
Chapter 200 - Food Fiesta (1)

While the engineering team and Ubel left to modify the windmill into something that would work even without wind, Rino took the chance to invite culinary experts from Noir Province to partake in his new experiment.

Using the grindstone prototype, Rino mounted the most efficient grindstone pattern and used the waterwheel to grind several types of grains into powder that he stored in sacks woven tightly out of linen.

Lined up against the wall after an hour were sacks of wheat, rice and corn flours. Rino was grinding some milk from the soybeans when the genesis fairy on patrol informed him that Kragami and his entourage of culinary experts had arrived.

Thrilled, Rino let the water wheel do its thing and told the fairy to keep watch and fill the bucket with soy milk. Tidying his appearance quickly, Rino teleported to the Nightless Underpass entrance to meet his guests. 

"I see that Rina tagged along?" Rino mused. 

It wasn\'t too long ago since he berated her for the stunt with the breeding grass, but his junior disciple sister looked like she had forgotten all about it. The fairy was back to her chirpy self, and Rino let the past remain in the past. Rina brought a gift that Rino honestly did not think was possible.

"Tadah! Check out what we brought! It\'s not in mass production yet because we still have not designed an efficient farming method to collect them, but I thought your sour expressions could use a little sweetness from time to time."

That cheeky little thing… Rino found himself accepting the small jar of honey and sachet of sugar. Kragami looked rather proud of himself and explained to Rino that the sugar tasted better than the rock salt did with tea. The little white crystals brought immense joy to Rino. Previously, he wondered how he would make desserts without them. Now, that dream could become a possibility.

"I think we know just how to use them," Rino told his teacher and gave him a tour of Town Zera.

Although it wasn\'t Rina\'s first time in Town Zera, she was amazed by the changes around the area in just a few days.

"Is it me, or did the number of genesis fairies increase again? I also see more bunny people around now."

Rino looked around and nodded. He didn\'t notice it because he was always in seclusion working on things. The scene was also something that he subconsciously accepted before even Rina pointed it out. Indeed, the number of killer bunnies evolving into hybrids increased. It must be due to Rino\'s increase in magical power that caused a huge increase in fruits on the genesis tree. Many of them looked ripe, but Rino ignored it. The fairies had senior fairies to learn the ropes from, and there were plenty of holes that needed filling in his budding town.

Kragami brought along in his entourage the ladies Rino recognised from the feast preparations before he left for Town Zera\'s founding. They were no longer skeletons now and looked like low-levelled ghouls.

"Is there a mass population evolution in Noir Province?" Rino asked. These ladies looked a little weaker than Erika, but the fact that they came a long way from just skeletons spoke volumes.

Kragami chuckled. "You only noticed it now? Everyone\'s been eating almost daily, not to mention the World Tree is undergoing a crazy growth spurt. I\'d be more surprised if none of your subordinates evolved. To be honest, I didn\'t think it was possible to have more than a hundred undead summons. You have more than a hundred, and they\'re always summoned. Just how much mana do you have?"

Hearing his teacher\'s comments, Rino started to understand the kind of monster he has become in this life. In his previous life, he was an overpowered magician. Such a thing came naturally. However, after experiencing that mana drain several times in this world, Rino thought he was actually weak. The killer bunny clan almost sucked him dry of mana building the Nightless Underpass. Rino thought it would always be that way until the constructions were completed.

Perhaps the introduction of a new subjugated monster clan with higher intelligence increased his powers as a lich? Rino wasn\'t sure how it worked, but he knew that this was good for his kingdom in the long run.

From above, Ace sighed. Even Phil wondered how this man was a genius in his previous life. The answer was so obvious, but Rino remained oblivious to it. Perhaps to a genius, such a quality was as natural as breathing that he failed to notice it.

"Do you think he will understand why he was given such a duty to build an empire?" Ace asked Phil, who hummed.

"Perhaps. However, I don\'t think that\'s of any importance. He\'s doing a great job even without knowing the reason. At this rate, I believe that change will sweep across the continent. How is the quality of prayers coming along?"

Ace thought for a while. Famine was far from over in unreached parts of this small world. However, Ace was now able to introduce new smaller miracles and faith outside of Rino\'s empire. The prayers increased drastically, enough for them to fund Stephanie\'s new project.

"It\'s going well thanks to Rino\'s influence. How much time did you give Rino for the next development phase?"

Phil didn\'t answer. Instead, he smiled mysteriously and walked away. Left to watch the reflecting pond alone, Ace wondered what that smile meant. Did Rino need to hurry? He hoped that the lich could quickly get over his food obsession phase and make that darn pizza already. It sucks that the offering system cannot accept any processed food because the gods did not have the right storage abilities to preserve its lifespan. He would have loved to try the butter cookies that Rino intended to make.

After a grand tour of the developing town, Rino ushered everyone to his new stone cottage and explained how the water wheels worked.

"The grindstone is our newest invention. No manual labour is required, most things are automated, and I\'ve prepared the ingredients we need. There is a modified furnace at this corner of the stone cottage that I\'ve requested to be made into a central cookhouse. I dub this the \'Oven\'."

Rino wasn\'t joking when he mentioned that the ingredients were all prepared. Stacks of baking tools, baskets of eggs, sacks of powdered grains were all lined neatly against the wall and on the wooden preparation bench. Rino had every kind of cooking utensil. Kragami saw that Rino designed a flat-based wide pan and a clay bowl for mixing. There were also several glass jars with marked measurement lines painted on the outside. 

If the necromancer was honest, it looked more like a lab for experiments more than a cookhouse.

"This is where the culinary magic will happen, but I need all the experienced hands and professional tongues on board to help me.

Kragami retrieved the recipe book volumes Rino passed him for studying, and the ghoul ladies put on their aprons. Everyone geared up without needing to be told as Rino explained the different stations and their goal for today.

Rina was the temperature regulator, and Kragami was the taste tester. Rino was the kitchen line manager, and the ladies were chef assistants for the day helping Kragami and Rino.

Their goal was to create pastry dough, and Rino was in charge of pizza toppings. According to Rino, pizza was the staple food for group bonding, and they were going to share it over lunch while figuring out if it was possible to create dry rations and desserts using the new ingredients.

As the cooks cracked eggs, weighed and mixed flour, chopped foraged vegetables and sliced meat, Rino helped Zes bring the milk, butter and cheese over. In no time at all, they had all the ingredients and various types of dough.

Feeling ambitious, Rino decided to make pasta when he realised a very obvious problem.

"I need oil from seeds. Butter won\'t work."

Seeing how the mood suddenly plummeted, Rina came in to save the day.

"We can use flaxseeds to squeeze for oil using the grindstone! I\'ll get the flaxseeds now while you work on the other projects. How much oil do we need?"

Originally, Rino was about to give up on his projects, but when he heard they had the means to do so, he quickly changed his mind and told Rina to take the sky palanquin instead. The oil squeezed from seeds must be a lot less than the milk squeezed from soybeans. Seeing how he wanted to make many crispy potato snacks, Rino needed more than just a sachet of seeds.

"As many as you can spare or fit in the sky palanquin. Oh, get me more sugar if you can. We\'re going to need it."

"Aye aye!" Rina complied and went to search for Acht for a free lift back to Cypress County. 

Rino watched her go then returned to his task list. Now that oil and sugar are on the way, maybe he could start with soup stock on rice flour products.. It has been a while since he\'d eaten noodles.

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