
volume 3 - 213 – Preparation for War 2

Brendel thought he had to witness far more sacrifices since there were no players defending the Green Tower, but it seemed like the several thousands of players did not do as anything close to what the two Archmagi from the Silver Alliance did.

William and Tulman made the city’s defenses impossible to breach.

The Druids received Brendel and his men with the highest possible reception. Even though the city was in dire need of various important repairs, there were over a hundred high-ranking Druids who took out precious Mana from their reserves to create a road of fresh flowers that was over ten miles. When Brendel finally reached the Green Tower, nearly all the entire city’s residents were waiting at the entrance.

The youths were fidgeting because Brendel made a joke about how the pretty female Elves might present a kiss to them, and there were a few young nobles who pricked up their ears along with gleaming eyes.

Of course, the kissing scenes did not happen. The young Elven girls were conservative and reserved, hiding behind the trees and looking curiously at the heroes from a different race.

But even though there were no kissing, every one of them was garlanded with flowers, with Brendel receiving two wreaths. Unfortunately, the latter was too busy greeting the Druid Elder Quinn to look at the two Elven girls who placed the wreaths on his head.

The Tree Elf Druid walked up to Brendel to give a hug, then patted the youth’s two shoulders. This act was the highest formality given to a comrade amongst hunters. Quinn recognized Brendel as a friend who was worth laying down his life for.

“A’aton mess talar (May the forest and you stay evergreen, my friend.” Quinn took a step back and spoke in his native tongue.

“A’aton os dar X’dor mun (The bowstring sings in the evergreen forest.”

A fragment of surprise streaked across Quinn’s face. The Tree Elves’ language was completely different from the prevalent Wind Elves. He did not expect his human friend to understand it, and he was planning to explain the meaning afterward, but Brendel understood it and even answered with a perfect greeting of his own.

The Elder Druids behind Quinn were also surprised. It was unthinkable that a human would know so much about their habits and customs, not knowing of his ‘past’ where he had stayed in many places and learned about such customs.

Quinn showed a warm smile: “You did not let us down, and we will not go back on our oaths. You are now the Lord of this land.”

He raised both hands, presenting a white acorn.

“This is the White Holy Oak Tree’s seed? You’re giving this to me......?” Brendel was stunned.

Amongst the Tree Elves’ traditions, the White Holy Oak Tree was the protector of every soul in the forest. There was a White Holy Oak Tree next to the Fire Seed in the Green Tower, which every Druid and Tree Elf’s soul would return to when they departed the earth. By giving the acorn to him, Quinn was recognizing him as the Lord of Green Tower. Under normal circumstances, only the Great Druid Elder would have the authority to possess this acorn.

“I think you know our customs very well, Brendel.” Quinn presented the seed with both hands and spoke.

The youth nodded and looked at Quinn and the Druids behind him with a slightly bewildered expression. Just because he saved this place, these people started to bow their heads? It was a little ridiculous.

Quinn seemed to have seen through Brendel’s puzzled thoughts and he explained: “Based on our customs, the Tree Elves and the Druids are supposed to gradually move out to the edge of civilization and find a new ‘Dark Forest’ to guard that area. But my Lord, we have considered your proposal carefully. If you are willing to walk down of the path of the ancient Saints to develop the Wilderness, we will be willing to submit under your leadership.”

“There’s the consideration of recuperating from the Calamity of Wolves as well, yes?” Brendel asked.

Quinn showed a look of appreciation. A Tree Elf hardly beat around the bush during discussions, and Brendel was willing to engage with them with the same customs.

“Yes,” he nodded, “the Tree Elves and Druids need a few years to recover from this event, and these few years would be enough time to witness your promise.”

“I think it will be insufficient to expand with just a few years, but if you merely wish to see if I’m going to make it come true, I won’t mind it.” Brendel nodded, secretly delighted.

Things were progressing more smoothly than he thought. He originally wanted to inform the Druids of his plans and get the Centaurs and Tree Elves to stay behind in the city as well. Most of the survivors of the probable ten thousand-odd population were elderly, children and women. The warriors suffered huge casualties in the Calamity of Wolves, and even if they joined his army right now, they would not provide much combat strength in the battles ahead. It was at most a long-term investment.

Brendel received the seed, but he did not make an immediate decision and pondered for a while.

“But I think we should keep our status quo. This is my territory, but it is your home as well. We have the same goals and we don’t need complicated relations.”

“Why?” Quinn did not expect Brendel to refuse. He was certain that the youth’s original goal was this plot of land.

“I need dedicated allies, not subordinates who are bound by rules,” Brendel replied. He knew that the Tree Elves and Druids would not get used to the human ways of living. If that was the case, then he might as well be generous and return the Green Tower to them. After all, the Druid and Tree Elven warriors would definitely join his army to protect their home.

Quinn took a long look at Brendel and turned back to the Elders. They revealed satisfied expressions.

“You are the most unique human that I have ever seen. Brendel, can we become ‘friends’?” He asked

Brendel nodded. The Tree Elves believed that being friends needed time to witness their friendship; he understood what Quinn meant.

“Then my friend, may I invite you to oversee our celebrations?” Quinn gave a small smile.

But he did not expect to see Brendel shaking his head: “I’m afraid not. Quinn, I need a favor from you.”

“What is it?”

“I have to leave here for a while and return to my territory immediately. But I need some supplies, armor, and weapons. I also need horses that could carry us out from the Dark Forest as quickly as possible.”

The surroundings fell into silence.

Carglise and Kodan suddenly understood why they had to rush to the Green Tower. It seemed like Firburh was in trouble.

“...... Have you encountered trouble, my human friend?”

“Yes, my territory is under threat. I need to solve this small problem before returning to continue fulfilling my promise with you.”

“Is it war?”

The tall Tree Elf showed an understanding gaze. He straightened his body and exclaimed to his clan members: “Did you hear what our human ally said? He needs an army who can fight. He risked his life on his own to travel deep into dangerous lands and rescued every one of us in our darkest hour. Now, my clan members, are you the type who is only interested in your own lives?”

Brendel’s jaws fell as Quinn’s voice echoed in the Green Tower. He knew that the Druids’ conditions were really quite unsuitable to continue fighting. But Quinn was trying to gather an army.

“Wait, you—”

“My friend, I want to fight next to you,” Quinn smiled, “you are right. This is your territory and our home. How are we going to protect this precious treasure without battles and bleeding?”

There were no passionate answers.

But the Tree Elves walked out one by one from the surrounding trees. Most of them were female as the males had perished in the Calamity of Wolves. Then the Centaurs rode out. They would not retreat as they sought glory in battles. The Druids answered the calls as well. Even though they did not care about the outside world, it did not mean they were cold on the inside— They had held their promise throughout the years to protect the Dark Forest, and there was meaning to protect something in a war.

Even so, this army was only the size of a few hundred men. There were just too many casualties from the Calamity of Wolves. But unexpectedly, another group of men walked out, comprising of mercenaries and adventurers who wore various colored equipment, almost resembling an army made up of beggars, but they were all standing there to form a group.

There was another bout of silence after everyone walked out.

A man amongst these mercenaries and adventurers was appointed quickly and he spoke:

“My Lord, thanks to your grace, we were fortunate enough to survive in this calamity. I hear that you are in need of an army.” That slightly scoundrel-looking man who had a stubble asked lazily while shrugging: “May I ask if you need a group of mercenaries who live to fight for battles?”

Brendel suddenly found himself nearly speechless again.

“What is your price?” He asked as though he was really trying to bargain.

“A gold coin, is that fine?” That man asked.

“Good, you are now my knights. I will permit you to return to witness my victory with this gold coin.” Brendel said.

There were no more unnecessary replies. The mercenaries pulled out their swords and raised them high up. The sounds of grating metal filled the forest, followed by the Tree Elves wielding their bows.

Brendel felt moved when he saw this sight. The Elves and humans were standing together as allies after hundreds of years. The holy oaths sworn in the past were being repeated again. No one would forget today’s alliance, and the people who witnessed this moment would probably remember it for the rest of their lives.

The youths behind Brendel also pulled out their swords. This scenario was just too shocking. Even Kodan and Mephisto did not know how to describe this moment.

This hastily made alliance did not seem like it was secure, but it felt like it had the magic to change everything in the end.

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