
Chapter 265 - It Was Cool Outside but Hot Inside, the Organs Were Burning

Chapter 265: It Was Cool Outside but Hot Inside, the Organs Were Burning

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

Dating was a topic no parent could avoid.

Parents always worried that it would have a negative impact on their child’s studies, and even their career if their children started to date someone at a very young age. Their child’s life could be potentially ruined. However, they often couldn’t stop their child.

When Zhang Xiufang heard from her daughter’s teacher that her daughter was dating a boy, she was shocked. She felt her head was going to explode.

“How could it be possible? How could it be possible?!” said Zhang Xiufang.

“Dating is strictly forbidden in our school. As parents, you should speak to your daughter about it. If she continues to see that boy, we will have to advise her to quit school,” said the teacher.

The teacher had made it clear that the school had zero tolerance in puppy love. The teacher’s words were like a hammer hitting Zhang Xiufang’s heart.

Zhang Xiufang went home with her daughter’s issue weighing heavily on her mind.

What should I do? thought Zhang Xiuying.

After Zhang Xiuying had left her daughter’s school, the same thing happened to another parent in a different school in Beijing.

“He’s dating someone? You are going to ask him to quit school?” asked the parent. “It’s unbelievable! This is no big deal!”

Wang Yao went to Su Xiaoxue’s house in the morning.

He continued to spray Su Xiaoxue’s body with Muscle Revitalizing powder and feed Su Xiaoxue Blood Deblocking powder to unblock her meridians.

At the moment, Su Xiaoxue felt cool and hot at the same time. The spray made her skin cool. It was like an autumn breeze. However, she felt a burning heat inside her body at the same time.

“How do you feel?” asked Wang Yao gently.

Su Xiaoxue was thinking about how to answer the question.

“Your skin feels cool, but your insides are hot, like your internal organs are burning?” added Wang Yao.

“Yes,” said Su Xiaoxue with a hoarse voice.

“Just try to bear it a bit longer,” said Wang Yao softly.

He knew the effect of Blood Deblocking powder, as he had taken it himself. A healthy person would feel warm inside his or her body after taking Blood Deblocking powder. However, Su Xiaoxue was not a healthy person. She was extremely sick and had a lot of toxins inside her body. Therefore, she was extremely sensitive to the Blood Deblocking powder.

“Okay,” said Su Xiaoxue softly.

She had tolerated pain much worse than the burning sensation inside her now. The burning sensation was nothing to her.

What a tough girl! thought Wang Yao.

The effect of the Blood Deblocking powder lasted for some time. The feeling was painful and the decoction was a bit risky to Su Xiaoxue. However, the decoction would benefit her greatly if she could bear the pain. The Blood Deblocking powder contained Ziyu and Polygonum stem. One of them would unblock the meridians, the other would strengthen the tendons and bones. The two licorice roots were exactly what Su Xiaoxue needed.

The only thing was that the treatment was not pleasant.

“I think you are fine now,” said Wang Yao.

After making sure that Su Xiaoxue’s body was not harmed by the decoctions, Wang Yao stood up.

It took him the whole morning, over four hours, to complete the treatment session.

“Thank you so much! I’ve had lunch prepared. Would you like to stay for lunch?” asked Song Ruiping.

“No, thank you, I’ll go back to the cottage for lunch,” said Wang Yao, who had declined each invitation for such in the last few days. However, Song Ruiping continued to arrange lunch for him.

When Wang Yao had gone back the cottage, Chen Ying had finished cooking lunch.

“How come you are back so late?” asked Chen Ying.

“Sorry, today’s treatment session was quite time-consuming,” said Wang Yao.

He didn’t go back to his room after lunch. Instead, he sat in the courtyard and started thinking about something.

Chen Ying joined him after she had done the dishes. She hesitated, but eventually went to sit next to Wang Yao.

“I went out today,” said Chen Ying.

“Yes?” said Wang Yao in surprised. He looked at her, unsure of what she wanted to express.

“Is your cousin’s name Li Na?” asked Chen Ying.

“Yes. So you know what is happening,” said Wang Yao calmly.

“Yes. I was thinking about what you said yesterday, then I guessed that you were talking about your cousin. So I went to her school to ask about what was going on with her,” said Chen Ying.

“And then?” asked Wang Yao.

“Her teacher said your cousin was dating a boy, and her academic performance was poor,” said Chen Ying.

“I know that,” said Wang Yao. “Tell me something I don’t know.”

“Her teacher said your cousin would possibly be asked to quit school,” said Chen Ying.

“Quit school?” said Wang Yao in surprise. He rubbed his forehead.

It was disgraceful to be asked to quit school. In such circumstance, most schools would not accept a student driven out of a school. If Li Na was driven out of her school, the reason would be documented in her file. She would carry this stain for the rest of her life.

“Can you do anything about it?” asked Wang Yao after keeping silent for a moment.

“I have dealt with it,” said Chen Ying calmly.

“How?” asked Wang Yao.

“The school will not drive your cousin out of the school, but they gave two options. One of them is to transfer your cousin to a different school. The other option is to transfer her lover to a different school,” said Chen Ying.

“What lover? What does she know about love?” said Wang Yao.

“Which option will you choose?” asked Chen Ying.

“What?” said Wang Yao.

“The two options given by the school. If your cousin is happy to go to a different school, I will arrange it. I won’t say that she can choose any school in Beijing, but it is pretty close. If she doesn’t want to leave her current school, I will try to convince the boy to study in a different school,” said Chen Ying calmly.

“Sounds simple,” said Wang Yao.

“It is simple, just separate them,” said Chen Ying with a smile.

To Chen Ying, or more precisely, to the family who employed her, it was simple to make a person change schools. They just needed to pick up the phone and talk to the key personnel.

“Let me think about it,” said Wang Yao.

“Okay, I’ll leave then,” said Chen Ying, who was as polite as ever.


Wang Yao took a deep breath as he looked at Chen Ying’s back.

His conversation with Chen Ying made him realize two things. First, it was beyond his imagination how powerful those prestigious families in Beijing could be. Second, he was not careful enough to be able to hide his emotions and things related to his friends and family; they often slipped out of his tongue. That’s how Chen Ying knew what happened with his cousin.

Fortunately, Chen Ying was helping him, but if his enemies or people who were in conflict with him got to know the issues about his cousin, they would use the information to attack him.

“It is too hard to live in Beijing!” said Wang Yao suddenly.

He wanted to go home as soon as he could once Su Xiaoxue had made good enough progress in her recovery.

However, he had to speak to his aunt about his cousin.

I should visit Auntie again tonight.

Wang Yao went to his aunt’s home again in the evening and found Zhang Xiufang very preoccupied.

“Hi, Auntie, is everything okay?” asked Wang Yao.

“Your cousin has been dating a boy in her school, and now her teacher knows about it. Her teacher told me today that if she continues to see the boy, she will be asked to leave the school,” said Zhang Xiufang after a sigh.

“Why is she doing something like this?!” Zhang Xiufang was thinking about how to approach this with her daughter.

She knew her daughter well. Li Na was spoiled by her father and became very wayward as a result. She wouldn’t take any advice, and couldn’t be disciplined.

Zhang Xiufang sighed.

“Can I provide some advice?” asked Wang Yao.

“Go ahead,” said Zhang Xiufang anxiously.

“Separate Li Na and that boy,” said Wang Yao.

“How do I separate them?” asked Zhang Xiufang.

“She can go to a different school. Either she or that boy will need to go to a different school,” said Wang Yao.

“Swap schools?” Zhang Xiufang was hesitating.

It was not easy for Li Na to get into her current high school. Although there were many good schools in Beijing, more than anywhere else in China, it was hard to get into an elite school. A student must perform really well academically, or have talent in certain areas, or have a strong social background to be accepted by elite schools. Given Li Na’s situation, she could only get into an average high school, and as she would start the last year of high school very soon, no school would accept her.

“You can think about it and let me know. I can help with the school transfer,” said Wang Yao.

“You?” said Zhang Xiufang.

“Yes, one of my friends could help,” said Wang Yao.

Zhang Xiufang stared blankly at the tea table while sitting on the sofa.

“I think your advice is good,” said Zhang Xiufang eventually.

“Okay. Maybe you should talk to that boy first,” said Wang Yao.

“Good idea. I will find a time to talk to that kid,” said Zhang Xiufang.

Anyone would require time to settle into a new environment. Li Na was going to start her last year of high school. No one would be willing to swap schools at such a critical time. Even if she was accepted by a different school, all this effort would be wasted if the boy continued to contact her.

“Talk to him as soon as possible,” suggested Wang Yao.

Chen Ying drove to Wang Yao’s aunt’s place to pick Wang Yao up after waiting outside for a while. The two of them left together.

“Can you please arrange the school transfer?” asked Wang Yao.

“Sure, I’ll do it right away,” said Chen Ying.

“Do you know the name of that boy?” asked Wang Yao.

“Yes,” said Chen Ying.

“Good!” said Wang Yao.

Wang Yao didn’t think his aunt would have a pleasant conversation with either his cousin or the boy involved. Li Na and her so-called boyfriend were both at a sensitive age. It was the first time that either of them had fallen in love. Teenagers often couldn’t control their emotions well. It would be very hard to separate them.

It was a very difficult situation.

The next morning, at about 9am, asWang Yao was ready to leave the cottage, he had a visitor, a young man. It was Guo Zhenghe.

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