
Chapter 68: Encirclement

Chapter 68: Encirclement

With that said, several of the magistrates quickly put their gear on; bright silver armor, from head to toe, longswords across their waists, as well as a standard dwarven musket.

Dwarven muskets, such things, are very popular strategic weapons.

They are not particularly powerful weapons in a world where magic, divine arts, and fighting spirits exist, but they are particularly effective against the “weak”.

By the way, the “weak” occupy more than 90% of the armies of the major kingdoms!

Humans without any armor, below level 7 or 8, are at a huge disadvantage against muskets.

Even a level 7 or 8, or even a level 10 warrior, will be killed when facing a flock of muskets!

Only those powerful beings of more than level 10 can ignore the threat of muskets, but such people are extremely rare.

A level 1 commoner with a musket as his weapon would have a very high probability of defeating a level 4 warrior with a sword weapon head-on, bearing in mind that neither side had excellent full body armor.

The power of the musket is thus evident.

A few magistrates were on horses, carrying the proprietress quickly to her inn.

A total of eight professional magistrates were led by the proprietress quickly to the door of Shillong and Arman’s room.

”They’re right here! Think for yourselves! Would a rich nobleman accept to live here?”, The proprietress whispered as she aimed at the door.

The leading magistrate glanced at the small wooden hut in front of him, ‘perhaps it used to be a utility room?’ The decaying facade, the discolored walls, and the potholes, all spoke of the low quality of the room.

Would a really rich person live here?

Obviously not!

Only a commoner would live in this place!

A few of the magistrates glanced at each other and gestured for the proprietress to back off, then drew the one-handed sword at their waist.

The one-handed sword emitted a slight cold aura in the night.

It appears that this night might not be too peaceful.


The leader of the magistrates kicked the wooden door and skewered into the wooden hut with several magistrates, pointing his one-handed sword and musket straight at the suspects inside while shouting, “None of you is allowed to move! You are surrounded by us! Everybody get down and put your hands up!”

After shouting at his targets, the sheriff had time now to take a clear look and examine them.

Unlike what had been imagined, the Dragonborn and the elf were not asleep at this moment, they stood up straight. The Dragonborn was standing in front of the elf to protect him, while the gorgeously-dressed elf, who had drawn his one-handed sword, looked at them with a furious manner.

He was seen to say under his breath, “What are you, fellows? Bandits? I’ve heard that you humans have a lot of bandits here! But I never thought that we would encounter them on our first visit to Star City! You guys… I’m telling you, today I, Arman Soderberg, will be your misfortune! I will punish you on behalf of justice!”

At the end of his sentence, Arman looked so determined.

”You thieves! We are the town magistrates! We have received a report from the public that you two have robbed a nobleman! You either submit to us now, else, don’t blame us for the consequences!” The sheriff looked wary, handling his one-handed sword.

”You bandits! How can you even think of such a dumb excuse? Justice will not yield to evil! Come on!” Arman said. And with his sword in his hand, he tried to charge forward.

On the other side, Shillong’s wings spread out behind him and laid in front of Arman: “Wait! Arman, there must be some kind of misunderstanding here.”

Shillong was calm, the guys in front of him were the city’s law and order officers, offending them could lead to trouble in the city later. Besides, the two of them had done nothing wrong, so they had nothing to fear.

”……” Arman was stopped by Shillong and calmed down a bit.

”Can you tell us what’s going on?” Shillong asked the magistrate.

The two brothers had no intention to cause a fight.

”We received a report that you were stealing from the nobility.” The magistrate explained in return.

”Theft? Whom have we stolen from? Stop lying there, you bastard! You’re a despicable robber who must have fancied my treasure!” Arman shouted from behind Shillong.

”Who reported us? I swear we did not steal, nor do we need to.” Shillong said.

”It was the proprietress.” The sheriff replied.

”The proprietress?” Shillong frowned.

What does this proprietress mean by this? When did we offend her? Why is she trying to screw us so badly?

”That’s right! It was me!” The proprietress who was outside the house heard the voices inside the house and came to the door and said, “You two poor people, don’t you think that stealing the belongings of nobles and rich merchants will make you noblemen! Would a real nobleman and rich merchant stay in a 10-copper hotel?”

”How could you book only one room? Isn’t it too crowded? Humph! You two thieves, don’t you try to hide it from my old lady’s eyes!”

The proprietress’s ego grew bigger and bigger as she spoke.


So that’s where it came from!

Shillong thought things over, and it did seem to make sense, just as the proprietress had said!

But Dragons don’t follow common sense!

So she is wrong!

But unfortunately, he can’t explain it!

Never mind, he knows the right people!

”We are not thieves and we don’t need to steal. We want to only stay for the night here, whether the place is good or bad doesn’t matter much to us. We don’t value the same things as you humans do.” Shillong said, “That’s right! We have only arrived at Star City today and we are here to see Andre Claudie! He is the current president of the Soderberg Chamber of Commerce, you should know him, right?”

”Andre? Claudius? Are you saying that you know Andre Claudius? Claudius?” The sheriff’s captain’s face could not be seen under the iron helmet, but his voice was a little surprised.

”Yes! That’s who we’re here for.” Shillong returned.

”Ha ha ha! Are you saying you, two thieves, know President Andre? Will you stop this mockery for the lord’s sake! How could such a big man know you, two thieves!” The proprietress didn’t believe the two dragons’ bullshit!


She was not bad looking, but she looked very annoying to the two dragons.

Did I stay in your shop for nothing? Did we steal anything from you?

What do you want to target me like that for?

The golden streams of particles within Shillong’s vertical pupils began to become more active, gathering and scattering.

The room, which already lacked a source of light, became flickering in Shillong’s brightness.

An inexplicable pressure descended on the entire room.

The air seemed to become sticky!

The proprietress lost her breath and started suffocating as if a pair of large hands were strangling her neck and dozens of boulders had been pressed against her chest! She couldn’t breathe at all!

Her face turned a little red and both eyes slowly began to fill with blood, her body was inexplicably hot, and her chest was extremely irritated.

Her body was filled with a feeling of powerlessness.

”Whoo~” an involuntary whimper came out of the proprietress’s mouth, and her eyes were filled with panic.

”What are you doing!?” A sudden burst of sound came from the room, sweeping away this unnatural atmosphere in the room.

A magistrate who was outside the house noticed the delay of time; the whole house seemed to be out of sorts, especially the proprietress who was not wearing any armor. And everything that happened to her was seen by the magistrate.

This is why the magistrate came in!

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