
Chapter 73 - Things that can be done as a Shishou

Chapter 73: Things that can be done as a Shishou

After the Dyna Rhodia had fled, Emilia was tired from crying and went to sleep, while I told Garve and Reus about the information that had been proven.

Dyna Rhodia

Although it is a dragon species, it runs around on the ground without having the capability to fly in the sky. It takes advantage of its strong toes and strength to chase its prey and eats them.

It is a ferocious monster that can also be called a small disaster, but because of its scarcity, it is rarely encountered.

Although it doesn’t make a flock and only a few of them inhabit an area, it is said that the Dyna Rhodia are only active once a year, and only for a few days.

It will dig into mountains and create holes where people can’t come closer and sleep deep inside the ground. When it wakes up from its slumber, it becomes ferocious because of intense hunger. Thus, it attacks monsters and people at random.

After it fulfills its hunger for a few days, it will fall asleep again.

Maybe, the Dyna Rhodia that we fought earlier was the same as the monster that attacked Emilia’s and Reus’ hometown. It wasn’t confirmed wherever the monster was or whether it migrated from a distant place, but will it be enough to say that it is a monster that will keep attacking until its hunger is satisfied?

Maybe that was probably the reason why there were only a few monsters around as we made our way to the settlement.

“…Well, that’s what I understood from the assault earlier. What do you guys think?” (Sirius)

“I am not sure about the small details, but I think there is no mistake that it had attacked other monsters, since I could smell various kinds of blood from it.” (Reus)

“Yeah, I also concur. By the way… can you release us at once?” (Garve)

It had been around an hour since the attack. However, both of them were tied up with [String] and were rolling on the ground.

This was because they were too agitated when they saw the enemy. If I released them, they would surely chase the Dyna Rhodia. That’s why I thought by forcibly making them unable to move, they would cool their heads off.

At first, they tried to sever the [String] but now they understood that it was impossible and that made them calm down. Since the magical thread binding their bodies was transparent, they would look miserable to those who didn’t know anything. Even if the thread could be seen, they were so thoroughly tied that it was like being wrapped in a bamboo mat, they would still look miserable anyways.

“I will release you guys, but you can’t chase the monster, alright?”

“Got it. As Aniki has ordered.” (Reus)

“Understood.” (Garve)

They seemed to be able to fight head-to-head with the Dyna Rhodia, but since it wasn’t worth considering whether their main attacks were not connecting, they should do it together with me and Reese, who can use spells.

I erased the [String] and released them. To be safe, I kept Hokuto behind them beforehand. Thus, when everyone settled down, we started talking about our future plans.

“Well, that Dyna Rhodia is your enemy. No matter what it takes, it won’t be good if you can’t defeat it. Anyhow, did you think you had a chance to win when you attacked it?” (Sirius)

“…I don’t know. But, if I keep hitting it at the same place, it will definitely be beaten.” (Garve)

“It is not an opponent that a sword can’t cut. If I slash shallowly because I can’t cut it deeply, I won’t be able to kill it, right?” (Reus)

“Garve will have it rough, and Reus is lacking on impact. Besides, you don’t really have to fight with only the two of you, you know?” (Sirius)

When I turned around to look at Emilia, who was resting on the bed, Reese, who was listening to the discussion while nursing her, put up her fist, asking to leave things to her.

Although she was not good at fighting, she was unusually assertive, maybe it was because of Emilia and Reus. In terms of fighting with that monster, her spirit magic will be reliable.

“There is also Emilia’s and Reus’ friend. Besides, I can do it with my [Magnum], I think?” (Sirius)

“…Sorry, Aniki. I’m sorry, but I don’t want Aniki to help us with that guy.” (Reus)

“Me too, please. That enemy of my son, I want to deal with it with my own hands…” (Garve)

Reus and Garve pleaded while deeply lowering their heads, but I intended to do so from the beginning. Reese also seemed to have a similar thought, but she looked like she had some conditions.

“Understood. However, if there is an injury, I will absolutely treat it. If not… I will submerge it.” (Reese)

“I’m glad, but this is our problem…” (Garve)

“G-got it, Reese-ane! Isn’t this better, Jii-chan? We don’t have to worry about getting hurt.” (Reus)

“Uhmm… alright.” (Garve)

Reus desperately persuaded Garve because he knew that it wouldn’t be good if Reese became angry. Reese was gentle and kind, but the truth was she was a troublesome child when she gets angry.

She said that she would submerge it, but if she went all out, she could make a tsunami, even if it was against a mountain. Spirit magic was as powerful as that. She never got angry that much though.

I probably didn’t have to explain to Hokuto. In reality, he didn’t head out in the fight earlier and moved to protect Emilia and Reese.

“Me too. I don’t plan to put my hands on the Dyna Rhodia, unless it is necessary. That means, there will be three opponents, including Emilia, for that monster, correct?” (Sirius)

“Aniki, Nee-chan is impossible.” (Reus)

“She really can’t fight against it if she is frightened like that.” (Garve)

“The one who decides whether she wants to fight is not you, but Emilia. Here, until she gets up, everyday…” (Sirius)

I tried to say that they should see the situation, but since their eyes were glittering like beasts, I unintentionally closed my mouth.

That was… impossible, I guess.

Even if I held them back here, there was no mistake that they would sneak out to hunt the monster. Since I would be worried if they fought with only two, I’d like everyone to take part in that fight.

Reus pointed at a building in another place that was relatively clean, and then he came up with some plans.

“Nee-chan will rest over there. Look, there is a house remaining that is still in good shape.” (Reus)

“I guess so. I don’t want to see that child cry any more than this. It’s better to leave this place.” (Garve)

“If that’s the case, how about Sirius-san stays here? I think Emilia will feel better if you stay with her until she wakes up.” (Reese)

That’d definitely help. Although I feel a bit uneasy, if there were Hokuto and Reese, they could sufficiently win against the Dyna Rhodia.

But… that doesn’t make any sense.

When Emilia herself directly looked at the Dyna Rhodia, it will be almost impossible for her to overcome her past until the day she fights and defeats it.

Then, the only option was…

“Sirius-san, are you alright?” (Reese)

“Aniki, shall I replace you?” (Reus)

“Woof!” (Hokuto)

“I’m alright. You guys should preserve your strength.” (Sirius)

My only choice was… to carry Emilia on my back, and have everyone else challenge the Dyna Rhodia.

Even though the Dyna Rhodia had escaped, many trees were mowed down with that huge body, and there were traces of blood, due to Reus’ attack, that had continued on, so the direction of its escape was immediately understood.

The trees became spares after a while, but we continued following the blood and footprints that were used as markers. On our way there, I activated [Search] once and pointed to a nearby mountain.

“The reaction of the monster is coming from the inside of that mountain. There may be a cave at the foot of it or, perhaps, it dug a hole.” (Sirius)

“Your ability is truly amazing.” (Garve)

“That’s Aniki for you. But, isn’t there a possibility of other monsters, too?” (Reus)

“Didn’t my knife get stuck in its eye? So, there is no mistake that the reaction is coming from that monster.” (Sirius)

That throwing knife was a special order made by the Elysian’s blacksmith, Grant. It was a custom-made easy-to-throw knife for me, but since there were not too many of them, I had all of them embedded with magic stones. Even if it disappeared somewhere, it was possible to retrieve it, since I could detect the mana in the magic stones.

As we continued walking to the reaction as a landmark, Reese was looking around and tilted her head.

“Come to think of it, there has been no monster appearance since a while ago.” (Reese)

“Maybe they ran away from the Dyna Rhodia, or were already eaten by it. Due to that huge body, it may be a monster at the top of food chain in this area.” (Sirius)

“Top… is it? But, it’s troubling that my attack hasn’t connected. Same goes for Felios.” (Garve)

“My sword, too. It felt really excruciating for my slash to be stopped until that point.” (Reus)

Although the skills of those two were enough, the opponent this time was incompatible because their weapons and attacks were hardly effective.

It couldn’t be helped in Garve’s case, and if Reus’ sword wasn’t a big sword but an ordinary sword, it might have been in a different situation.

With Reus’ greatsword being huge and broad, following Lior’s specialization, it was easy to get into trouble with the fleshy interior of the body because the large contact area inside of the monster wasn’t only that. If it was a sword specialized for cutting, and not a big sword, it would be enough to cause a fatal injury. It was unknown whether there was such a sword in this world, but if there was, it may be possible to slice it down.

By the way, if it was Lior, I think he could easily slice it in half. He held that much skill, even if he was stopped midway, he had the power to overcome anything with his own power. Since he was in a slightly different ‘dimension’, it would be better to think differently.

“As expected, should I aim for the head? But, it is too severe for an opponent that moves a lot.” (Garve)

“Should I not slice it all the way and stab it? But, if it’s stopped midway, it will not come out…” (Reus)

Reus and Garve were talking about how to cope with the Dyna Rhodia from earlier, but they seemed to be unable to come up with an idea.

I couldn’t let them attack it when they lacked of coping methods, but since it was also an enemy of the Silver Wolf tribe, I thought that I also wanted to proactively give them advice.

“Does Garve have other methods of fighting, other than that killer technique?” (Sirius)

“I can only punch and kick.” (Garve)

“If that’s the case, Garve should act as support. We should leave Reus to attack the Dyna Rhodia.” (Sirius)

Although it won’t be too effective, it was possible to crush its assault, since it could be blown away by Garve’s attack. A tactic that lets Reus slice it, while Garve draws its attention, or blowing away the monster and making a gap, was probably the best.

“Reus, don’t slice it’s thick belly or neck, aim for the tip of the tail or arms. If it is a thin part, you’ll be able to cut the flesh before the flesh wraps around the sword.” (Sirius)

“I see. But it seems that it will take some time to beat it.” (Reus)

“It is inevitable for it to become a long battle with only you guys. That may be demeaning, but you will gradually hurt it. You’ll have regrets if it attacks your settlement later, you know?” (Sirius)

“…That’s fine. Although I am not able to kill it with my own hands, as long as that monster is killed, that is already good enough.” (Garve)

“Leave it to me, Jii-chan! I will kill it.” (Reus)

“Uhmm, alright, but do it good.” (Garve)

When I realized it, Reus and Garve were getting along well, as they bumped their fists together. Normally, Emilia would have joined them, but, unfortunately, she was sleeping on my back.

While confirming their mutual cooperation, I didn’t walk in front of them because I didn’t want this to be heard. I secretly whispered to Reese, who was next to me.

“You will immediately intervene when you feel it’s dangerous. Reese will support them with a long distanced wall. And don’t use [Aqua Cutter].” (Sirius)

“Understood. In the first place, it would be impossible for me to get closer. Leaving that matter aside, how about Emilia? Are we really going to bring her as she is?” (Reese)

“Yes. Even if she can’t fight, there might be some changes if she sees the enemy of her parents being defeated before her.” (Sirius)

However, that was an undesirable result.

It would be best for Emilia to stand up on her own and fight against the monster that was the enemy of her parents. Even if she lost or can’t persevere when she challenged the monster, I wouldn’t mind if she complained if I killed the monster. In that situation, Emilia would overcome the past and grow stronger.

“It’s hard, but you have to try, Emilia. I’ll be cheering you no matter what.” (Reese)

Reese gently brushed Emilia’s head, who had a peaceful sleeping face.

We discovered a big cave when we arrived at the foot of the mountain.

It was big enough for the Dyna Rhodia to go through and there were also traces of blood and footprints leading into the cave. There was no mistake that it escaped to here.

There was a river flowing inside the cave, and a passageway with a ceiling that was similar to a limestone cave. It was strange to feel the cool and nice atmosphere of a cave. It was pure and pleasant to the extent that you wouldn’t believe that there was a monster living inside of it. On the way inside, Reese, who was watching the river flowing beside the spacious passageway, whispered.

“Whether there is a river nearby, the spirits are also active. In this situation, I can fully demonstrate my power.” (Reese)

“That’s encouraging. Nevertheless, this cave has been here for a long time. The ground is also solid, so there is no need to worry about the cave collapsing, even if the monster goes somewhat rampant.” (Sirius)

While examining nearby walls, I didn’t feel any possibility for the cave to collapse. It seemed like they would be able to fight with confidence. As the two of them got excited when they heard it, we proceeded into the cave together.

There was a big room at the end of the passageway. It was the size of a dome that was located in some of the major cities of the previous life with an open space on its ceiling, where blue sky was visible. The sunlight poured into the center of the room, it was a slightly magical spectacle.

There could be traces of historical ruins, but since we were not really historical enthusiasts, we didn’t have any plans to explore. What we understood, at present, was that the cave’s dead end was here, and that meant that the Dyna Rhodia was completely cornered.

And on top of the stone paving that was spread all over the inner part of the room, there was the Dyna Rhodia displaying its back to us while devouring something. It was probably a monster that was hunted while it escaped to here. The sound of the crunching meats and bones reached even here.

“We finally cornered this bastard!” (Reus)

“That will be the last meal you eat. This time… it’s your turn to be hunted!” (Garve)

Their fighting spirits seemed good enough, and they slowly stepped into the center of the open space. The Dyna Rhodia also noticed us. It stopped eating and turned its bloody face in our direction.

The wound from Reus’ slash had completely healed when I looked at its belly. Its flesh was sturdy and it absorbed the impact. Plus, it had excellent regenerative ability. I thought that it was a really troublesome opponent.

As I looked at the two stepping forward without feeling afraid, Emilia, who I had carried on my back, slowly woke up. It seemed like she had awakened, so the setting appeared to be in place.

“Aah… Sirius…-sama?” (Emilia)

“Have you woken up?” (Sirius)

“Yes. Sirius-sama’s back… It’s very warm…” (Emilia)

Emilia understood that I was carrying her, and she was making a spoiled voice while getting closer to my head with a blurry-looking face. It looked like she was still half asleep, she didn’t even notice the Dyna Rhodia that was looking at us.

While displaying such a carefree atmosphere, the battle at the frontline was about to start.

“I will attract it from the front. Here I go!” (Garve)

“I leave that to you, Jii-chan!” (Reus)

The moment Reus and Garve kicked the ground and started to run, the Dyna Rhodia turned to the ceiling and released a roar.

“Do you think that such a roar is effective now!?” (Garve)

“I’m going to shred it with my sword!” (Reus)

The roar unleashed a shock wave to the surroundings. It didn’t only reach the entire cave, but also went through the ceiling and reverberated to the outside of the cave. Although neither of them flinched from the roar of that extent… I felt somewhat uncomfortable. This roar seemed to be different from the one that it released in the settlement. Hokuto, who was standing next to me, also had the same feeling. He appeared to be on alert while moving his ears several times.

But the biggest problem was that Emilia, who was sleeping on my back, had completely woken up with that roar.

“Aa…aaahh…Nooo…” (Emilia)

“Get a grip, Emilia! Don’t look away from it!” (Sirius)

Emilia trembled the moment she realized that the enemy was there. She buried her face on my back as if she didn’t want to see it. However, she was calmer compared to before, it was thanks to the fact that she was in close contact with me for the second time. She slowly lifted her face in response to my voice.

“Isn’t that the enemy of your parents? More importantly, you need to fight it. Look at it and don’t turn your sight away.” (Sirius)

“Ye-… yes. I have to take on…the enemy of… Okaa-san… and Otou-san.” (Emilia)

While Emilia’s breathing started to get rough, she started to unravel her hands from my neck, trying to get off of my back.

At that time, the two who were fighting on the frontline were exchanging blows, but they seemed to be slightly struggling, more than what I expected. Reus had somehow managed to slice a finger on its hand, but the Dyna Rhodia tried to bite him without being frightened at all.

“It went over there!” (Garve)

“Damn, are you not daunted even by this!?” (Reus)

Every time the monster roared because of their offense and defense, Emilia’s gathered fighting spirit was dispelled, and she attached herself to my back again. Although it had been repeated many times already, Emilia kept trying to stand on her own feet without breaking her spirit.


“Jii-chan, it’s dangerous!” (Reus)

“Kuhh!? Until that extent…!” (Garve)

Although they had a break while on our way here, both of them have been continuously fighting since this morning, and they were mentally exhausted because they saw the ruined settlement. Garve was about to be eaten because his concentration was disturbed, but he made a big jump to the side to avoid it.

He was safe, but, then again, it might be difficult for two people.

But, when Emilia looked at that sight, it awoke the mental trauma of the past.

“Aah… Okaa-san… Otou-san…” (Emilia)

The vision of the past came back, and this time, Emilia buried herself into my back and stopped lifting her face up. Reese was desperately trying to encourage Emilia… but, unfortunately, we were already out of time.

I thought that this would be bad for Emilia and Reese, but since I had no time, I thought that I should go for a rough treatment.

“Let’s step back for a bit. Reese too, follow us.” (Sirius)

“Eh!? U-understood.” (Reese)

We turned our backs from the sight of the two people fighting the monster, and we returned to the passageway from the room.

I forcibly put Emilia down from my back in a place where the figure of the monster couldn’t be seen at all. I looked at her, who was still crying. Reese was anxiously looking from the side, but I told her not to say anything.

As soon as Emilia was put on the ground, she tried to stick to me, but I stopped her by holding her shoulders.

“Noo… don’t leave me…” (Emilia)

“Emilia… do you really want to overcome your past?” (Sirius)

“I want to get over it… I want to! But… no matter how many times I tried… no matter how many times you told me… I am afraid of that monster!” (Emilia)

“Afraid… are you? Don’t you have sufficient capabilities to fight that monster?” (Sirius)

“Even so, my feet… my body… I can’t move them! It might be… impossible for me. Please, Sirius-sama. That monster… Okaa-san and Otou-san’s enemy…” (Emilia)

“Emilia!” (Sirius)

I really yelled at Emilia.

Emilia was shocked because it was the first time she heard me use an angry voice. I put my hands on Emilia’s cheeks, and spoke with a serious expression.

“I will not allow this any longer. I don’t remember bringing up a disciple that is such a whiner.” (Sirius)

“Auu…” (Emilia)

“Are you scared? Is it painful? But for me… it is pointless to run away. Even if I defeat or remove the enemy, you’ll regret it forever if you don’t do anything.” (Sirius)

Although she wanted to get over the past, I understood the frustration of not able to take one step ahead because of fear. However, instead of overcoming it by a stepping stone made by others, she had to get over it with her own feet.

“No matter how scared you are, stand on your own feet and face the monster. I have trained your mind and body, so you can do it.” (Sirius)

“But… still…” (Emilia)

“If you say that you can’t do it…” (Sirius)

I turned my back to Emilia, and talked to her while turning my head around.

“You’re not qualified to be my disciple.” (Sirius)

“!?” (Emilia)

I looked away from her, like I was completely losing interest, and as if I was looking at a stone on a roadside. I left Emilia and walked away.

This made me remember, while walking through the cave’s passageway.

The expression of Emilia that I looked at right before I looked back was stained with despair. Even if I said that she wasn’t qualified to be my disciple, it didn’t mean that I abandoned her. it’s just that the title of disciple would be no more. Since it didn’t change the fact that she was an attendant, she would still be by my side.

But she wasn’t proud to be an attendant. She was proud because she was my disciple. Whether that pride was stronger than the trauma of the monster, it would be the key this time. Which was why I purposely push her aside.

However, if she couldn’t stand up and do something… I really won’t forgive her if she called herself my disciple. Whatever happened… it was all depending on Emilia.

The truth was, I wanted to hide and watch her over, but… I had something else to do. Although it couldn’t be helped, I continued walking towards the outside of the cave while sighing, since I had pushed my disciple away.

While I was on my way out, Reese was running and chasing me, as if she had something to say. When I matched my eyes with Reese’s, she was looking at me like she was condemning me, but that also probably couldn’t be helped. It would have been different if she remained there, but when judging the situation, she also seemed to have abandoned Emilia.

“…Will it be fine if you’re not with Emilia?” (Sirius)

“If there is something, the spirits will tell me, so it’s alright. Leaving that aside, why did you say that to Emilia?” (Reese)

“She is still my attendant, so Emilia will still be my side, you know? It’s just that the title of disciple is no longer applicable.” (Sirius)

“I think Sirius-san knows how important that title is for Emilia. Is there no other way?” (Reese)

“Maybe there is, but I don’t have the time. Afterwards… I will only believe in the strength of Emilia’s heart.” (Sirius)

“…Time?” (Reese)

When I left the cave, while Reese was in doubt, Hokuto welcomed us.

He was already here by the time Reus and Garve started to fight. It seemed that he was preparing something, in the case that I would not make it in time. As expected of my partner. I stroked Hokuto’s head, who was sitting in the direction of the forest. He shook his tail, expressing his pleasure.

“…I more or less understand that you haven’t abandoned Emilia. More importantly, why is Sirius-san and Hokuto leaving? We have to help Reus and Garve-san, don’t we?” (Reese)

“Sorry, I can’t help with that. There are hoardes of monsters rushing towards this cave.” (Sirius)

“Eh!? Why is that?” (Reese)

“That monster… the Dyna Rhodia roared towards the sky just before the fight, correct? That wasn’t a roar of intimidation, it was a special roar that attracted the surrounding monsters.” (Sirius)

After the Dyna Rhodia roared towards the sky, I activated [Search] in a wider range. And then, I captured the responses of nearby monsters coming towards us all at once.

I wasn’t so sure whether it was a call to gather them, but that monster also had this ability. I understood why its other name was ‘Calamity’.

In other words, the incident where the assault on Emilia’s hometown was not caused by nature, but by the Dyna Rhodia. I thought that the Dyna Rhodia was a part of the monsters that attacked the settlement, but it was the culprit.

According to my deductions, that special roar stimulated the enemies and I thought it had an effect to attract others, unconsciously. I didn’t participate in the battle merely because I felt uncomfortable. However, Reus and Garve, who had received the roar, were clearly becoming more aggressive.

This ability was probably used to gather monsters and eat them more efficiently. The reason why there were so many monsters whenever Garve visited the place was because this Dyna Rhodia occasionally woke up and gathered more enemies, and the rest seemed to be the leftovers.

“I have to tell everyone right away!” (Reese)

“That’s not good. I am not sure whether those two who are fighting inside will listen, and it will still take some time for Emilia to make a decision. I have to hold the monsters here, so that they won’t be a hindrance for them.” (Sirius)

“I will fight too!” (Reese)

“Sorry, I want Reese to take care of Emilia. I don’t know what she will decide, but I want you to stay by the side and watch her. Besides, I’m not alone, you know?” (Sirius)

“Woof!” (Hokuto)

The sitting Hokuto stood up and barked while wagging his tail. I made a smile to reassure Reese.

“As you can see, he is a reliable partner, so please, don’t worry. Besides, I am your Shishou. I won’t be done in by the monsters.” (Sirius)

“But… alright. I definitely don’t think that Sirius-san will be defeated by the monsters.” (Reese)

“Yeah, no matter how many monsters around here gather together, it won’t be a problem. I am more anxious about the two who are fighting inside. If Emilia gets back on her feet, I want her to help them as soon as possible.” (Sirius)

Although she nodded, she was, somewhat, dissatisfied. And then, I took off the longcoat that I wore. I thought of taking off the coat, which was an easy-to-move-in battle dress, and leave it in front of the cave, but anyway…

“Reese, if Emilia recovers, please hand this coat to her. There are weapons prepared, and it should protect her from a light impact.” (Sirius)

“…Understood.” (Reese)

Seeing Reese folding the coat and holding it close to her chest, I started warming up while thinking about some plans. Judging from the speed of the monsters, I would be able to see them in a few minutes. I was going to lay traps after I finished warming up, but, for some reason, Reese wasn’t moving from the spot.

“What’s wrong? How long are you going…” (Sirius)

“Sirius-san…” (Reese)

When I turned around, Reese’s face was close to me, and she kissed my cheek. Although it was a light kiss, Reese slowly moved away while blushing.

“Ac-according to the legends told in books, it was said that the Goddess and Saintess gave their blessings through a kiss. I am not a real Saintess, but since I have feelings for you, I think… that is surely a blessing. So… that…” (Reese)

Doing it on her own had made her feel flustered, as if she was going to die at any time. While looking at her flustered condition, A smile naturally floated on my face.

“You don’t have to smile!” (Reese)

“My bad. The blessings of a Saintess… I have surely received it. It seems I will be able to defeat the monsters easily from now on.” (Sirius)

“I-I don’t think there is such an effect, but please don’t do the impossible. I’m not sure about Emilia or Reus, but if something happens to Sirius-san, I also… wouldn’t like it.” (Reese)

“Well then, for the sake of my disciples, shall I emphasize safety first?” (Sirius)

“Yes! Hokuto too, please. You must not… overdo it.” (Reese)

“Woof…” (Hokuto)

Finally, I saw Reese return into the cave after she hugged Hokuto.

As time went by, the forest became more noisy. I tried a highly accurate [Seach] to count how many monsters were coming.

“…Oh dear, they have gathered well until now. This much is a lavish feast.” (Sirius)

The monsters were displayed in red in the brain radar, but what I saw in front of me was superbly red in color. Even if I made a slight estimation, there were about 200 various sizes.

Nevertheless… I couldn’t withdraw.

“Now… let’s quickly clear this up because I have to go to see the conditions of the disciples. Are you ready?” (Sirius)

“Woof!” (Hokuto)

I looked at the trustworthy Hokuto, switched on the brain switch for battle.

Although the number was small, I already confirmed the appearance of flying monsters in the sky. They would probably reach earlier than the monsters that ran on the ground, so let’s start clearing the sky first.

I stretched my hand out towards the sky, while raising my magical power.

“From here on… I won’t let even a single one pass.” (Sirius)

— Emilia —

“You’re not qualified to be my disciple.” (Sirius)

When that was said, I was seeing the appearance of Sirius-sama turning around and leaving… I could do nothing but watch him because I was shocked.

And the gaze aimed at me was like seeing a stone lying around here.

As if those eyes were looking at a miserable person, without having any expectations and interests. I felt more scared than I was with the monster.

I didn’t like it…

I was sad…

And more than that… it was mortifying for Sirius-sama to make that kind of gaze.

Sirius-sama intentionally pushed me away to cheer me up. But those words weren’t a lie. If I couldn’t do anything, Sirius-sama would mercilessly give up on me.

I don’t want that.

I would like to be able to communicate with each other without having to exchange words, like Hokuto… What am I doing?

If I was stuck with such a thing, I won’t be relied on forever. I will be…forever protected.

I want Sirius-sama to depend on me. He won’t leave me no matter what happens, sharing joyful things together, supporting him during sad times, and protecting him when he is in danger.

That is the repayment for everything because I was saved by Sirius-sama. I was entrusted by Erina-san, and I sincerely wished for it.

But even so… I was disgracefully crying and clinging to Sirius-sama, and now I was stuck in this place because I was scared of a single monster.

Even though I am ashamed, and feel regret… I can’t be help being afraid of the monster that took Okaa-san and Otou-san away. Whenever I saw that appearance, the scene where I could hear Okaa-san and Otou-san being eaten appeared every time.

Many times over… and over… even if I was being cheered up, my body wouldn’t move.

“Emilia…” (Reese)

When I noticed… Reese was standing before me while I buried my head between my knees, and I was unconsciously relieved. I was relieved that I was not abandoned.

While feeling miserable, Reese put her hands on my shoulders and gently spoke.

“You see… Sirius-sama went outside of the cave.” (Reese)

Even if she said that he went outside, I didn’t think that he would run away. I thought that there was definitely something wrong, but I was about to hold my breath because of the words that Reese said next.

“Hordes of monsters are approaching this cave. Sirius-san went outside to stop them.” (Reese)

Hordes of… monsters?

At that moment, the scene of monsters attacking my hometown came up. Without being able to endure the mayhem of the numbers, adults were eaten, one by one… and Otou-san…

Those hordes of monsters… and Sirius-sama?

“Why…?” (Emilia)

“It seems that that monster attracts other monsters with it roars. Sirius-san said that it might’ve ran away here on purpose to corner us.” (Reese)

“It can’t be true! Then, why is Reese here? Why are you not fighting together?” (Emilia)

“I wanted to stay with him! However… I was asked to take care of you.” (Reese)

“Aah…” (Emilia)

When I lifted my face with all of these feelings, Reese was watching me with a serious expression.

Yeah… that’s right. Reese doesn’t like to fight, but she wouldn’t come here without saying anything.

“Sorry. Because of me…” (Emilia)

“Even if he didn’t ask me to take care of you, he would definitely tell me to leave. I am worried, but Sirius-san was confident when he said that he would annihilate them, and since Hokuto is also there, I’m sure he will come back safely.” (Reese)

“He is that kind of person.” (Emilia)

“Hehe… he is our Shishou. Say Emilia, is it fine to leave things like this?” (Reese)

“…I don’t want to.” (Emilia)

Sirius-sama was fighting too, but what should I do about this?

That monster was scary.

It was scary, but…

“I don’t want… Sirius-sama… to hate me…” (Emilia)

If I stay just like this, the eyes that he displayed when he was leaving… he would really mean it.

That was… scary.

Compared to the monster… it was… it was…

“Hey, Reese.” (Emilia)

“Yes?” (Reese)

“Hit… me.” (Emilia)

“…I’m really going to do it, you know?” (Reese)

“Please.” (Emilia)

Reese slapped my cheek without reservation. Although Reese wasn’t good at being angry, I felt her kindness when she seriously slapped me.

“That might have been a bit strong…” (Reese)

“It’s alright. Because I have snapped out of it.” (Emilia)

Such pain was natural for me, since I was miserable until now. While appreciating Reese, who didn’t hold back, I breathed out and put some strength on my body.

It’s alright… I can get up this time.

Yeah, when I compared this to the eyes displayed by Sirius-sama…

“Such a monster… it is not scary at all!” (Emilia)

My body didn’t move because my heart succumbed to fear. I was able to get up by suppressing that fear.

I immediately confirmed the circulation of mana. I clasped my fist several times and tried to check my body’s movements. It seemed that I was able to move without any problems.

If that’s the case, I can fight!

“Thanks for waiting, Reese. Let’s go immediately.” (Emilia)

“Where to?” (Reese)

“Of course, we’re going to the Dyna Rhodia, which is fighting Reus and Ojii-chan!” (Emilia)

“Yeah, let’s go! Aah… before that, please wear this.” (Reese)

Reese gave me the long coat worn by Sirius-sama.

The fact that Reese kept this meant that Sirius-sama was going all out.

I can’t lose… either.

“He gave you permission to wear it. I think you should wear it, more than I am right now.” (Reese)

“Thank you, Reese.” (Emilia)

Although it was a little bigger, I immediately put my sleeves through the coat, I strapped on the belt and tightly fixed it.

It was invented by Sirius-sama and custom-made by the Gargan Company. It was light and hardly deterred movement. There was a set of disposable magic stones and throwing knives prepared by Sirius-sama, so the weaponry was prepared.

The most important thing was the smell of Sirius-sama. I understood that this might be just my imagination, but I felt relieved, as if Sirius-sama was watching nearby.

“Let’s go. Let’s defeat that monster and get recognition from Sirius-sama!” (Emilia)

“Yeah, let’s go!” (Reese)

Before running back into the inner part of the cave together with Reese, I looked back towards the entrance once.

I couldn’t see his fighting appearance from here, but if it was Sirius-sama, it seemed that he would defeat them without any problems, even if they were hordes of monsters. Besides, Hokuto was also with him this time. Even if a whole country like Elysion became his enemy, I feel that he was going to win without getting hurt at all.

That’s why… it will be alright.

That person will surely come back in front of us with an innocent look.

“Emilia, we were discussing the information about the monster while you were sleeping, but…” (Reese)

“Well, can you explain? I will devise the tactics.” (Emilia)

Sirius-sama… please be safe.

I will definitely defeat the monster and overcome the past because I will stay by your side.

Extra/Bonus 1

If there was a status window…

“Sirius-san…” (Reese)

※Sirius obtained a Saintess’ blessing.

Motivation has risen by ten.

It feels like… the strength has risen by 20%.

Maybe… the agility has risen by 20%.

I think… the luck has risen by 10%.

[Gluttony] skill is temporarily gained.

[Gluttony] skill is removed.

“Don’t you need it!?” (Reese)

“Nope!” (Sirius)

Extra/Bonus 2

Hokuto’s feelings

Currently… Hokuto was full of joy.

Even if there were countless monsters coming at him.

He heard from his master that the hordes were slightly over a hundred.

An ordinary person would run away when they realized that, but since the juniors were fighting inside the cave, the master was trying to directly attack them in order to protect the entrance of the cave.

And if the master said he was going to fight, he had no choice other than to fight together with him.

At this time, the juniors were probably fighting in the cave.

In order for the juniors to devote themselves to battle, the master said that the entrance must be defended, and he was waiting for the monsters to come while warming up.

For the sake of his cute disciples, even for him, it was understood that the strength was flowing within him.

But… he was happier because he was able to fight together with his master.

Since he was an ordinary dog in the previous life, he was frustrated many times, not being able to become the strength for his master.

And after being reincarnated, he had fought monsters and robbers many times since he met his master again, but since the master and the juniors cleared them up, there were many occasions where his assistance was less needed.

But now was different.

The master clearly needed his strength. He was glad to be relied on by his favorite master.

If he didn’t need to protect the cave, he could clean them up alone.

“Now… let’s quickly clear them up because I have to go to see the conditions of the disciples. Are you ready?” (Sirius)

“Woof!” (Hokuto)

‘Leave it to me’, after loudly howling that, he impatiently waited for the master’s command.

In order to annihilate the enemies of the master, that was the moment the strength exploded, Hokuto kept waiting with pleasure.

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