Zian was an ordinary person. No one would expect him to be the owner of this star dog; he was just an assistant to the scientific research team

“It’s nothing, I just had no reason to talk about it,” He replied casually. He secretly grieved about it because Peter Lee could easily find the pet store’s address now that he knew his true identity. Perhaps he could’ve even visited him if he wanted to.

Peter Lee gave him a meaningful look before asking about Zhang Zian’s schedule, when he plans to return to China, and other irrelevant questions. Zhang Zian answered each question with an absolute lie.

After talking for a while, Peter Lee left to talk with San Francisco’s celebrities and big names. Zhang Zian saw that he had a wide range of friends who really believed everything he said, laughing heartily from time to time.

Zhang Zian sighed, but there was nothing he could do but to go with the flow. After the celebration officially started, it was his turn to take the stage. He took Famous to the stage together and told Cathy’s story to everyone, winning a round of applause and several tears.

Then, he excused himself by claiming that he was not feeling well. Before the end of the celebration, he took Richard and Famous out of the venue.

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