
Chapter 835 - Target, Hopeship!


Merlin retracted his consciousness from the Illusory World. He sensed that his Mind Power had grown even bigger than before, especially after the Big Bang in the Illusory World. Then, when the Illusory World developed a strong ‘desire’ for expansion, Merlin’s Mind Power underwent another major enhancement.

Following the continuous expansion of the Illusory World, Merlin’s Mind Power would also increase correspondingly.

An increase in Mind Power was naturally beneficial, such as increasing the strength of Hallucinating spells. Even the supremely powerful Lords would now be susceptible to Merlin’s Illusory World and allow Merlin to control their minds.

Of course, most importantly, the greater his Mind Power, the greater his ability to interfere with the tangible world. Although the Illusory World was still unable to convert illusion into reality, as his Mind Power grew bigger, his ability to interfere with the tangible world would also be more powerful.

“Maybe, I’ve reached the point of being able to tear apart a single Maxim?”

Of course, attempting to interfere with the tangible world using Mind Power alone was severely restricted. At the moment, he could only use it to tear apart an ordinary Maxim. As for an ultimate Maxim, he would be powerless.

Nevertheless, as the Illusory World become more perfect over time, Merlin’s Mind Power would increase leaps and bounds in a similar manner. Eventually, he would be able to tear apart an ultimate Maxim with ease. When that time comes, Merlin’s Mind Power would be able to interact with the tangible world, on par with an Honored Legend or a Lord.

Of course, the true strength of the Illusory World still lies in the Hallucinating spells and Mind Control. If the Illusory World continued to strengthen and finally be perfected, it could possibly affect even an ultimate existence. This would become Merlin’s real trump card to face-off against an ultimate existence.


Three months passed by in a flash. The intelligence personnel whom Merlin had dispatched to gather intelligence regarding the void-level warships using Rebellion Leader Medrick’s authority had returned with news.

Although the Rebellion Army force was not very powerful, their intelligence system was quite well-established. It was just that they had never carried out an investigation regarding the void-level warships.

Currently, under Leader Medrick’s orders, every personnel of the intelligence system was mobilized. Hence, every secret intelligence personnel stationed in the Atlan Federation began to collect information about this.

However, there was very little truly useful information. Moreover, all of them seemed to point in one direction – the hopeship!

“There is very little news about the void-level warships. The intelligence system of the Rebellion Army can only find out this much, and all of them point towards the hopeship. Looks like my previous guess was not wrong. If there was a place that was researching or building a void-level warship, it must be located on the hopeship.”

Merlin previously speculated as much. The hopeship was the Atlan Dimension’s governing center as well as the symbol of the Atlan Federation. Furthermore, armed with various rigorous defenses, it was a fear-inspiring fortress which was very safe.

Coupled with the mysterious crystal wall left behind by the Vestigial Tribe, what other place was more suitable to research the void-level warships, if not the hopeship?

“If it’s on the hopeship, then we’re in trouble.”

Merlin frowned as numerous thoughts flitted through his head. If he led the black cat Didimoss and the Slothful Beast there by force, he would become a public target. Perhaps, his presence would even cause the entire Atlan Dimension to ‘unite as one’ and mobilize all their resources.

Obviously, this method would not be able to inflict the greatest amount of damage to the Atlan civilization.

“Looks like, I still have to make use of the Rebellion Army’s strength! Even with the Rebellion Army’s strength, the target is still a little daunting. However, this move will create chaos for the entire Atlan Dimension. The Rebellion Army conquering the hopeship would inflict far greater psychological damage than if the hopeship was destroyed by a foreign tribe creature like me. Moreover, I can wield the Illusory World quietly to control all the Atlans on the hopeship. Even if I can’t find the void-level warship, I can hide my identity and continue my search.”

After long deliberation, Merlin decided not to reveal his identity easily, but instead make use of the Rebellion Army to launch a ‘civil war’ within the Atlan civilization.

“Medrick and Your Excellencies the three Commanders, you will now order for the three main battalions to gather all warships and transport ships. We will be initiating an attack.”

Merlin then controlled Medrick and the three Battalion Commanders to issue the respective orders. Instantly, the Rebellion Army was caught in a frenzy.

Although some people were shocked, most of them were doubtful. They did not understand why the Commanders and the Leader would issue such an order out of the blue. Previously, the Rebellion Army had always been sieged by the Federation Army, but they had never initiated an attack on a starship.

Of course, Merlin did not tell them that they would be attacking the hopeship. This was a matter of highest-level confidentiality. After all, how could the objective of a military operation be revealed to just anyone? Regardless, no one would imagine that the Rebellion Army would dare to initiate an attack on the hopeship because it would be equivalent to a death wish.

Although many were confused, they had to obey those orders. Therefore, countless warships began to gather at the headquarters, leaving only a few armed spaceships to guard the Rebellion Army headquarters. Under the orders of the three Commanders, all the other warships set-off towards the hopeship.

This included the only dimension-level warship belonging to the Rebellion Army, which was the warship controlled by Leader Medrick. Merlin brought Medrick and the three Battalion Commanders onboard the dimension-level warship so that it would act as the temporary commanding ship of the Rebellion Army for the enormous fleet.

It was a large-scale operation. Even with Merlin’s empire-level warship stowed inside his spatial ring, the First and Second Battalion combined had thirty-four empire-level warships, along with countless city-level warships and transport ships.

Such a warship fleet naturally attracted the attention of Federation Army warships along the way. Hence, news quickly spread to the Senate and the Army in the Federation.

“Chief of Staff, this is a report sent by the heads of a few starships. All of them said that the Rebellion Army had initiated a large-scale operation. They’ve sent one dimension-level warship, thirty-four empire-level warship and a large number of city-level warships from the Rebellion Army headquarters in a fearless manner, their specific goal is not yet clear.”

A man in military uniform frowned as he listened to his subordinate’s report.

“Why would the Rebellion Army initiate such a large-scale operation at such a time, this must be almost all their strength, right? It’s a little troublesome, but not a major problem. They must be itching for action since we have not attacked them for some time. Anyway, order Fortress Yamei to dispatch three dimension-level warships and thirty empire-level warships now, and get rid of the Rebellion Army’s warship fleet thoroughly!”

The Chief of Staff quickly made a decision. This matter did not need to be reported to other officers in the Army. He had the authority to respond in such a manner.

After all, the Rebellion Army’s ability was simply too weak. Their strength was so weak that they could not even defeat a slightly stronger fortress. Fortress Yamei was simply a slightly more fortified fortress, but more than five dimension-level warships were stationed in it. Such an ability was far more powerful than the Rebellion Army, so it was enough to deal with their warships.

Hence, the Chief of Staff no longer paid any attention to the Rebellion Army. In his view, the outcome was already determined. Currently, the entire Army and even the Senate was completely transfixed with the situation in the Void Zone. According to news transmitted from the Void Zone, the situation was not favorable, even the newly-built void-level warship was destroyed. This was an urgent crisis that threatened the entire Atlan civilization.


Amidst the pitch-black void, the one and only dimension-level warship of the Rebellion Army had already received news from the reconnaissance ships sent ahead. A powerful troop had been dispatched from Fortress Yamei consisting of three dimension-level warships.

The entire Rebellion Army fleet grew tense. This was a real ability gap. Just a random fortress belonging to the Federation was able to dispatch three dimension-level warships, whereas the Rebellion Army only had one dimension-level warship.

Soon, Merlin saw the large troop of warships heading towards them on the screen.

“Three dimension-level warships? This is a powerful force, I shouldn’t let it go to waste...”

A smile appeared between Merlin’s lips. Subsequently, an invisible Mind Power broadcasted outwards. The Illusory World had already shrouded the vast sky, so the three dimension-level warships in a distance were unconsciously shrouded by the Illusory World as well.

Merlin easily controlled the troop which was supposed to be their enemy, causing the other Rebellion Army warships to be astonished. At this moment, they seemed to understand why their Leader and three main Commanders would announce an attack on the Federation.

Apparently, they had gained a powerful tactic.

“It is a network virus? Or some other virus that can erode the warship’s system and seize control over these warships? Otherwise, it cannot explain how three dimension-level warships came under our control so easily.”

Rumors began to fly within the Rebellion Army about the new technology. In fact, not just the Rebellion Army, but the other Federation warships which witnessed the situation were also perplexed. Finally, they encrypted a message and quickly reported it to the Army.

“Even without using the black cat Didimoss, or any powers of a Lord, I’ve given the Army and the Senate a massive headache. Surely for some time, before finding out the exact reason, they wouldn’t send any more warships to us. This way, we will have less trouble and arrive at the hopeship faster.”

Merlin paid no attention to the three newly-attained dimension-level warships. Basically, even all the warships of the Rebellion Army had no use to him, except as a means to cover his identity and preventing his identity of a foreign tribe creature from being exposed.

His goal was still the most important place in the Atlan civilization, the symbol of all the Atlans – the hopeship!

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