一路向西 粤语

Chapter 1281: Frightened

Chapter 1281: Frightened

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

The stone statue of the half-human-half-animal god, Meredith Segar, was indeed scary. Peter Lee and his team’s flashlights were concentrated on it.

In this group, besides Peter Lee and the Consul, who were Chinese, the rest were foreigners. They had been influenced by various religions since childhood. Seeing this image of the gods, which was no different from the devil, made them pray to their God, who had been forgotten for many years.

The Consul and the Colonel dealt with explosives outside. The scholars were obsessed with examining the stone statue. The rest did not think much about it. Only Peter Lee noticed something strange amidst the smoke.

“What is that...?”

He wanted to ask “who is that,” but he decided to swallow his words. It wouldn’t be a good thing to ask that. To find other people in a pyramid that, supposedly, no one had entered for 2,000 years was a spooky event...

After he spoke, he moved his flashlight and looked in the direction of the strange occurrence. However, it seemed to have moved and disappeared. Only the smoke lingered.

“What happened?”

The others were shocked by his voice, thinking that the fearsome guardians of the underworld had really appeared. The shock made them sweat profusely, and they shifted the direction of their flashlights.

Peter Lee hesitated for a moment. He saw something out of the corner of his eye, and he could not be sure if it was a mistake. This was because smoke naturally glided in the air. In addition, the air in the pyramid was rather messy and went in all directions. For there to be weird shapes within the smoke was not too abnormal. With them using their flashlights to illuminate the space, it was more likely than ever to cause visual errors.

In this dull and depressing environment, human nerves were particularly sensitive to strangeness.

“No, nothing is going on. I may have seen wrongly.” Peter Lee decided not to say it so as not to scare everyone.

When the others were petrified and randomly shining their flashlights around, the Scholar looked at the stone statue again. He held his flashlight under his arm and took out his mobile phone to take pictures.

The moment his finger pressed the shutter, he suddenly saw on the screen... There was a pair of wild green eyes between the three snake heads, staring at him.

“Ahhhh!” He screamed and screamed and screamed. His hand slipped, and his mobile phone slid out of his hands. It fell facedown, and the flashlight under his arm dropped as well.

The rest were shocked. Goosebumps appeared on their arms, and they turned their flashlights toward the commotion.

“How are you? What did you see?” Peter Lee rushed over and pulled him up. He could feel him shaking like a leaf.

The Scholar pointed to the stone statue and said with a pale face, “Just...just now, those eyes were staring at me...”

Everyone heard it and was seriously creeped out. Their flashlight landed on the stone statue once more, alternating between the three snake heads.

“Which eyes?” Peter Lee asked, as three snake heads had three pairs of eyes.

The Scholar was not sure. After all, he’d seen it through the screen of his mobile phone, and it was very dark. However, he was quite sure it did not belong to the statue.

He picked up his phone. Although there were visible cracks, it was still functioning. He opened the albums folder and found the photo he’d taken.

His hands had been shaking when he took it, and thus it was blurry and did not focus on the statue. However, they could see that at the shoulder of the stone statue, there was a pair of green eyes that became a streak of green light. The eyes had probably moved as he took the picture.

This means that the owner of the green eyes, regardless of who it was, had already moved. It was no longer next to the stone statue and may have been anywhere in the darkness.

“What the hell is that?”

To them, this creature was rather tall. The eyes appeared to be about two meters from the ground. It was impossible for such a large animal to live in the pyramid. Perhaps then...it was a human?


This time they didn’t illuminate one position all at the same time. Rather, they raised their flashlights and unconsciously stood back-to-back to form a circle. They stared at the darkness, as if to prevent unknown enemies from attacking.

They’d brought camping lights. However, they were not able to penetrate the air and could only illuminate a small area.

“Damn dust!” They cursed quietly. If they were not obstructed by the smoke, they would not have been as paralyzed as they were right now. However, they could only blame themselves for this, as they were the ones who had caused the dust with their explosions.

Brush brush...

Several of them took out the pistols that they carried with them. The muzzles slowly moved with their flashlights. They looked quite professional. They were obviously trained and not at all rookies.

The sound of something rolling came from the distance. It seemed to come from the small angled slope.

In an instant, their flashlights were concentrated in that direction, and everyone’s palms were damp with sweat.

Peter Lee kept calm and yelled, “Stabilize! Stabilize! Don’t fire casually!”

A pottery jug rolled out of the darkness and slowly rolled to them. Peter Lee stepped on it with his foot.

The pottery jug wouldn’t roll on its own. Someone or something must have done it.

They lifted their muzzles and flashlights and pointed them into the distance through the diffuse smoke. They were waiting for the unknown enemy to appear.

“We are simply waiting, and that is not ideal. Let’s go out first, wait until the dust settles, and then come in again,” someone said nervously.

Peter Lee also had this intention. He’d thought that everything would go smoothly after entering the pyramid. He hadn’t expected to encounter such a strange event. In this case, it would be better to withdraw first and prepare for it. After the preparation was done, the Consul and the Colonel would enter again. Whether it was a man or a ghost, all of them would be killed.

He was about to issue an order to retreat when suddenly—


A string of screams came out from deep within the darkness, and the voice echoed through the empty tombs. It sounded like countless ghosts crying.

Any ounce of self-control and determination to pull through left the group. They could no longer control their fears or, by extension, their fingers.

They didn’t know who pulled the trigger first. The first shot was like a signal for them to let their fears loose.

They thought that someone really had seen the enemy, and therefore, they were fiercely fighting the enemy. Or they tried to at least make themselves think so. It was a better deal than dealing with invisible enemies.

Everyone with guns in their hands pulled the trigger and shot into the darkness aimlessly. The dazzling fire came relentlessly, one shot after another. The deafening gunshots were echoed and magnified many times throughout the pyramid, covering up all other sounds.

“Stop firing! Stop firing! Stop firing!” Peter Lee screamed desperately to try to stop them, but his voice was drowned out by the gunshots.

Everyone finally stopped when their guns ran out of bullets. They nevertheless stayed in their positions.

Peace and quiet descended on the tomb once again. Only the group’s heavy breathing and swallowing could be heard.

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