
Chapter 566 - Reward From Uncle Elfin, And A Reward From Angel? Part 7

Chapter 566 Reward from Uncle Elfin, and a reward from Angel? part 7

Author: M_W Cancer 

Proofreader: M_W Miss Fierce

Evening finally came...

Under the moon hanging above the sky, Elmont\'s training ground is now well decorated to give the surrounding a romantic vibe. 

A table for two is perfectly located in the middle.

Ice sculptures in the shape of a heart with as if twinkling night star right in the very center surround the place.

A red carpet from the entrance of the training ground to the table is laid on the ground while covered with different kinds of flowers and letters that Elmont had personally written for Selina.

Two chefs with the dishes they have prepared for Elmont and Selina are standing behind an inconspicuous location, ready to serve the food whenever the two of them wanted to eat.

And last but not the least, the man of the hour, Elmont, dressed in a black-colored prince attire while feeling really nervous deep inside, is standing at the very entrance of the training ground, waiting for Selina to come.

At this moment, Angel and the others are staying on top of a tower that gives a full view of the training ground in order to witness and guide everything without getting seen by Selina. 

As the time continues to tick on, finally, following the lead of Princess Tifa and Princess Tila, Selina had arrived. 

Wearing a confused look on her face, Selina slowly and awkwardly walked towards Elmont. 

Seeing such action from Selina, Elmont\'s nervousness immediately disappeared and he can\'t help but let out a chuckle.

"Who are you laughing at, ha?" Selina fiercely asked. 

"Are you seeing someone else aside from you?" Elmont replied. 

"Of course," Selina said as she quickly turned to look behind her to find Princess Tifa and Princess Tila. But to her surprised, the two princesses were actually nowhere to be found anymore, "Where did those two go?"

"Those two?" Elmont asked as he pretended that he didn\'t saw both his sisters just now. 

"Your sisters, her Highness Tifa and her Highness Tila!" Selina puffed her cheeks in annoyance. 

"I didn\'t see anyone," Elmont said before putting his hand forward and quickly changing the topic, "Anyways, I have something to show you,"

Looking at Elmont\'s hand, Selina crossed her hands together as she replied, "I won\'t go with you, I\'m still mad at you-"

Without caring about whether Selina would agree or not, Elmont immediately pulled her hand and brought her inside his training ground. He\'s already at this point of Angel\'s plan, so there is really no need to bother about being shameless or embarrassed anymore. If this plan fails, then it fails, if not, then all of their efforts would become successful. That\'s what he\'s mainly thinking right now. 

Selina really wanted to pull Elmont\'s hand away from her, but as soon as she saw the red carpet covered with roses and letters, she instantly decided to stop and just let him continue freely pulling her to wherever he wanted to take her to. From time to time, she would grab a letter by controlling her Mana and reading its content. 

The moment Selina saw the unpleasant handwriting in those letters, she immediately knew that this was personally written by Elmont, making her happy and appreciative of his effort. After that, she then began reading the contents of the letters. 

"This..." Selina muttered silently. She really didn\'t expect that Elmont actually likes... No, to be more precise, love her. 

In the following moment, Selina\'s face suddenly reddens as she turned to look at Elmont who was still very focused on leading her somewhere. 

Curious to know where exactly was Elmont taking her, Selina quickly followed the direction where he was looking at. Soon, she saw a table surrounded by sculptures made out of ice in a shape of a heart. In the center of this heart, she could see small blinking lights as if they were stars in the night sky. 

Looking closely, Selina soon noticed that the stars inside the ice sculptures actually formed a letter each, S-E-L-I-N-A! It was her name inside those hearts. 

"Come, sit," Elmont said after pulling the chair. 

"Okay..." Selina nodded her head and sat on the chair. She hid the letters inside her Storage Ring so as to not let Elmont know that she had read a few of them.

Elmont then pushed the chair forward, and after that, he walked towards his chair and sit.

"Surprised?" Elmont immediately asked. 

"Yeah..." Selina nodded her head, a bit bashful. 

Elmont smiled as he said, "To be honest with you, I actually never intended to do any of this,"

Hearing Elmont\'s words, Selina quickly turned serious and looked at him. Her joyful mood just now was instantly replaced by a dark expression on her face. Inside her mind, she thought, "What does he mean by that he doesn\'t intend to prepare something like this for her? Does he mean to say that she\'s not worth it for all of these? Or is it because he was forced to do this?"

Without Elmont knowing, he had just accidentally stepped on a landmine with his words. Of course, this wasn\'t his fault as he was just being honest with his words. That was indeed the truth, he really never intended to do this because he was very embarrassed. The reason for stepping on such a landmine though is because Selina immediately jumped to a conclusion. 

If only Elmont knew about this, he would definitely feel ridiculous and find the assumption hilarious. Just how exactly did Selina arrived in such an assumption with his simple words of honesty? 

Elmont continued, "But because I realized that I really don\'t want you to stay mad and angry at me for a long time. I decided to do something that even I, myself, can\'t believe that I would actually do,"

Seemingly in an instant, Selina\'s mood brightens and she felt delighted in her mind. Her lips formed into a smile as she continued to listen to what Elmont would say next.

"Of course, if you didn\'t become angry and mad at me, this wouldn\'t have happened," Elmont unexpectedly added. 

In the next second, Selina\'s smile stiffen as she thought in her mind, "So now it is my fault? From the very beginning, it was you who had caused me to be angry and mad at you! How dare you ask me to leave the team just because I want to have a fight with you! It is not like I\'m asking for something unreasonable, right?"

"But it was also thanks to that why I made the courage to do this," Elmont said. 

"Good thing you know," Selina smugly thought to herself. Indeed, it was because of her why Elmont had done this. Without her, then he would have still remained shy and not telling her his real feelings for her. 

All of a sudden, Elmont heave a heavy sigh as he said, "Just why on Celestial World would you not listen to me that you should be training with the team instead of running to me and asking for a fight. The Emerald Elven Battle Competition is not a one-man show, it is a team battle. So, all of us need to cooperate with each other!"

Selina\'s hand under the table immediately turned into a fist as she thought, "Oh, now it is my fault again why I\'m angry and mad at you? Are you serious?! It was you who... Wait, why does it feel like we are going on a roller coaster ride?"

"Wait a minute," Selina said as she motioned her hand for Elmont to stop talking. She continued, "Where exactly are you intending to go? No, what I mean to say is, where exactly is this conversation going to?"

Hearing Selina\'s question, Elmont finally realized his mistake. His words just now indeed don\'t feel like being on a date with her, rather it feels like he was ranting to her about the mistakes she had made. 

"Sorry..." Elmont said while scratching his cheeks awkwardly. He really didn\'t think that being on a date with Selina would be this difficult. 

"It\'s okay," Selina smiled in response, she then asked, "So, where were we again?"

"Hmmm..." Elmont thought as he then said, "Well, to sum up, everything that I have just said, I prepared a date with you so that you will no longer be angry and mad at me. I also want to let you know how I feel deep inside my heart and that... that..."

"That?" Selina raised her eyebrows together, waiting for Elmont\'s revelation. 

"That I want you to become my girlfriend!" Elmont exclaimed. After saying that, he began taking in deep breaths as if he had just done something really tiring to do. Though in truth he was trying to calm down his panic nerves.

Although Selina had already expected Elmont to ask her this question after reading those letters on the ground and seeing the decorations all around the place, she was still feeling a bit surprised and felt that this situation is not real. She pinched her cheeks to confirm that this is not a dream before nodding her head and saying, "Yes!"


On top of the tower, General Luke immediately pops champagne after hearing Selina saying \'Yes\' to Elmont. 

"Finally, after all of these years, Elmont and Selina are now in a relationship," General Luke said while tearing up a bit. 

"Hey, they aren\'t married yet, so why are you celebrating as if they are going to become husband and wife?" Elvis rolled his eyes at General Luke.

"Indeed," Iasiah nodded his head in agreement. 

Unlike the two, Nightingale shook his head as he said, "No wonder you both are still single,"

"You are also single!" Elvis and Iasiah said at the same time. 

"Well, at least I\'m not as bitter as the both of you," Nightingale said as he took a glass from the side and ask for General Luke to pour champagne for him.

"Now then, where exactly did Leo and Angel go?" General Luke asked before pouring a glass of champagne, he then added, "They seriously just missed an important event in their entire life!"

"No wonder you\'re still single," Elvis, Iasiah, and Nightingale rolled their eyes at General Luke. 

Why would Leo and Angel missed such an important event in their entire life when those two are obviously having their own best time as well?

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