
Chapter 510: Baiting?

Chapter 510: Baiting?

Translator: Translation Nation Editor: Translation Nation

Experiencing such a miracle, Philip once again bowed his haughty head before Sheyan.

Within the ship’s hold, Old Bath sighed deeply as he shut his eyes in despair, because he knew, this once proud apprentice of his, had already been utterly persuaded.

Henceforth, the originally downhearted Philip once again reignited his life’s mission. This signified that his goal for fighting would no longer be merely to protect his subordinates, but also to wholeheartedly campaign for this demon like male before him; raking in merits, and transforming himself to greater heights!

As the saying goes - a strong dragon cannot repress a snake*. There were reasons why Sheyan had been conducting himself bombastically, arrogantly and in a despotic fashion after stepping ashore Tortuga.

(TL:* chinese idiom which means, a local gangster who is above the law)

Firstly, because he possessed adequate strength.

Secondly, it was in preparations for his future schemes and plans.

Furthermore, the greater one’s reputation amongst the pirates, the more benefits it supplied. For example, if Sheyan didn’t possess a ‘Respected’ reputation when he first entered this world, the pirates would probably have rolled their eyes and snubbed him. Who would be willing to become his underling?

Noteworthily, after Sheyan eliminated those few Royal British Navy ships, and presently dared to defy Skrtel, his current pirate reputation had already soared to nearly ‘Revered’. Once it reaches ‘Revered’, he would be on equal footing with the likes of Ammand. Even back in the Flying Dutchman, he would have the qualifications to become the Second Mate*.

(TN:*previously I used vice officer, they are the same term)

When pirates obtain wealth, they naturally wouldn’t save it but instead, break into a wild whoring and gambling spree. It seems many of the pirate ringleaders also endorsed this point, because once their underlings expended all their wealth, they would have increased motivation to pillage. If one had an excessive amount of wealth, then matters of considerations would naturally multiply to women, wife, property, status……

Just take the present world situation in perspective, will one observe millionaires running around the streets and fighting to their death? Or the prominent gang leaders of hooligans; they would naturally be embracing female celebrities or touring abroad, would one see them going around to fight with small flies? That was indeed the case, individuals who lack talent would be unfortunately chased around and killed…

The reason Sheyan was willing to distribute such exorbitant wealth to his underlings, was because he belonged to the vile category of those who would run after fishing up a plentiful harvest. He only had to consider his situation for merely 32 days. Therefore, he could obviously issue out extravagant booties to buy their loyalty and morale.

On the contrary, other captains had to minimally make considerations for the next 3 years. If they followed suit to Sheyan’s spendthrift ways, two years would be sufficient for their subordinates to amass a fortune and return to their hometowns in silken robes; leaving their ships empty.

After Sheyan whispered a few phrases to Ol’Seadog, Ol’Seadog and Canbi then brought along a dozen plus pirates and left; of course, Mogensha followed them as well. After several minutes, they returned with rum, roast meat, and even invited maidens who were able to tap dance over.

Though these women fell short of Sheyan’s aesthetic conception, reckoning that their cosmetics were too thick and lipsticks too excessive, he remembered; this was a generation without Chanel, Pond’s, OLAY, or L’oreal Paris. Meanwhile, the pirates had their eyes captivated by these women, as they squawked and whistled.

Sheyan’s explanation to his crew was simple - to share both pleasures and burdens of life. As such, they had to delay going ashore to indulge themselves until their brothers of the other two ships arrive. Thus, he allowed them to first enjoy themselves on board. Naturally, his pirate crew wouldn’t understand such a logic. Nevertheless, they definitely didn’t dare to voice their dissent.

Right now, Sheyan had firmly captured the ship in his palms, with the direct aid of his trusted confidants - Philip, Ol’Seadog, Canbi, Blacksail and several others, any trifling matter would no longer incite a ‘stormy sea’.

As it turns out, the true aim of Sheyan’s bombastic behavior, was baiting……

Awaiting the big boss, Skrtel, who could genuinely preside over matters of Tortuga, to surface.

Sheyan believed that this individual would definitely show up, because for every minute the sea breeze blew against the naked buttocks and eggs of Alan Dale, it was akin to issuing a slap to Skrtel’s face!

Hence, Sheyan was reluctant to release his crew ashore. Because once the worst was to occur, every pirate of Tortuga may turn hostile towards them. If that happened, summoning his full forces in an attempt to flee, would still be possible. However, if his pirate crew were to be scattered throughout bars, they would be designated to be torn apart individually.

Yet unbeknownst why, Skrtel failed to show up. After waiting on deck for half an hour, Sheyan began feeling rather idle and decided to make a trip to the captain’s cabin to rest.

He wasn’t someone willing to waste precious time, and had been assiduously researching in the field of his concoctions; hoping to advance a step further, and create newer gene-mixes. Besides, he definitely wouldn’t be acquiring new recipes for his concoctions within a short span of time.

As for matters on the deck, he handed it over to Canbi’s jurisdiction; instructing him to inform him if any peculiar event arises.

Approximately 10 plus minutes had elapsed. Yet another batch of pirates came ashore. At present, the majority of the crowd had dispersed, nonetheless, there remained a handful who were still pointing towards here. Having just entered the port, those pirates couldn’t help but join in the commotion.

When a red bearded pirate swept a glance over, he finally managed to identify the face of the naked buttocks hanging atop the mast. He mumbled in astonishment.

"Ain’t that Alan Dale, subordinate to Skrtel? How could he have been humiliated by another, and hung atop a ship?"

"Whose ship be this, Redbeard, yer recognize it?" Another horse face pirate placed his hands over his waist, and asked with an imposing style of an elder brother.

Redbeard swept a glance through it, and suddenly laughed.

"Hoth, I be clueless about its owner, but the lad appearin’ like the crew head aboard is someone me knows. Yer recognizes him too."

"Oh." Hoth released a flabbergasted gasp, as he carefully scrutinized with his eyes. He then spoke with enlightenment.

"Ain’t that be th’ tiny ringleader of a third rate ship, Canbi of the moniker, Iron-hammer?"

The pirate’s common understanding of ships was determined by the size and the amount of mast it had. Normally, a single-masted ship wouldn’t be mentioned at all, while a 3-masted ship, analogous to Sheyan’s current Hill Maiden, would be known as a third rate ship. Following that, their rates would evolve by the amount of mast they had. A 5-masted ship was a stratum that allowed one to participate in a naval warfare as a main force. As for 7-masted ships, that was the core of flagships. Of course, such partitions did not include the bizarre oddities of legendary warships.

Both Hoth and Redbeard were respectively a Captain and First Mate of a 5-masted ship within Pirate Chevalle’s fleets.

At present, pirate Chevalle was still locked in gruelling warfare with the British Royal Navy at sea. Hence, they were here to purchase supplies to transport back.

Redbeard suddenly licked his lips and laughed aloud.

"I have been constantly apprehensive, that we wouldn’t be able to purchase sufficient supplies the cap’n ordered us to purchase this time. Yet lookin’ now, tis’ be a golden opportunity from the heavens."

Hoth replied in confusion.

"What do yer mean?"

"Although Skrtel’s offensive might be rather weak in Tortuga, he controls nearly half of the merchantin’ portion. Today, his underling is dishonored and hung atop this third rate ship. Once we rescue Alan Dale and get rid of the scallywag responsible fer this, might we not be firmly supportin’ Skrtel? With tis’ connection, would I be fearin’ not completing the procurement mission cap’n has tasked us?"

Redbeard chuckled quietly. The more he deliberated, the more pleased he felt. He then continued.

"We have been constantly pressured beneath that scourge, Stonecannon. In the cap’n’s heart, he be the foremost figure of us fifth rate ships. I reckon him becomin’ a sixth rate ship captain is round the corner. We will obtain massive merits if we can conduct this procurement affair well. Might we plan tis’ well, the days fer me ship to replace Stonecannon’s position be imminent!"

Instead, Hoth paused shrewdly as he observed the Hill Maiden and doubtfully muttered.

"However……even Alan Dale be fallen to this’ scallywag."

"That be that Alan Dale is a crippled! Look at his feeble state, usually lookin’ like a pestilence ghost! Who cares who the bilge-suckin’ cap’n of this ship is. Treatin’ a swab like Iron-hammer as gems, he be just a third rate ship captain! Do i believe he be flippin’ the skies over? In any case, Iron-hammer Canbi is part of us, he be clear of the internal codes of ours. Fer us to personally command him to release Alan Dale, that be givin’ him enormous face!"

Redbeard appeared rather impatient; without bringing along any pirate mates, they ascended to the deck of the Hill Maiden.

Presently, most of the pirates aboard were half drunk and had retired to their cabins to rest. Only Canbi and his few close confidants that were devoted to Sheyan, didn’t possess the slightest bit of slack.

Observing the rampantly seated Iron-Hammer Canbi before him, Redbeard starting feeling some discomfort in his heart. Being a First Mate of a fifth rate ship, even the captains of Third rate ship would fawn towards him. During normal circumstances, he wouldn’t even waste his gaze on such a lowly ringleader.

Redbeard took a step forward, before he grimly questioned.

"Might ye recognize me?"

If it was Canbi from a few days back, he would surely be trembling in fear and trepidation. Yet, he was a whole new different person now. Ever since he possessed sufficient might, his confidence naturally climbed as well! Thus, Canbi merely lifted a look in an unconcerned fashion.

"Ye must be Redbeard, aye. Smarty up and leave once yer done watchin’, dont’yer know the rules? Shouldn’t ye be reporting yer arrival before comin’ up me ship?"

After listening to him, Redbeard became rather speechless. Such a scenario was completely out of his expectations.

But at this moment, Hoth became extremely impatient as he flared up.

"Cut the crap wit’ him! Canbi, let me be informin’ you. Yer cap’n actually dares to spoil the wonderful relation between me pirate Cap’n Chevalle and Mister Skrtel. Smarty up and release Mister Alan Dale, and kiss his toes to pray fer forgiveness. If not, be prepared to feed the sharks!"

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