
Chapter 665: Part of the set

Chapter 665: Part of the set

Translator: Translation Nation Editor: Translation Nation

As Sheyan proceeded through the misty inner reaches, he consecutively discovered more carcasses of mutated creatures. Some were boss tier existences, with claws and fangs that displayed horrifying malevolence.

However, their cause of death remained exceedingly bewildering - surroundings without a trace of intensive, bitter wrestling. Seemingly, the possibility of them committing suicide was higher than them being murdered.

As he continued venturing forward, surviving mutated creatures started surfacing but all appeared extremely dispirited. Moreover, they looked as if they were afraid of the falling rain, attempting their utmost to take shelter; as though the rainwater contained boundless destruction and death.

As he observed these scenes, Sheyan was suddenly enlightened.

"I’m afraid these odd phenomena are linked to the battle at the Bonfire Plaza, back when the Gundazan triggered the ancient mechanism of the Coiled Serpent Statue to deal with the terrifyingly redoubtable Guarba; thereby releasing the ultimate curse, ‘the coiled serpent god power to deprive’, of a wise Gundazan of the past. Guarba was the first sacrifice of this curse."

"From the current situation, it seems like this fatally lethal curse, perhaps mysterious dust or gas, has dispersed throughout the Kijuju Inner Reaches. As such, the more severely affected a creature is by the progenitor virus of the ‘Stairway of the Sun’, the greater the curse will affect it. The weaker the virus is infecting the creature, the tinier the effect."

To the Ndipaya Tribe Gundazan, this ultimate curse was a double-edged sword. Bear this in mind, even the elders and priests similarly possessed power obtained from the ‘Stairway of the Sun’. Merely, they somehow retained their intellect and control due to the coiled serpent god’s blessing. Without a doubt, they would similarly suffer deadly consequences under the curse……

As a result, the elites of the Ndipaya Tribe, along with those main mutated creatures, would perish within this torrential downpour.

Traversing through the misty inner reaches, Sheyan wasn’t fleeing in disarray like a headless housefly. Instead, he was relying on his memory of that sandbox, and heading towards the westernmost village.

That village appeared like a crucial village for the Coiled Serpent subtribe, only overcome by the besiegement of biohazard abominations at the final parts of the ancient war. It was due to the fall of that village, that the mutually hostile Sun subtribe and the Coiled Serpent subtribe finally united against a tribe exterminating adversity.

The reason Sheyan was heading there, was to verify the authenticity of Mbenga’s dying words. After suppressing the host Gundazan for many years, Mbenga inevitably possessed fragments of his memory as well.

Sheyan definitely believed Mbenga, yet he couldn’t trust if that memory was purposely devised by Gundazan as a snare.


The interior of the abandoned village was a ruined heap of destruction. An enormous mutated worm had died on the grand plaza of this village, where half of its body had been corroded away by the rain; discharging out a foul piercing stench.

After inspecting and confirming that worm was truly dead, Sheyan followed Mbenga’s advice and arrived before the tiniest hut, right beside the largest, magnificent grand hall.

A similar bewitching sculpture of a crudely crafted serpent-headed man had been erected here. Sheyan marched ten steps according to the direction pointed by the sculpture’s stuck out demonic tongue. Then, he squatted and began fumbling around the muddy ground. Very quickly, he located a ring handle.

This ring handle was weaved with straw; though it was a special kind of straw, it was long decomposed. Sheyan quickly thought of a way to pull this ring handle, and finally triggered the mechanism involved.

Following that, he returned to the front of the serpent-headed demonic sculpture. Upon forcibly hugging it and nudging, a stone slab beside abruptly crumbled. Instantly, an exquisite massive chest was raised up. The chest was engraved with patterns of coiled serpents.

While Sheyan was still pondering silently, the chest’s lid suddenly swung opened! It seemed like some Coiled Serpent subtribe members had sneakily returned, and helped themselves to the contents first hand.

Witnessing this situation, Sheyan hastily raced forward for a careful inspection. Instantly, he heaved a huge sigh of relief. Although the chest’s interior was utterly barren, the bottom layer was perfectly intact. According to Mbenga, the contents placed openly in the chest were mere disguises. On the contrary, the secret bottom layer beneath housed the genuine quintessence.

With a fist, Sheyan pounded down onto the bottom layer of the chest. As thick, solid wood shards splintered out, a dark-green brilliance radiated against his face.

Sucking in a breath of chilling air, Sheyan understood that Mbenga truly treated him kindly. The first dying secret he revealed, actually produced the second equipment of the Ndipaya August set!!

[ Ndipaya Marshcrow August Gloves ]

[ Origin: Resident Evil, Origins (hidden world) ]

[ Equipment rarity: Dark- Green (Set 2/3) ]

[ Material: Striped Ebony, Marshcrow Ashes, Frost Reed, Human Blood and Modified Dust ]

[ Addons: None ]

[ Equipment position: Arm and wrist ]

[ Equipment type: gloves ]

[ Warning: To display the full power of this equipment, the wielder’s DNA must be analyzed. Soul binding will occur upon equipping, causing this equipment to be untradable ]

[ Weight: 0.4 kg ]

[ Equipment usage requirement: Strength 30 points, Intelligence 40 points, spirit 40 points and level 8 ‘Basic Meditation’ ability ]

[ Equipment usage requirement: 10% of maximum MP will be used to wield the gloves, MP will be returned after unequipping it ]

[ Durability: 1/30 (Nearly broken, please repair it) ]

[ Property: Before entering combat, the spirit of the gloves will continue absorbing energies from the atmosphere, granting additional 25% damage during the first attack ]

[ Details: Requires 120 seconds to fully absorb energies. During this process, MP will be deducted at a rate of 2 points / second until energies are fully absorbed ]

[ Property: Ndipaya forged equipment share the same flaw of being too excessively heavy. When wielding this equipment, strength and perceptive sense will simultaneously decrease by 3 points ]

[ Ability: Spirit Marshcrow - When dealing damage to opponents, the spirit of the gloves will acquire strength from the opponent’s agony. After accumulating 6 times of damage to the opponent, the Spirit Marshcrow of the gloves will materialize; soaring out and dealing a damage of (MP x 5) to the opponent. Includes a chance of infecting opponent with the ‘Initial Stage Septicaemia’ virus ]

[ Detail: Unleashing the Spirit Marshcrow will cost 8% of your maximum MP ]

[ Property: Intelligence +1, Spirit +1, Physique +3 ]

[ Characteristics: Crude - The crude craftsmanship of the Ndipaya natives has determined its vulnerability. Upon receiving a direct blow from the enemy, 50% chance of loss of durability doubling ]

[ Characteristics: Rare - This mask is extremely rare and also originates from a hidden world. Repairing it would require exceedingly precious materials. Therefore, to repair it in the realm, apart from paying an excess of 500% of normal repairing fee, one still has to fork up some achievement points! ]

[ Set ability: Marsh Decay - when dealing damage to the opponent, there’s a fixed chance of transforming your nearby surroundings into the environment of the Kijuju Marshland. Reduces movement speed and includes a chance of infection with various pestilences ]

[ Set ability: ? ? ? ? (Obtain the full Ndipaya August set to initiate this property) ]

[ Description: This is a pair of gloves forged personally by an ancient Gundazan. The Gundazan’s beloved pet was a crow of the Kijuju Marshland. Before the crow’s longevity expired, that ancient Gundazan infused its horcrux into a pair of forged gloves; ensuring communion with his beloved pet. Therefore, even if the spirit Marshcrow acknowledges you as master, you’d better place this item in an environment favored by the crow during non-combat. Otherwise, its durability may plunge persistently ]


Sheyan imploded with joy from acquiring this dark-green set equipment, yet a heartache soon followed! This equipment’s durability had long been diminished, signifying that it could only be utilized after mending it…

Naturally, Sheyan wouldn’t opt to repair it, because it meant spending 500% of repairing fees plus some incomparably precious achievement points!! Moreover, even if he wanted to sell it off, one couldn’t possibly sell a nearly broken object, right?

At present, the rain was gradually subsiding. One could distinctly notice that the mist had thinned substantially. Sheyan didn’t meet with any mishaps as he travelled cautiously. In order to save time, he didn’t backtrack to the secret underground river he came from. Instead, he followed his memory of the sandbox topography, and finally reached the very first village; the place he encountered those mutated Arachnidacrabs.

The wreckages of the previous battle remained distinctly apparent, prompting Sheyan to subconsciously reminisce about Mbenga; the man he fought shoulder to shoulder when venturing deep into the strange and mystical hinterland. Risking life and limb as they uncovered the deepest abyss of mystery.

Yet now……only he remained, and an unbearably forlorn heartache.

Soon, he returned to the outer reaches of the Kijuju Marshland. Strangely, the rain hadn’t reached the outer region, and the place was still moist and swelteringly warm.

At this moment, he recalled about an unaccomplished milestone - to kill 6 different biohazard mutated creatures.

Right now, Sheyan had slain 5 different types - the biohazard dog, Plaga Host, Licker, Deathmarsh Great Crocodile and the Mutated Arachnidacrab.

After searching around the Kijuju Marshland for a short while, he found a flock of red-eyed ravens. To his surprise, those ravens possessed relatively high HP even though they were aerial creatures. Furthermore, they would flee upon being assailed. If Mogensha was here, then it wouldn’t be an issue at all. However, it was a rather thorny task for a single Sheyan.

During the hunting process, he frightened off two flocks of these decomposing ravens. Only until the third flock, did he luckily strike an explosive strike and eliminate one raven.

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