
Chapter 591 - Forming The Ferocious Lion's Wrath Form

Chapter 591 Forming the Ferocious Lion\'s Wrath form

Author: M_W Cancer 

Proofreader: M_W Miss Fierce

Leo didn\'t forget to lock the door of the cultivation room in case Angel would suddenly barge inside. Afterwards, he walked to the center and sat crossed-legged on the ground. Then, he took out the Ferocious Lion\'s Wrath Magic Combat Technique book and put it on the ground in front of him before flipping to the first page. 

The moment the image of the Ferocious Lion\'s Wrath form appeared, the strong and powerful force once again assaulted his mind and body. But unlike the previous time, he was able to pull himself together much quicker.

He hasn\'t really memorized the complete image of the Ferocious Lion\'s Wrath form yet, that\'s why he needs the guidance of this image of the Ferocious Lion\'s Wrath form.

Closing his eyes, Leo soon went inside his consciousness. He really doesn\'t need to look around that much in order to find his Star since it was the most obvious sight inside. 

As he wasn\'t really in a rush, he slowly approached his Star while at the same time observing its form closely. Arriving in front, he began circling around, trying to see its complete form.

The last time he had observed his Star this closely was when he wanted to know what was special about it. And from then on, he never cared about his Star anymore as he really doesn\'t know yet what all of its purposes was aside from the most common information that it could continuously absorb Mana from his surrounding in order to replenish the Mana he had used. It could also change color depending on its Element Mana inside, which allows him to cultivate much easier compared to the past. 

As for the shape of his Star, the only thing he knew about was that it is a big ball of fire and spews flames that don\'t feel hot nor can burn the inside of his consciousness. 

"According to the Ferocious Lion\'s Wrath Magic Combat Technique book, this Mana that looked like flames being spewed outside of the Star is called external Mana which what I should be using to contract the Star\'s size, while the Mana inside is called the internal Mana which what I should be used to expand the Star\'s size. Shaping my Star into a specific form would completely depend on how skilled I am in controlling these two kinds of Mana. But similar to any other skills, it only needs more training in order for me to further improve my control," Leo thought to himself. 

Just like what both the names of internal Mana and external Mana suggest, the former is the Mana being absorbed by the Star, while the latter is the Mana being spewed out by the Star throughout one\'s entire consciousness.

The meaning of these two types of Mana in the Star is very simple; the internal Mana would be the Mana from the surrounding and is being cleansed from all of its impurities, while the external Mana would be the Pure Mana and could be used to help improve one\'s cultivation. The former is being absorbed by the Star, while the latter is being distributed by the Star. 

Because it is practically impossible for him to touch his Star since he has no physical body inside his consciousness, thus he could only control both the internal Mana and external Mana to shape the Star into a specific form, which in this case would be the Ferocious Lion\'s Wrath form. 

The only problem is, he hasn\'t experienced controlling the Mana of his Star yet. 

Whenever he cast a Magic spell, the Star would be the one to voluntarily provide the amount of Mana that he needed. He basically doesn\'t need to control the Star at all, as if it has a consciousness of its own. But of course, that is not really the case. The only reason why the Star would provide him Mana whenever he was casting a Magic spell is because that is one of its purposes from the moment it was created. 

In his opinion, controlling the Mana of the Star shouldn\'t be that difficult, especially considering that he\'s a Mage, perhaps...

"I\'ll see how difficult controlling the Mana of the Star. First, let\'s test the internal Mana," Leo thought as he put his spirit\'s hand forward and began trying to control the internal Mana of the Star. 


With a wave of his hand to the right, the internal Mana of the Star also moved to the right. But because there was a wall, or to be more precise the body of the Star, was blocking the internal Mana\'s path from going any further forward, a straight line was soon seen slowly expanding, or more appropriately stretching, from the body of the Star.

"Oh, so I simply need to hit the body of the Star in order to make its form expand," Leo thought. He continued, "The reason for this should be because the Star wouldn\'t allow the internal Mana from easily getting out because there are still impurities mixed within them, but because the Mana is forcing its way out, thus it causes the body of the Star to stretch out,"

"I\'m guessing that there is a limitation to how far the body of the Star could stretch out, and if ever the internal Mana keeps on forcing its way out after reaching the limit, then there would be a serious consequences that might cause my consciousness to be filled to the brim with impurities,"

"Then how about the external Mana," Leo said as he then began controlling the external Mana of the Star.


He pushed his hand forward, making the external Mana move forward to the body of the Star as well. And similar to what had happened to the internal Mana just now, the body of the Star stopped the external Mana from getting inside, thus the body of the Star stretched forward, creating a some kind of slope in the body of the Star.

Leo quickly found the reason why, "So, the Pure Mana can\'t get inside the Star anymore in order to prevent the impurities from tainting it once again, which would make the Star do twice the work and effort,"

Simply put, the body of the Star is like an impenetrable but stretchable wall that prevents either of the internal Mana and external Mana from mixing together because if ever this happens, the Star\'s work and effort would all be for nothing.

If the internal Mana tries to force its way out, the body of the Star would stretch to the outside, while on the other hand, if the external Mana tries to force its way in, the body of the Star would also stretch to the inside.

"So controlling the Mana of the Star is this easy," Leo said, but then he continued, "The only problem is, in order for me to shape a specific form of the Star, I would have to shape the internal Mana or the external Mana into a specific form first before letting them hit the body of the Star. In such a way, the stretching of the body of the Star would have a form, not a straight line or something similar,"

This was exactly what he had noticed just now. Whatever the form of the Mana he controlled, once it hits the body of the Star, it would also make a similar form. 

Such an effect was obviously just natural. It\'s like when a Magical Beast step on the soft ground, the prints that will be created would also be similar to the form of their feet or hoofs. 

Leo turned to look at the image of the Ferocious Lion\'s Wrath form as he can\'t help but said, "How troublesome..."

Shaping the Star into the image of the Ferocious Lion\'s Wrath form would definitely need a lot of hard work to complete. There\'s plenty of fine details to follow, exquisite shapes to make, the workmanship needed is high, and many other more. There\'s no doubt that it would take a lot of days just to complete it, or depending on how skilled he is. 

Fortunately for him, he has a considerable high talent when it comes to the subject of art. If not, then even a year\'s worth of time would be not enough to complete the image of the Ferocious Lion\'s Wrath form. 

Therefore, the only problem that remains is; even if he could finally finish shaping the Ferocious Lion\'s Wrath form, there\'s still the question of whether the Magic Combat Technique is compatible with him or not. Meaning to say, choosing to do this Ferocious Lion\'s Wrath form would not only need a lot of effort and time to make, but it would also have a considerable degree of risk that he needed to face. 

Everyone who will choose to do this should be fully prepared on whatever the result of their efforts would turn out to be, or else they would feel immense regret after spending all of that on something which is not only incompatible with them but also could only give them a small benefit that has no chance of outweighing everything that they have invested.. This kind of setback would undoubtedly affect their future cultivation.

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