
Chapter 533 - Operation: Capturing More Galaxylevel Magical Beast Part 8

Chapter 533 Operation: Capturing more Galaxy-level Magical Beast part 8

Author: M_W Cancer 

Proofreader: M_W Miss Fierce

The rear-line teams of Captain Timon are located on the right side, while Captain Iles\' rear-line teams are located on the left side. 

At this moment, a few of Captain Timon\'s rear-line teams are helping Timor and the members of his Night Ear Guild to slip inside the formation of the rear-line teams. They have been doing this from the very beginning of the battle without letting anyone other than them know about it. 

"The surrounding is clear, tell the Night Ear Guild that they can bring in the next batch now," An Officer with the name of Kuwerd said to the men hiding behind the tall trees. 

"Okay!" One of the men replied to Officer Kuwerd before turning around to signal the members of the Night Ear Guild hiding a kilometer away at the back by using the light reflected from a mirror. Using Magic spells to send a signal is so conspicuous and would easily attract attention from Captain Iles\' rear-line teams, so they could only use a mirror to do it.

"Go, go, go!" One of the Captains of the Night Ear Guild named Liman motioned his hand for his men to start moving after seeing the signal.

Seeing Captain Liman\'s action, the one hundred members of the Night Ear Guild hiding behind the tall trees swiftly began moving to slip into the formation of Captain Timon\'s rear-line


"Stay low, so that we will not attract any unwanted attention," Captain Liman reminded his men. 

The one hundred men from the Night Ear Guild following the lead of Captain Liman crouched their bodies down to the ground in order to hide using the bushes around them and slowly moved forward. Some tall Elves even decided to crawl since even if they crouched down to the ground they would still be unable to hide their tall bodies using the bushes.

"We are now close to the first stop, everyone keep up!" Captain Liman informed his men. 

The first stop that Captain Liman meant is a place where they would stop for a while to check if it is still safe to continue or not.

Their hiding location is still a bit farther away from Captain Timon\'s rear-line teams, and every passing minute some of the men from Captain Iles\' rear-line teams would turn around to look in their direction to check if there were no signs of any Storm Sparrows trying to sneak behind their rear-line teams\' formation. This was only natural because even though they are located at the very back of the battlefield right now, there is still a possibility that the Storm Sparrows would sneak behind them and launch a surprise attack.

So, to avoid getting noticed, the rear-line teams of Captain Timon had set up some places for each and every 250 meters that the member of the Night Ear Guild could cross, which is under the management of an Officer. They would stop a total of three times, respectively at the 250 meters mark, 500 meters mark, and 750 meters mark, and then observe the movement of Captain Iles\' rear-line teams. Once the situation is clear again, they will continue until they finally arrived at the formation of Captain Timon\'s rear-line teams. 

This was also not yet the end, because once all of them successfully slipped in the rear-line teams of Captain Timon, they would then slowly proceed to the front-line teams of Captain Timon.

Their main target is to steal as many carcasses of the Storm Sparrows as possible and then sell it to a merchant once they returned back to the Emerald Tree Kingdom. And where else could they get most of that aside from the front-line teams, right?

Although there is still a chance for them to earn some profit from the rear-line teams, and not to mention less danger of getting exposed as well, but it is extremely difficult to get those profits for themselves because all of the carcasses of the Storm Sparrows were being kept under close watch. 

It\'s really unlike the situation at the front-line teams where every carcass of the Storm Sparrows is just simply being ignored because everyone is currently extremely busy fighting against batch after batch of Storm Sparrows. The only time they could claim those profits would most likely be at the end of the battle. 

Unbeknownst to Captain Liman, Iasiah and both the Frost Lion team and Ghost Lion team are now currently hiding up above the trees and watching them closely. 

"Sir Iasiah, we now have a complete understanding of their plan," A Night Elf reported. He continued, "There are men of Captain Timon stationed in every 250 meters mark. The members of the Night Ear Guild would most likely stop from those locations to check before they continue again,"

"Good work!" Iasiah patted the Night Elf\'s shoulder. He smiled and then said, "Now then, tell everyone to eliminate all of those men hiding at the 500 meters mark. Execute it without letting anyone notice, understood?" 

"Yes, sir Iasiah!" The Night Elf nodded in affirmation before leaving to inform the others. 

"Now then, let\'s try and distract the others from noticing," Iasiah turned to look up at the few Storm Sparrows flying nearby his location with a mischievous smile on his face.


Meanwhile, located at the 250 meters mark were a total of 20 men of Captain Timon. 

At this moment, Captain Liman of the Night Ear Guild has now stopped at this location and is now waiting for the men of Captain Timon stationed at the 500 meters mark to send them a signal that it\'s safe to continue.

"We have now received a signal, tell them to continue," The Officer said after receiving the signal from the men stationed at the 500 meters mark. 

"Okay... wait, what is that?" Captain Liman suddenly pointed above them.

The Officer quickly looked up only to see a Storm Sparrow flying straight towards their location. 


"Don\'t let them move yet. Some of you, go and check what\'s going on over there!" The Officer quickly ordered. 

"Yes, sir!"

"I hope that it is only a Storm Sparrow and nothing else," Captain Liman said. 

"I hope so," The Officer replied.

After a few minutes, the men returned and reported, "Reporting; we have only found a dead Storm Sparrow, sir!" 

Both Captain Liman and the Officer can\'t help breathing a sigh of relief after hearing the report. 

"You can tell your men that they are safe to continue now," The Officer informed Captain Liman. 

"We will be on our way, then," Captain Liman bid farewell as he went to his men to inform them that they can continue. 

After seeing Captain Liman and his team leave, the Officer shook his head helplessly before saying, "Fucking bastards!"

Unbeknownst to both Captain Liman and the Officer, it wasn\'t actually only their side who had experienced a Storm Sparrow landing on their location. The 500 meters mark, the 750 meters mark, and even the rear-line teams of Captain Timon had also experienced the same exact thing. All of them came into an immediate conclusion that there was nothing wrong as they weren\'t able to communicate with the others that something similar had also happened to their side.

None of them could really expect that those Storm Sparrows were only a way to distract them from the attack that both the Frost Lion team and Ghost Lion team had launched to the men of Captain Timon located at the 500 meters mark. 

Without anyone noticing, all of the men at the 500 meters mark are now dead on the ground.

"Sir Iasiah, we have completed the mission very cleanly due to your distraction," The Night Elf before report to Iasiah the moment he arrived. 

Iasiah nodded his head and said, "Good! Now let\'s go and prepare for the arrival of the members from the Night Ear Guild," 

"Yes, sir Iasiah," The Night Elf nodded his head. 

After nearly ten minutes of waiting, Captain Liman and his men finally arrived at the 500 meters mark. 

As soon as they arrived, they were instantly caught surprised that the people that had come to welcome them were a combination of Elves from both the Ice Elves and the Night Elves. 

"If I remember correctly, only the Mischievous Lion- Argh!" 

Before Captain Liman could finish his words, Iasiah had already stabbed a sword at his heart, swiftly taking his life away.

Captain Liman\'s men were caught unable to react. And before they could make any move, both the Frost Lion team and Ghost Lion team had already arrived in front of them and began their slaughter. 

Iasiah joined in after cleaning up Captain Liman of his stuff and storing his dead body inside a separate and empty Storage Ring.

All of Captain Liman\'s men were quickly killed, with no casualties received from both the Frost Lion team and Ghost Lion team\'s side. 

"Clean up everything here and store all the dead bodies of these people inside the Storage Rings that I have given to all of you," Iasiah instructed. 

"Yes, sir Iasiah!" Everyone nodded in affirmation. In the next moment, everyone started cleaning up the mess they have made. 

In ten minutes or so, they received a signal from the men at the 750 meters mark that the area is clear and they can proceed. All of them are still oblivious that all of their comrades in the 500 meters mark were already killed by Iasiah and both the Frost Lion team and Ghost Lion team.

"Finish up with everything, and let\'s proceed to the next," Iasiah said.

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