
Chapter 149 - Gossip About The Queen

Adeline was moved to a new room. Well, in particular, she was sent back to her old room, the one that was directly next to Elias\'s. 

It seemed in his rage, when she was asleep, the room had been destroyed. She didn\'t say anything when the maids rolled in the food, when they asked her if it was too hot or cold, or when they asked why she didn\'t touch the food.

Adeline just continued to stare out the window, until her eyes practically burned from looking at one thing for so long. 

Adeline felt numb and hollow on the inside, her heart laid bleeding on the ground. When she didn\'t touch the food, the maids left with the cold dishes, then came back with another platter of newly cooked, warmed food.

"Please, Your Grace, you must have a bite," Jenny begged at the bedside of the Queen. She was on her knees, with a face of worry. 

Jenny was so joyous when she heard the Queen had awoken from her sudden coma. They told the servants and public it was because she had overworked herself to secure the trades deal with Kastrem. Everyone loved her for it, without realizing the truth behind the Queen\'s unconsciousness.

"At least a small nibble, Your Grace?" Jenny pleaded, offering the plate of sandwiches to the Queen. She heard the Queen frequently asked her secretary, Stella, to prepare this sandwich as a snack.

Jane pressed her lips together upon noticing the Queen\'s lack of movements. "The chefs are working hard downstairs, ready to prepare a new set of meals in case you do not eat this one, Your Grace."

The Queen continued to gaze out the window, a faraway look on her face. She seemed to be lost in thought, her body physically on Earth, but her brain in Space. 

Seeing the lack of responses, Jane lowered her gaze and tapped Jenny\'s shoulder. "We will excuse ourselves then, Your Grace."

Jenny settled the sandwich upon the nightstand and eyed the breakfast tray on the bed. There was food already settled in front of the Queen. There was a bowl of fruits, nutritious porridge, chicken noodle soup, and everything soothing for the stomach.

Jane and Jenny quietly departed from the room, knowing they\'ll have to go downstairs and grab the new set of food soon. Once they shut the doors behind them and continued walking down the stairs, the siblings finally began talking to themselves.

"What do you think happened to Her Grace?" Jenny whispered to her younger sister. 

Jane continued walking, a stoic and stern expression on her face. She couldn\'t understand what put the Queen in such a bad mood, especially after just waking up. 

"I don\'t know, Jenny," Jane said. 

"Do you think the King and Queen got into an argument after she woke up?" Jenny asked, glancing left and right to make sure no one heard their curious discussion.

"I don\'t know," Jane repeated. "But it\'s best to not gossip about the Queen\'s situation. She treats us well, and that\'s all I care about."

Jenny pressed her lips together. Everyone in this castle treated the servants well, even the head of maids. It was a result of the King\'s fair treatment of them that inspired every level of the hierarchy to be like this. But the other visiting aristocrats of the castles aren\'t like this. Only the castle workers are kind.

Jenny let out a small sigh. "Maybe I am just overthinking it. Do you see the way the King looks at our Queen? I\'ve never seen so much love and adoration in his eyes. He smiles genuinely for her."

Jane paused for a brief second, before finally smiling a bit. "Yes. His hardened gaze only softens for her. I\'ve seen on more than one occasion the way he touches her, as if careful to not injure her."

"Well, she is human," Jenny said. "And humans are frail."

"Not the Queen, though," Jane said. "The Queen seems like a strong woman. Today is just a small bump in the road."


Jenny slowly nodded her head in agreement. Her younger sister was right. The Queen must be strong if she could handle the King. A comfortable silence fell over them as they headed into the kitchen to grab the new food. 

- - - - -

Despite Elias\'s threats, he did not come. Word quickly arose in the castle that the Queen didn\'t have her appetite, but that was quite normal. Many servants were aware of how random her eating pattern was. Sometimes she ate a lot, sometimes she didn\'t eat at all.

For the next week, Adeline continued to take no more than a bite or a gulp of soup. It was always when the maids were gone. Not a second later, she\'d run for the bathroom, throwing up the little contents in her stomach. 

Every night, Adeline\'s eyes were filled with tears. Every time, she comforted herself to sleep. And every morning, she had morning sickness. It was horrible. She couldn\'t keep food down, couldn\'t properly take care of herself, nor could she even lie comfortably.

"It\'s okay," Adeline whispered to herself, resting a hand upon her stomach. She fondly caressed it, feeling a slight bump, but maybe it was just her imagination.

Adeline heard vampires developed faster than humans, but she wouldn\'t know. There were no Doctors sent for her. It was as if she was completely discarded by Elias. He never showed up once in the week, even after receiving word that she didn\'t eat.

Surprisingly, the twins would come along, once a day to check up on her condition. Sometimes it was Weston awkwardly asking her if she was alright, or it was a blushing Easton who didn\'t know how to converse with her. The maids were always aplenty, though. There were people to cater to all of her needs, except her heart.

"Your Grace," Stella worriedly said. "How are you feeling today?"

"Alright," Adeline vaguely murmured. 

"H-how about a public viewing today?" Stella asked, just as Evelyn came forward.

"It has been three weeks since the public has last seen you, and they\'re growing worried. They heard you woke up a week ago, but your lack of presence is concerning the people. How about a quick address in the palace\'s grand balcony?"

Adeline pressed her lips together. As much as she\'d love to see her citizens, she feared she\'d faint at the noise and crowd. "N-no, that\'s alright."

"Hm, perhaps a quick live video for the television? Just to show the country that you\'re in good health, and there is nothing to worry about," Evelyn offered. "It can be from within the comfort of the largest drawing-room in the castle. After that, we can return to your bedroom."

Adeline debated the idea. After a second, she nodded her head. She didn\'t want to worry her people, nor make the other countries think something is happening internally in Wraith. The video would be beneficial to everyone.

"Alright, I will get bathed and dressed," Adeline said. She slipped out of bed, but the sudden action made her dizzy. She gagged, her body lurching forward.

"Your Grace!" Stella gasped, quickly rushing to the Queen\'s side. There had been rumors that the Queen couldn\'t stomach food and had a bad appetite… Could it be?

"I\'m sorry, the quick momentum made me nauseous," Adeline lied. 

Adeline didn\'t want people to find out about the pregnancy yet. If they did, they\'d congratulate her, and that would only pressure Elias to accept the baby. She wanted him to accept it on his own terms, without outside influence.

"Are you sure?" Evelyn asked. She was worried about whether or not the Queen would throw up on live television. It would look bad.

"Y-yes, I\'m fine," Adeline whispered. She hobbled out of bed, her face pale and sickly.

"How about we get you a meal first, Your Grace?" Evelyn said. She was beginning to debate the idea of putting off the live screening. The Queen looked like she was going to faint any minute now.

"No, I\'m not hungry," Adeline said. She straightened her back and winced at the tiredness she felt. She had been in bed for weeks now but still couldn\'t gather a lot of energy.

Adeline couldn\'t even request for books about pregnancy, or else it\'d arouse suspicion. But she did a lot of research on her phone. They said a pregnant human would be most comfortable if their vampire lover treated them well. Something about soothing the nerves of the mother, and child…

Adeline wouldn\'t know.

"Perhaps we\'ll put on a thicker layer of makeup today," Adeline weakly joked in an attempt to liven up the mood.

Stella forced soft laughter. "How about a small bite of a sandwich, Your Grace?" 

Adeline hesitated a bit. The baby needed to eat… "Alright, please prepare a sandwich." 

Stella and Evelyn quickly perked up at her words. Stella quickly nodded her head. "Your Grace, I will fetch the sandwich for you now!" 

Stella quickly bowed and dashed out of the room, eager to have the Queen fed.

Adeline smiled at the enthusiasm of her secretary. There was no need to punish the servants with her gloominess when all they\'ve done is treated her well and worry about her health.

"Take your time with the bath, Your Grace," Evelyn proudly said. "I will prepare the clothes for you."

Adeline hesitated. Her guns! "N-no need, Evelyn. Please get the cameras ready, I will be down very soon."

Evelyn wasn\'t fazed. She heard the Queen liked to bathe and dress herself. But Evelyn was a bit suspicious… why couldn\'t she pick out the Queen\'s outfits? Was there something hiding in the closet?

"As you wish, Your Grace. I will prepare the cameras," Evelyn hesitatingly said. Maybe she could ask one of the servants who frequently cleans the room. Perhaps they\'ve found something interesting in the closet.

"Enjoy your bath then, Your Grace." 

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