
Chapter 1016: Attitudes and Stances

Chapter 1016: Attitudes and Stances

Truth be told, Archimedes was feeling a little elated.

For any new rulers, the initial period of their reign was always the time period where they were most prone to making mistakes. Throughout the course of history, there hadn\'t been a single ruler who hadn\'t made a mistake, and only seasoned rulers on the international stage could ensure that their errors were kept to a minimum.

He knew that the new ruler of the Cathayan Underworld was quite young, and even if he had been chosen by the second King Yanluo, there were definitely going to be people in the Cathayan Underworld displeased by his rise to power. The best way to escalate a civil conflict was by applying international pressure.

"You think you can just isolate yourself from the rest of the world, but it\'s not that easy," Archimedes murmured to himself as he continued to read through the documents on his desk with a smile on his face. "You need to make your voice heard on the international stage in order to show everyone that you have firm control of the throne. Thus, you chose to take a gamble on a new energy resource. This is a very risky ploy, and if it pays off, the rewards will be bountiful, but do you really think you\'re the second King Yanluo? What makes you think you can withstand all of the pressure from the rest of the world? Science is the number one force of production. If all of the scientists in the world turn their backs on the Cathayan Underworld, how are you going to develop your new energy resource? If you release the energy resource, only for it to be discovered that the energy resource had infringed upon the patents of all of the world\'s leading scientists, the penalty fines that you\'ll have to pay will be so severe that it could even impact the Cathayan Underworld\'s overall GDP! That would result in a series of civil issues, and in addition to the pressure exerted upon you from the rest of the world, you\'ll feel like the walls are closing in on you from both the inside and the side..."

He quickly signed his name on another document, and a hint of anticipation flashed through his eyes. "If you fail to make your voice heard this time, do you think we\'ll give you another opportunity to re-establish yourself on the world stage in the future?"

However, his brows then furrowed slightly as he murmured to himself, "The main issue lies in the Array of the Nine Gods set up by the second King Yanluo. Under that array, no one knows what the Cathayan Underworld is doing, and no one is able to undo the array..."

As a scientist himself, he knew exactly what scientists were like.

They were all up in arms right now, calling for the Cathayan Underworld to be sanctioned, but as soon as the new energy resource was released, they would most likely immediately change their attitudes and beg the Cathayan Underworld to release the data related to the energy resource.

Everything was happening far too slowly at the moment.

It was clear that the Cathayan Underworld was intent on ignoring the entire world while working on the new energy resource in complete isolation. Once the new energy resource emerged, everyone would have to bow their heads to them anyway.

Thus, they had to somehow apply so much pressure to the Cathayan Underworld that they had no choice but to collaborate with the rest of the world before the new energy resource was completed!

"The rise of a new energy resource would be an absolute nightmare to the entire world! It would allow the Cathayan Underworld to become a supreme superpower, just like Usonia in the mortal realm!"

His mind was racing as he leaned back in his chair while looking up at the ceiling in an absentminded manner. "However, if the entire world gets involved, then everyone would get a share, and the Cathayan Underworld wouldn\'t be able to claim this new energy resource solely for themselves. Only by accomplishing this can we ensure that the Cathayan Underworld won\'t be able to rise again!"

A cold look flashed through his eyes.

Yanluo Qin, do you really think you\'re the only one who\'s been working hard during these past eight months? Do you really think the rest of the world can\'t do anything other than make threats of sanctions? Isolating yourself from the rest of the world will prevent the world from seeing what stage you\'re at in your research and development, but do you know what\'s been happening in the world during this time?

"Notify all of the research organizations requesting an audience with me to meet me at the golden hall in half an hour," he instructed.

The servant extended a respectful bow as he asked, "What should I tell them as the reason for the meeting?"

Archimedes turned his gaze toward the mountainous pile of documents on his desk as he replied, "It will be a meeting to discuss the future and outlook of the new energy resource, of course."


"The Cathayan Underworld has gone too far!" Inside a hall with a pure golden color scheme, a man wearing a black coat, a tall tophat, and a monocle was pacing back and forth in an agitated manner while his voice rang out like thunder across the entire hall. "It\'s been eight months! Eight whole months!"

He cast his gaze through his surroundings. This was a very spacious hall with intricately designed sofas positioned all around it, and the white carpet on the floor was spotless and pristine. A crystalline chandelier was hanging overhead, but of course, it was only a decorative piece.

There were also famous carvings and pieces of artwork from renowned underworld artists placed all around the hall, and currently, the four large sofas, eac of which could seat five people, were completely occupied. The people sitting on the sofas were all leading scientists in the world, and they had all been present during the Great Revelation Debate eight months ago!

"Calm down, Faraday," Röntgen said with slightly furrowed brows. "Getting worked up isn\'t going to achieve anything. In contrast with the Cathayan Underworld, we\'re far too tiny and insignificant, only international organizations can exert pressure upon them. As long as they don\'t intend to completely detach themselves from the rest of the world, they\'ll be sure to respond, and I\'m sure no country would be foolish enough to actually sever all ties with the entire world."

"How can I calm down?" Faraday was the inventor of the dynamo, and his voice was becoming even louder while his cheeks were becoming flushed with frustration.

He raised a hand and pointed up at the ceiling as he said, "The new energy resource is something that can transform the entire world! Countless industries will arise from such an invention! Just a few days ago, the Lumière brothers, who only came down to the underworld not long ago..."

Blackett raised a hand as he interjected, "Hold on, are you referring to Auguste and Louis Lumière?"

Faraday nodded in response. He was certain that everyone in the room knew these two names.

If no method of usage could be found for an energy resource, then it would just be pure, untapped energy.

These two brothers were extremely renowned in the mortal realm as inventors of the movie!

"They\'re not the only ones! The inventor of the television, John Baird, also came to ask me how the new energy resource was coming along! Countless businesses are also eagerly awaiting updates on the new energy! Think about how many industries can arise in the wake of the new energy resource\'s release! They could do so much good in this world, yet as one of the four pillars, they\'ve chosen to remain completely silent! They need to speak up! The eight monthly reports and two quarterly reports amounts to a total of 10 missed reports! Setting aside the fact that they\'re completely ignoring international regulations, let me ask all of you this: have any of you received patent applications from them?"

The usage of rights of scientific patents could be very expensive depending on the time period that one applied for.


After a long while, Faraday answered his own question. "At the very least, I haven\'t received one. If the Cathayan Underworld really are close to developing the new energy resource as they proclaimed during the Great Revelation Debate, then there\'s no way they can avoid my dynamo patent! It doesn\'t make any sense!"

"I haven\'t received any applications, either," a middle-aged man with a brown beard chimed in.

This was the recipient of the sixth Nobel Prize in Physics, Joseph John Thomson.

Similarly, no one researching energy resources similar to electricity could avoid his book, "Conduction of Electricity through Gasses".

"I haven\'t, either," another tall man said.

This was Louis de Broglie, the one who had postulated the wave nature of electrons, and he was also the recipient of the 29th Nobel Prize in Physics in 1929.

"Same with me."

"I\'ve already instructed my assistants to inform me right away as soon as they receive any letters from the Cathayan Underworld, but I haven\'t heard anything."

One scientist chimed in after another, and the atmosphere in the room was becoming more and more heated.

They were being treated like idiots by the Cathayan Underworld!

Not a single one of the world\'s leading physicists had received patent applications from the Cathayan Underworld! How were they even going about developing this new energy resource?

It was simply impossible unless they could re-establish the entire physics world, and that would take thousands of years!

The rate and sequence of submitted patent applications would allow them to extrapolate what stage the Cathayan Underworld\'s research had reached, yet not even a single application had been received!

"I raised doubts against the Cathayan Underworld\'s press conference from the very beginning, but it seems like no one took me seriously."

Right at this moment, an eldelry voice rang out from the entrance of the hall, and Archimedes and Aristotle pushed open the intricately carved doors before making their way into the room.

All of the scientists quickly rose to their feet as a gesture of respect.

Perhaps they were no longer pure scientists, but they were still the pioneers of mathematics and physics!

"No need for formalities, take a seat, everyone," Aristotle said as with an amicable smile. "We came here as we had heard all of your requests. The main purpose of the World Energy Resource Research Organization is to help all of the scientists in the world. Without scientists, there would be no way for this world to make any progress."

All of the scientists sat down with distrungled expressions, and Archimedes picked up a cup of coffee that had been offered to him before taking a sip. "I know that all of you are very angry and frustrated. However, I must make one thing clear: the World Energy Resource Research Organization accepts no responsibility on this matter. All of the condemnation and accusations we\'ve aimed at the Cathayan Underworld have been published on scientific magazines and even international newspapers, and we certainly weren\'t ambiguous in our attitude, either. However, the Cathayan Underworld has continued to ignore us."

"What do we do then?" a scientist asked with tightly furrowed brows. "They\'re harming both our interests and the interests of the entire world! Are we just going to allow them to get away with this?"

Archimedes and Aristotle exchanged a glance, and the latter gave a slight nod before sweeping a hand through the air, upon which the doors were slowly shut.

The room fell silent, and this sudden silence immediately gave rise to a tense and rather menacing atmosphere. All of the scientists involuntarily sat up straighter as they turned their attention toward the two death gods.

Archimedes\'s Yin energy began to slowly disperse through the room, and soon, it was as if everyone were standing on a Yin cloud. He looked around at everyone, then leaned forward slightly as he said, "The Cathayan Underworld is not to be trusted! I\'m not trying to turn you all against the Cathayan Underworld as part of the Argosian Underworld\'s propaganda, I wouldn\'t stoop as low as that on a matter that could impact the entire world! We are all scientists. Perhaps you no longer acknowledge us as scientists, but we are also eagerly awaiting the birth of a new energy resource! Think about it, did the Great Revelation Debate not conclude under inexplicable circumstances? At the time, I even approached all of you one by one. You are all leading scientists with Nobel Prizes in Physics related to electricity, and I gave you all an in-depth analysis of how the Cathayan Underworld had diverted attention and made false equivalencies during their press conference. However, none of you took me seriously at the time."

Aristotle sighed as he chimed in, "Your horizons have been limited to the bounds of your research laboratories, but unlike you, we look at problems from both a political and an academic perspective. However, at the time, we were also unsure of whether there was actually a problem with the Cathayan Underworld\'s energy resource plan. What truly convinced us of this beyond a reasonable doubt are the actions of the Cathayan Underworld during the past eight months!"

His voice became more and more forceful as he continued, "Have any of you considered the possibility that the new energy resource may not have emerged at all? Have you considered that this could only be a ploy for the Cathayan Underworld to try and secure more political power? Otherwise, why do they require no patents or assistance? Think about it, from the conference for the re-signing of the treaty on the non-proliferation of forbidden arts to now, they\'ve been playing the same two cards over and over again: energy resource, nuclear energy! These are their trump cards, but time waits for now one, and their actions have set off many alarm bells for us."

He snapped his fingers, and sets of documents equivalent to the number of scientists present appeared out of thin air before falling into the hands of the scientists. "Everyone, only scientists understand science, politicians can never understand the aspirations of science! During these past few months, not only have the three pillars kept a close eye on all of the Cathayan Underworld\'s words and actions in relation to the new energy resource, they\'ve also gathered all of their research and development power to draft up this contract. Please take a good look everyone, this is our \'Prometheus\' plan!"

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