
Chapter 598 - Feeding The Naughty Elves Organization The Same Poison

Chapter 598 Feeding the Naughty Elves organization the same poison

Author: M_W Cancer 

Proofreader: M_W Miss Fierce

In Leo\'s opinion, this plan should have only a tinny tiny bit of chance of really happening. The reason for this was because, back then, he also strongly assumed that the Naughty Elves organization doesn\'t need Elvis anymore because of the fact that they can make a lot of clones of him now. If they need Elvis, then they could just simply make use of the clones that they have, at least in such a way they won\'t be experiencing any sort of trouble because those clones would definitely follow whatever they told them to do, unlike Elvis who would certainly rather die than to cooperate.

Therefore, what he was really expecting the most to happened was that, once the Naughty Elves organization noticed that Elvis is currently investigating about them, then they would send some of their members to kill him so as to prevent him from getting to the very bottom of what he is looking for, which would then make him run away desperately just like before so that he could escape from them again and report to Leo what he had found out before getting discovered. And because of Elvis\' desperation during his escape, some of his men who are spread throughout the entire Emerald Tree Kingdom, especially in the Emerald City, would then noticed him, similar to the past, and provide him help, which would be the main reason why he would be saved.

Honestly, the only reason why he had thought of this plan was because he remembered that the Wolf Howl organization had tried to ambush Elvis when he returned to the Emerald Tree Kingdom in the past.

If Elvis is really related to whatever the Naughty Elves organization is planning to do in the Emerald Tree Kingdom, then that ambush set by the Wolf Howl organization should be intended to capture him, not to kill him. After all, there are more uses to someone alive compared to someone who is dead. 

Since the case turns out to be Elvis getting kidnapped by the Naughty Elves organization, then he can make use of the following plans he had prepared.

"So you\'re telling all of us here that Elvis being missing right now was actually also part of your plan?" Cassandra doubtfully asked. 

"It was merely something that I thought about. I never really expected that it would exactly turn out to be the case right now," Leo replied. 

"Oh, good, because it would definitely make us all think that you know everything," Elizabeth said in sarcasm.

"Well, I want to know everything, but that is not possible, right?" Leo shook his head. Just like what he had mentioned a while ago, this situation was merely one of the many assumptions that he had thought about before, one of the very least to be more exact. 

During that time when he ordered Elvis to investigate, he had thought of plenty of different possible outcomes in his mind, and all of them has different follow-up plans that he had prepared whenever it turned out to be the right case. 

As an extremely cautious person, such an action is only natural for him. He always prepares for whatever kinds of situations would happen so that there won\'t be any unknown variables and troublesome situations. 

"So, how exactly do you plan on making the Naughty Elves organization have a taste of the mischievousness of the Mischievous Lion Guild?" Angel asked intriguingly.

"Simple, we will feed the Naughty Elves organization the same poison that they have made us drink previously," Leo replied. 

"Drink the same poison...?" Veronica began thinking deeply of what Leo exactly meant about with his words. In the next moment, her eyes lit up as she said, "So you know where Elvis exactly is?"

"Not really, but I know a certain someone out there who can lead us right to Elvis," Leo vaguely revealed. Of course, he won\'t reveal that this certain someone is the God of Fate, or to be more precise, the Fate Cube. Although Cassandra and the majority of the other Executives of the Mischievous Lion Guild long already knew about the existence of the God of Fate and the Fate Cube, but Iasiah and Nightingale still don\'t have any clue about it. It is not yet the right time to tell them about that information. 

"Okay," Ash and the others quickly understood who this certain someone that Leo meant was. 

Unlike them, Iasiah and Nightingale don\'t know about that certain someone they meant. However...

"The two of us might not know who exactly is that certain someone you are all talking about, but I\'m guessing that you can find Elvis, which at the same time would also allow us to find the whereabouts of the Naughty Elves organization," Iasiah expressed his understanding.

"And according to your plan of feeding the Naughty Elves organization the same poison, then I\'m guessing that they also don\'t have the slightest clue that we know of a secret method to finding Elvis, thus allowing us to launch a surprise attack on them, just like what they have done to us previously," Nightingale quickly added with a bright smile on his face.

"Bingo!" Leo nodded his head in confirmation. He then continued, "We are going to execute this plan as inconspicuous as we possibly could, which means to say that only all of us present in the meeting room right now can participate. As for the rest, they will be completely left out of the dark, understood?"

The exact reason why he only wanted him and the Executives of the Mischievous Lion Guild to execute this plan is because if ever the Naughty Elves organization got to hear about it, then they\'ll definitely transfer Elvis to another much more secured place. At that time, it would become more difficult to save him. 

Aside from that, if the Naughty Elves organization really knew that they are gone, then they might just make use of such a good opportunity to take advantage of the Smiling Lion Village. 

Many other consequences could also happened while they are all gone. And he doesn\'t want any of that to happen, that\'s why it is much better to only allow the people he trusted the most to participate. 

"Understood!" Cassandra and the others nodded their heads in affirmation. 

"So here\'s the plan..." Leo began telling everyone of his plan. 


As the clock strikes 12 in the evening, Leo and all of the Executives of the Mischievous Lion Guild, who were all thought to supposedly be already sleeping inside their respective manors at this time, used the cover of the night as they slowly left the Smiling Lion Village in many different directions. In this way, it would be really difficult to notice them since they were all moving individually instead of as a group. 

Although they were all moving separately, all of them had the same direction of where to go inside their minds, which is also their meeting place after successfully leaving the Smiling Lion Village, specifically the small cave where Elvis was trapped inside along with a few of his men when they first found him nearby the Smiling Lion Village in the past. 

Anyways, secretly slipping through the Smiling Lion Village isn\'t really that difficult to achieve. Of course, it is not because the security measures is lacking, but because Ethan, as someone who had designed the security measures of the Smiling Lion Village, naturally knew of all of the loopholes that they could use. 

What only a few people knew about, during the construction of the Smiling Lion Village, Ethan had actually assigned a few core members of the Mischievous Lion Guild to construct some secret passages leading towards the outside of the Smiling Lion Village.

Those secret passages are obviously going to be used in case of any emergencies in the Smiling Lion Village, thus allowing them to get both in and out of the Smiling Lion Village without being noticed by anyone who doesn\'t know about the existence of those secret passages. 

Ethan had informed Leo and the others about those secret passages during the meeting a few hours ago, and each of them was assigned their own respective secret passages that they will be using in order to leave the Smiling Lion Village without being easily noticed. 

Aside from using those secret passages to leave the Smiling Lion Village though, they would actually also be using them to scout the surrounding area of the Smiling Lion Village. This is just to make sure that no scouts from the Guilds or other forces in the Emerald Tree Kingdom that are assigned to observe the Smiling Lion Village are able to accidentally find them, which might just become the main reason for their plan to get found out by other people, including the Naughty Elves organization.

This was the main reason why they didn\'t move in groups, so that they can cover each other\'s back and make sure that no one would be able to find them while moving towards their meeting place. 

It was only around twenty minutes or so later that everyone has finally gathered together in their agreed meeting place. 

The first ones to arrive were both Charlotte and Nightingale since the two of them were able to use Dark Element Magic spells. Second to arrive was naturally Leo, considering that he had studied assassination when he was still a child, then followed after by Ethan, Elaine, Edward, Chief Lago, Sebastian, Dan, Sele, old man Torre, and Iasiah. As for the last ones to arrive, which was already within everyone\'s expectations, were Cassandra, Elizabeth, Angel, Veronica, and Ash. 

Since everyone has finally gathered together, Leo then motioned his hand to follow him as he said, "Let\'s go!"

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