
Chapter 211

Arge Chapter 211: Each person’s trouble

「...It’s really nice to be able to eat Satsuki-san’s cake at this time . 」(Ginka)

「I think Satsuki-san handed me the cakes in anticipation of this . 」(Arge)

We are having tea indoor while facing each other .

Ginka-san, Shion-san, and me .

After being invited to the afternoon tea, I decided to use the cake that I had received from Satsuki-san and stored in the Blood Box .

「Hmm... this is delicious!

What is this!」(Shion)

「Shion . It’s a cake

The sweets that my acquaintance makes... someday, I’ll take you there too」(Ginka)

「Ehehe, then after everything is over .

I’m looking forward to it!」(Shion)

What Shion-san was happily eating was the chocolate cake .

I’ve eaten it once, it’s very moist and sweet .

... As expected, she doesn’t know much about that .

An artificial spirit created as a weapon by a reincarnated person from the Kuon family . That is Shion-san .

Pretty much everything she sees is the first experience for her .

「...To be honest, it’s been very helpful to have you girls」(Ginka)

「...Ha~a, thank you」(Arge)

Ginka-san thankfully bowed to me and I felt a little embarrassed .

I felt a little difficult to deal with this silver hair half-elf .

...Well, I know what she meant .

Acting together with the Rebels and taking down the Imperial City at once .

After everything was decided, we had a preparation period .

Of course, it means to readjust your strength and to act moderately in order not to be found by the empire .

The rebels are responsible for the activities at the front (Bait) .

Ginka-san’s group will act as a trump card .

Of course, it’s something that I also want .

Since it’s possible to press the most troublesome part to others, I really very welcome it .

However, I also thought my part isn’t enough, so I decided to help a little .

「I never thought you could use such great recovery magic」(Ginka)

「I can heal anyone as long as they aren’t dead .

If everyone can come home properly then it will be great . 」(Arge)

「Some of them are ready to die for the great cause, Arge-chan .

Thank you for helping me out there . 」(Ginka)

「......It looks like so」(Arge)

At first, I was surprised when they took me to the place where the injured people were gathered .

People were cursed, wounded, ill, etc . It was a terrible situation and they seemed unable to heal properly .

As they were all gathered, I healed them all together . Everyone was surprised .

「And now, many people treat you like an Angel on the battlefield . 」(Ginka)

「I’m a bit reluctance though...」(Arge)

Samaka-san once told me about this “becoming a tool of war” thing .

Even though I refused the King, I have gone and done it myself .

But I couldn’t just ignore them .

I couldn’t bear looking at everyone’s face twisted in pain and their moan . I thought I should do something .

「In addition, I think other people are more helpful」(Arge)

Aoba-san is contributing by supplementing food and herbs with her ability .

She products fruits, vegetables, then distribute to those who lost their places due to the war and somewhat satisfy their hunger .

Some people also start to join rebellions . It’s not a complete charity, though .

She can grow both medicinal herbs and poisonous plants .

Aoba-san seems to be useful in many ways .

Felnote-san and Richelle-san are mainly combat instruction .

Some people in the Rebels can speak ancient spiritual languages, and it seems that they have no problem communicating with Richelle-san .

Felnote-san is pretty much a celebrity . It seems that there are quite a lot of people want her to teach them about sword skill .

Kuzuha-chan used her ability to the fullest, such as hunting and carrying goods, etc .

「Meanwhile, I’m only good at getting sleepy」(Arge)

Unlike me, who just want to take a nap after doing something .

Everyone else is trying to help out as much as they can .

Compared to all of them, what I’m doing is insignificant .

「There are no such things . 」(Ginka)

「That’s not true」(Shion)

The two shouted a clear denial and I’m confused .

Looking at me with my eyes opened in surprise, the two smiled softly .

「You don’t have to compare with anyone .

You are you . And you are already helping people properly .

Above all... you say you’re getting sleepy, but if something happens, you’ll always wake up」(Ginka)

「That’s just... I can’t sleep if the surroundings are noisy」(Arge)

「And also, you’re worried about others . Arge-chan is a caring child」(Shion)

「Uhm... yes, is that so? I’m not sure」(Arge)

I remember Ryuko-chan who was taking care of me in the place where I used to live on Earth .

Their personalities are completely different, but she and these two always gave me a straightforward and positive answer no matter how much I deny myself .

Satsuki-san and Kuzuha-chan are also the same .

Everybody tells me that I’m a good person and they need me .

I didn’t think about it in the previous life,

But now, receiving positive and complimenting like this is embarrassed .

As if running away, I talked .

「...It’s about someone else but you two say it quite confidently . 」(Arge)

「Because that’s you who I believe .

No matter how you think of yourself, I still consider you a good person .

That’s why... Thank you, Arge」(Ginka)

「Yes .

Thank you, Arge-chan .

Really, I was able to meet people with good color」(Shion)

「U... than... thank you」(Arge)

I don’t think I hate it, but when they are talking like, my pace got disturbed .

If I’m in trouble with how to reply, Ginka-san speaks while looking down at her teacup .

「And because I am the same」(Ginka)


「No matter how beautiful or justice words I say after all my skills are just for murder .

Miyama’s house is an old samurai lineage in the Republic, some of my clan have served in the Yotsuba Parliament」(Ginka)

I thought that she might be from the republic, the place with many similar words to the Earth how her name sounds like a Japanese name . And it seems to be correct .

Ginka-san continues to speak while eating the cheesecake .

「I didn’t regret learning those skills . But I could only see the technique as a killing method .

That’s why I refused to use that power . And then I wandered around... until I met Shion . 」(Ginka)

「Me too, I didn’t know how to live .

I was born as a weapon, but I didn’t want to kill anyone...

But my father told me that I was born for that purpose」(Shion)

「Everyone called me either a sword or a murder tool and only Shion called me her prince」(Ginka)

「Everyone called me a weapon but Ginka-san called me her princess」(Shion)


I’m not the only one who hates their own selves .

They told me so as they looking me and nodded .

「I don’t care if I can’t define myself」(Ginka)

「However, she said that my existence is salvation even if I didn’t recognize it myself... I think you will realize it someday」(Shion)

「After all, my skill is a means to that end, the power to stop the Empire .

If I don’t keep the empire quiet, Shion won’t feel relieved . 」(Ginka)

Laughing selfishly, Ginka-san cuts the cake and puts it on Shion-san’s plate .

Shion-san also cut half of her cake and handed it to Ginka-san’s plate .

「When we get sick and when we are healthy」(Shion)

「Negative and positive, pain and joy」(Ginka)

「By sharing everything in this way, we are alive」(Shion)

「That’s what we decided that day .

We did everything with the two of us」(Ginka)

「...Is that so」(Arge)

Somehow, I could feel the depth of the connection between the two .

Attract to each other, the two held hands .

They have told me much secret information they couldn’t tell people about .

They may have decided to use everything .

From how they told me, Shion-san and Ginka-san must feel disturbed with their power .

But they don’t care if it’s right or wrong, they are just doing this for each other .

「...Arge-chan too .

If you don’t recognize yourself, first believe in everyone who acknowledges you . 」(Shion)

「I was told something similar」(Arge)

Iris, an employee of the coffee shop Satsuki and my senior vampire .

To her advice that I could rely on others, I don’t think I can respond with pride .

Even so, when I watched Ginka-san and Shion-san, I felt I could understand the meaning of relying on someone .

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