
Chapter 1156 - I’ll Find You (8)”

“Half Qing Sing, I’m sure you had a lot of fun torturing me over the years, now I finally got a chance to get revenge, hahaha!”

The snake shuddered in fear over that proclamation. Taking several steps back in haste, her expression was that of someone meeting their doom, that’s the level of despair she felt.


This time I’m dead!


Just as the goat monster was about to begin his torture, a crisp sounding voice cuts in. Turning around in bad spirit at the source: “What? I can’t kill you already, now you won’t let me kill this snake either?”

“I only don’t want to put her to waste. As it so happens today, me and my kids are interested in having snake soup for dinner.”

“Snake soup?” Bai Xiachen’s eyes immediately lit up, “Mother, I haven’t had snake soup in a long time, I want snake soup!”

“I also want to try Mother, I never tasted snake soup before.” Dragony also decides to chime in, her mouth slightly drooling from the prospect of food.

Half Qing Sing’s complexion grew increasingly dire, her body continuing to retreat from the party. “You… are you humans always this insidious? I only wanted to use you earlier, not kill you, why can’t you spare me?”

Unfazed by that defense, Bai Yan just smiled and pointed out the flaw in that logic:” From what I see, that’s a lie. Those piles of bones over there, they’re the humans that came before us right? You killed them, just like how you were going to kill us if we couldn’t lift up that sword.”

The snake became stiff as a rock, not denying that theory.

Taking a step to lean forward in a taunting manner, Bai Yan continues with a nonchalant air to herself: “If it wasn’t because I took control of the whole situation, you wouldn’t be begging me right now so there’s nothing insidious about what I’m doing.”

The snake continued to remain silent, only biting her lip as if each word was a form of sentencing in court. There’s a whole layer of sweat spewing out of her forehead at this point, that’s how scared she was. Nevertheless, the demoness eventually worked up the courage and asked with grit between her teeth: “So what are you going to do?”

Thickening in her grin until its almost a snarl, Bai Yan didn’t bother to hide her plan: “You are in luck. If it was in the past then I would’ve turned you into soup, no questions asked. However, I am currently short on helping hands as of late. With your thick skin, using you as a shield would be plenty useful, so long as you recognize me as your mistress through a slave contract that is.”

Astonished on her face, Half Qing Sing practically cried out her reply without another thought: “SLAVE CONTRACT?! You want to enslave me?”

The reasoning behind the outcry was the different treatment between the two parties. For Bai Yan and Dragon Flame, their bond was that of mistress and familiar, an equal level of control between them both. To be clear, it’s not like she didn’t want to subjugate the goat monster to her whims through this deal, just that the strength disparity between herself and said dragon god was too much of a stretch. Even if she did manage the enslavement contract, it would’ve been pointless because the side effects would’ve been only detrimental to herself.

Now this was where Half Qing Sing differed. She’s hardly as strong compared to the old goat, only at upper level of the Bottom Divine stage, plenty of room for Bai Yan to fully enslave without any consequences.

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