
Chapter 177 Fiance

Chapter 177 Fiance

"Oh! Isn’t this Princess Lucinia?" A squeaky voice interrupted them. The Duke immediately frowned while Lucinia heaved a sigh of relief. Whoever, it was, she just wanted to thank this person for helping her out. The two immediately turned behind them and saw a woman wearing a long black gown. A black headdress that looked larger than the woman’s face can be seen in her head.

"Duchess Rebecca Rusche," Lucinia uttered. "I wasn’t expecting to see you here." Of course, Lucinia knew that the woman followed them here. She clearly saw her at the banquet earlier.

"It’s a beautiful night. I wouldn’t miss it." Rebecca said, her eyes, however, were focused on Mo Li. "Duke Mo... Good Evening."

"I was having a really good evening. Until you show up." Duke Mo didn’t hesitate the show the irritation in his eyes.

"Eh?" Rebecca only lifted an eyebrow before she giggled. "Am I disturbing something?"


"No," Lucinia said at the same time as the Duke. She immediately looked at him and fake a smile. "No, you are not disturbing us."

"Wonderful." Duchess Rebecca stood next to Lucinia, her eyes focused on the roses in front of them. "Beautiful." She spoke and took a sip of blood from the wine glass in her hands. "I have heard about what happened to Zacharia. Poor man."

Lucinia nodded as she felt the Duke’s arms casually resting on her waist.

"I remember that the Princess really likes that man." The Duchess said. "I even remember you asking me some things... concoctions that would make a man... " she covered her mouth with his hand and glance at the Duke. "It made me wonder... were you able to enjoy that Zacharia? I mean... no offense, but that man’s body is mouthwatering."

Lucinia sneered inwardly. She wasn’t really irritated about the woman’s words as the foolish Lucinia really did try to seduce that equally foolish knight. She was, however, irritated by the way Rebecca clearly intended for the Duke to hear her words. Does this Duchess like the Duke? That is very likely. Considering Mo Li’s good looks and sex appeal. Even his status is appetizing to the eyes of female vampires. All the gratefulness that she felt earlier instantly vanished.

Just that... the more she thought about it, the more irritated she became. "I lost interest." She said in a calm tone. "Too weak for my... tastes."

"Oh?" Rebecca feigned surprise. She turned her attention towards the woman beside her. "I thought you really liked him... it turns out..."

"I got bored," Lucinia said. "So I relinquish the vow."

"Interesting." Rebecca nodded. "Very interesting, your highness. But since you are already bored... maybe I can recommend someone that matches your tastes? I can assure you..."

"Is he older than me?"


Lucinia only smiled at the woman. "I stopped liking children a long time ago."

"Really?" Again, Rebecca laughed and ignored Mo Li’s dark face. She continued, "I heard that the Princess had an engagement before. A prince from another kingdom? Surely, that one was about the same age as the Princess. Forgive my nosiness, but is the engagement with that prince still— "

"No." Mo Li chimed in. "Not anymore."

"Oh? But I heard the engagement is still happening. Especially now that the Princess is finally leaving her cocoon and turning into a beautiful butterfly. Now that I thought about it, a marriage alliance between two kingdoms would be very beneficial. What do you think Duke Mo? Eh? Where did he go?" the Duchess turned her head left and right. She had been too engrossed in her own thoughts that she actually didn’t notice Mo Li leaving.

"Well... since it’s just the two of us now." The smile on the Duchess’ face vanished as she faced Lucinia. "Let me tell you the real reason why I am here."

"You wanted to tell me to stay away from the Duke?"

"Smart!" Rebecca gave a sinister smile. "Yes. That is right. The Duke and my father had been talking about a marriage alliance between me, and him. So, you better know your place little princess, or I won’t hesitate to show you why I am called the Blood-Red Duchess."

Lucinia’s eyebrows met before she started laughing. She didn’t hide the mockery in her laughter. "Blood Red Duchess," she uttered every word with disgust in her tone.

"That’s right. I am sure that you already heard of that."

"I mean... " Who calls themselves the blood-red duchess? She continued laughing.

"Why are you laughing?" Rebecca frowned before she lifted her hand, trying to hold Lucinia’s wrist but before her skin could touch hers, Rebecca paused. Her hands stopped moving. Every iota of strength that she had slowly vanished. Slowly, she felt herself falling on the floor. She tried to struggle but the invisible forced seemed to stop all of her organs and limbs from moving.

"Funny how you have heard about what happened to Zacharia, and you still think that you can threaten me using a nickname given by your father," Lucinia said. She tried to stop herself from laughing at the absurdity of the current situation. Her eyes twinkled when she saw the scarlet blood slowly trickled down the woman’s lips. "I would kill you." She stated. This time, she wasn’t planning to hold back. She wouldn’t let the jealousy and hatred of this woman increase.

She immediately remembered her first rule. It is always better to kill the plant while it was still a seed than let it grow into something that would complicate her quests. Then she lessened the pressure, letting the female vampire speak.

"I am a Duchess."

She sneered and didn’t pay attention to the Duchess anymore as she increased the pressure. Anyone who would approach her would surely suffer the same fate as the Duchess. After a few minutes, Lucinia looked at the Duchess as she released all the pressure in the woman’s heart, making her heart explode from the blood and the oppressive force.

Slowly, the life in the woman’s eyes vanished as her body fell to the floor. The only blood on the floor was from the woman’s mouth. Aside from that, no one would be able to tell how she died.

"I was gone for a few minutes, and when I came back... you already killed someone from the noble blood," She heard Mo Li spoke behind her. These words, however, seemed to wake up the anger that she felt earlier.

"Your fiance is dead, Duke Mo!" she snapped. "Either you shut up or avenge her death! It’s that simple!"



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