
Chapter 169 - Horrible Habits

The next morning came. Adeline\'s schedule was occupied with castle duties, dress-fitting, and soon, nightfall quickly approached, and the banquet had begun. 

The banquet was the celebration of the month. Well-known businessmen and women were invited from all across the world, politicians from every corner of the continent, and only the most elite of celebrities were considered. 

A red carpet was placed at the most prestigious hotel of Wraith, with the celebration being held in a highly secured and secluded area. 

The ballroom was enormous, with ceilings that touched the sky, chandeliers aplenty, and ceiling-high windows. There was a hum of excitement in the air, as quiet chatter was heard amongst the privileged crowd.

Lydia Claymore was at the center of attention, mingling from person to person, all of whom were eager to be well-acquainted with her. She wore a confident smile, her haughtiness unmatched, and her presence intimidating.

"Congratulations Chairwoman," they\'d say with large grins and polite nods. 

Everyone was dressed to utter perfection, an aura of wealth eluding from their overpriced gowns. Of course, there were always a handful of people dressed in casual clothes, not because they couldn\'t afford pricey gowns or suits, but because they didn\'t need to show off.

Those kind of people were the ones that Lydia wanted to get to know the most—the hidden families kept away from "Richest Families" magazines, for their names were so sacred and secretive, only a selective few knew of their existence.

All of the conversation, however, quieted down at the presence of an infamous couple. The grand doors of the ballroom were opened, and the chatter became nonexistent. Their presence was deafening.

"Is that…"

"It really is—"

"I didn\'t think I\'d ever seen him in person."

The King of Wraith rarely attended banquets, much less celebratory ones like this. Sometimes, he didn\'t even make a presence at his own gatherings. Pictures of his handsome face were everywhere, but not many people were blessed with his actual presence.

"Your Majesty, Your Grace!" People quickly greeted, surrounding the indifferent man. They were surprised by his ruthless aura and the flash of his ruby eyes, signalling his status as a Pure-Blood. Many gulped around him, blown away by the way the tension thickened.

"It\'s a pleasure to make your acquaintance," a soft voice had commented for him.

Immediately, every pair of eyes snapped towards her. In contrast to the icy King was a warm woman. She wore a slight smile on her face, her large eyes surveying the crowd. They couldn\'t help but look a bit longer at her, despite the warning stare from the King. 

She wore a satin emerald dress that hung loosely on her body, but showed off her small waist, ample hips and gave the illusion of an hourglass. It was a simple dress, but made her look like an ethereal nymph stepping out of a magical forest.

"A pleasure indeed," one of the women had said, stepping forward with a larger smile than the one she presented to Lydia Claymore.

The woman lowered herself into a slight curtsey, knowing this was the proper way to greet the royal family. The Queen\'s expression became much kinder, and people hurried forward to greet her as well, believing she would be the key to the King\'s heart.

But everyone was a step too late.

"Your Grace!" Lydia eagerly called out, instantly making her way to the front of the crowd, not realizing exactly who was standing behind the couple.

"Liddy," Adeline greeted, her smile growing wide. Her heart swelled with pride at the sight of her beloved best friend.

"I\'m so glad you can make it!" Lydia gushed, coming forward to quickly hug her friend before pulling back. 

Immediately, everyone was surprised. They had heard the new Chairwoman was very close with the Queen, but they didn\'t know it was to the extent of nicknames. The room stirred a bit, their eagerness to be acquainted with Lydia Claymore suddenly becoming more urgent. In order to be acquainted with the Royal Family, Lydia Claymore was the key.

"Congratulations, Liddy," Adeline warmly responded.

Lydia\'s heart swelled with joy. The only congratulations that ever mattered was the ones from the people she truly cared about.

"Come, come, I\'ve prepared your favorites," Lydia said with a grin. She wanted to grab the Queen\'s hand, but noticed a very possessive arm wrapped around her hips.

Elias had a protective hand resting on Adeline\'s hips, his gaze coldly scanning the crowd. Everyone was either awestruck or amazed by their presence. In particular, the men who couldn\'t stop staring at Adeline. He sent a scathing glower their way, and instantly, the ceiling or floor became the most interesting part of the banquet.

Elias squeezed Adeline\'s hips, capturing her attention. He bent his head, his lips brushing upon her ears, sending shivers down her spine. 

"If you feel faint, notify me instantly, darling," he murmured in a low voice, pressing a quick kiss to the side of her head, a claim that everyone saw.

"Alright," she whispered back, smiling up at him.

Elias\'s aloof expression softened at the sight of her smile. He felt the urge to kiss her until she was breathless and doe-eyed. He heard a quiet clear of a throat and knew it was none other than the irritating Lydia.

He raised his head in time to see Lydia staring pointedly at him, as if wanting to say, \'Get a damn room!\'

Elias simply rolled his eyes and gave Adeline\'s hips a final squeeze. 

- - - - -

The banquet returned back to normal. There was a large crowd around the King, who rarely spoke, but when he did, said profound things. Many were wide-eyed and wore large-grins, excited to hear his input, and pondered over every little thing he uttered. It was needless to say, everyone wanted his attention.

The same would\'ve gone for the Queen, had she not been whisked away every second by Lydia Claymore. People were eager to get close to her, but every time they headed in her direction, the Chairwoman would suddenly move spots.

"You must try this lemon tart with toasted meringue, it\'s made by the best patisserie in France!" Lydia said, handing the small finger-bite food to the Queen.

Adeline happily bit into it, her eyes lighting up with joy at the sweet and tart taste. Before she could fully savor the delightful dessert, Lydia pulled her to another table.

"And this lemon macaroon with cream cheese frosting as well," Lydia added on, handing another piece to Adeline. Then, she turned and began guiding Adeline to another table that had small ramekins of warmed lemon cakes.

"I know what you\'re doing, Liddy," Adeline whispered, causing her friend to stiffen mid-step. Adeline took the lead this time, pulling Lydia along, for she had surprised her close friend too much.

"I don\'t know what you\'re talking about, Addy," Lydia returned.

"You\'re pulling me from place to place because of Weston," Adeline snickered. "Everytime we go somewhere, he heads for that spot, but before he gets to us, you\'re gone."

Lydia nervously laughed. She didn\'t think Adeline would find out about the plan so quickly. She thought Adeline would be too engrossed by the dessert to realize Weston was detangling through the crowd of ladies eager to meet his acquaintance.

"That\'s nonsense," Lydia lied. "By the way, have you seen Asher? Some bodyguard he is! He\'s always wandering off, without me."

Adeline blinked. "Don\'t try to change the subject," she mused.

"Don\'t tease me like this," Lydia huffed. "I\'m beginning to worry the King\'s horrible habits are rubbing off on you. I just hope my future niece or nephew doesn\'t inherit such bad traits."

Adeline simply laughed. "What bad traits?"

Lydia rolled her eyes. What a fool for love.

Distracted by the conversation, Lydia didn\'t realize who had stopped in front of them, until Adeline spoke up.

"Linden," Adeline said, surprised by his presence and growth. The last time she saw him, he was just a baby, and now, he was a full-grown man.

"Hello, Your Grace," Linden dryly remarked, not as eager to please the Queen as everyone else was. 

"Ugh, let\'s go," Lydia muttered, pulling at Adeline\'s arm. But just then, she saw someone in the corner of her eyes. Her heart dropped, especially when she saw who he was conversing with.

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