
Chapter 323 - CH. 330: Clingy Angel

"For what exactly?"

"I was going to cheat…" she said, sniffing back her tears. "I was going to mess up your controller when you were winning."

"That\'s not a reason to cry," he said and peeled her off of him. "Is that?"

Despite the fact she was bawling her eyes out, her halo wasn\'t reacting to her emotions this time around. Asahi patted her fluffy blonde hair.

\'Jii-chan did something?\'

As the owner of Heaven\'s system, he could control who fell or not. He could also exempt Gabriel from losing her angelhood even if she committed a grave sin.

"Asahi…" Gabriel said in a hushed voice as she looked up with teary eyes.

Even though a part of him wanted to see this adorable appearance, Asahi patted her head with both hands. Gabriel was overwhelmed with emotions. The warm feelings flowing in her chest and her gloomy feelings mashed in a powerful and overwhelming tornado.

She tackled him with a hug and pushed him down on the couch. The warmth radiating from Asahi overcame the darkness engulfing her heart.

Asahi couldn\'t help the arousal tugging at his heart. Gabriel\'s body was soft. Rather, the word \'soft\' couldn\'t ever hope to describe the feeling of her chest pushing on his chest, or the white wings grazing his shoulders. The only one who could compete with her was Klyscha.

(This is an S-class emergency. I repeat S-class emergency! Asahi, don\'t give up. You can\'t lewd her now!)

Gabriel wiped away her tears with his shirt as she enjoyed the caress of his hands on her head.

"Thank you."

"Thanks alone won\'t do. I win, so I want my reward," he whispered and blew on her ears.

Gabriel shuddered, not knowing why she did. She stared into his golden eyes brimming with playfulness. She also gave a mischievous grin.

She poked his nose. "Oh my. You want to see me naked~?"

"If you\'re ready, then yeah," Asahi replied with a grin and reached down to her wings. His fingers melted as they came in contact with the feathers.

Gabriel\'s wings twitched in response to his touch. Keeping her lips shut, Gabriel relished his warmth.

Time passed as the two laid on the couch. Asahi had caressed each feather of her twelve wings. The ones he couldn\'t reach, he touched them with his telekinesis, marking each white strand as his territory. He also kept her pleased with headpats. He did nothing more, but this alone had sent Gabriel into hypnosis of sorts. She was in a daze, her blurry eyes gazing up at him unfocused. Her eyes drooped as her chin landed on his chest.

\'And she is out.\'

[—\'Head-patting\' ranked up to A.]

The lethal weapon got even deadlier. The skill never used his mana, but right now it was draining a minuscule amount. Honing his perception, he sensed a flow of energy in his hand. It wasn\'t there before.

(Check the new skill description.)

[—Head-patting (A-Rank): Grants a calming and blissful effect when touching the head of someone. The effect can be scaled with mana.]

The headpats effect could get stronger with mana. Could he finally make a woman writhe in orgasm with his pats alone? He had a hunch this could be done with a little of his enormous mana reserves.

Asahi gently shifted Gabriel while caressing her head. The Seraph didn\'t wake up. Instead, she pushed her face deeper in his chest and draped her wing on his arm, wrapping it all the way around his chest.

\'She doesn\'t want me to leave.\'

Asahi fixed his sleeping posture and hugged the Seraph.

\'A small nap won\'t ruin my schedule. Klyscha, wake me up in two hours.\'

If Gabriel wasn\'t awake by then, he\'d something productive. For now, he closed his eyes and fell asleep in an instant. Having the Goddess of Dreams as a wife had its perks.


Gabriel opened her eyes and craned her neck. Asahi\'s eyes were closed in slumber. His soft breathing tickled her hair. She didn\'t know what to do about this odd feeling welling up in her chest. It beckoned her, telling her to become even closer with him, feel his warmth more.

\'What is this…?\'

As Gabriel moved her wings, Asahi woke up. Only an hour passed since he slept. The Seraph looking at him with an odd look in her eyes. He raised his hand and patted her hand. Her face lit up with a gorgeous smile.

"Good grief," he muttered, spoiling Gabriel just a bit more.

Her lust for headpats was too much.

\'What is she? A headpat slut?\'

(That title… suits her!)

He wholeheartedly agreed with Klyscha. It won\'t be long before Gabriel began requesting him to come every hour just for headpats.

"Let\'s do something else today."

Asahi wrapped an arm around her waist and pushed himself up. He leaned on the couch with Gabriel on his lap. Her eyes were closed, her lips curled into a pleasant smile. She wasn\'t listening to any of his words.

Asahi sighed. "You\'re too much at times, Gabriel."

"Mm…" Gabriel mewled like a kitten.


After spending a few more hours watching anime and movies, Asahi tucked Gabriel into bed. She reached out with both hands, a misty look in her cerulean eyes.

"Stay here."

She already missed his warmth. Despite knowing he had a family to look after, she requested.

Asahi sighed. "You\'re being too selfish."

He already spent over twelve hours with her alone. She still wanted more. Her clinginess was a bit troubling.

Gabriel couldn\'t look straight at him, so she averted her eyes for the first time. Averting her eyes from the guilt rising in her chest.

Then again, he couldn\'t see the tears shining in her eyes. The adorable angel cry was going to become his wife one day. She deserved some slack for being clingy.

"One more hour. No more. I have to meet your dad after, then keep my wives happy."

Gabriel smiled, charming Asahi\'s heart with cuteness. Asahi leaned down and pecked her smooth cheeks.

"It\'s my reward."

Gabriel felt the warmth lingering on her cheeks. She didn\'t know what was happening to her, but she knew one thing—she couldn\'t bear to stay away from him. Being on his side fulfilled something in her heart. It was as if he became a crucial piece of the puzzle that unlocked the happiness in her life.

\'Is this feeling love? It must be.\'

Her father had described it as the most beautiful feeling in the world.

Asahi pulled out a chair and sat. While she laid on the couch, he sat there, rubbing her head. Gabriel wanted to keep looking at his face. Alas, Asahi\'s strengthened pats lulled her into sleep.

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