
Chapter 443 - Legend of the Earth’s Core (1)

Chapter 443: Legend of the Earth’s Core (1)

Zhang Hui looked at the monitor screen on the computer.

This was the scene at the entrance of the restaurant, and it was only about 10 seconds.

He had watched it hundreds of times.

But he still watched it very carefully, frame by frame, carefully and repeatedly.

It was just a very ordinary scene.

The two people were talking in the monitor screen.

Then, the person turned around and left without any delay.

Meanwhile, the unlucky person in the scene fainted on the ground.

Ring, ring, ring.

The phone rang.

Zhang Hui immediately picked it up.

“Um…” He listened to the report over the phone, and the expression in his eyes gradually became serious. “I got it!”

He put down the phone and looked at the scene on the monitor again.

Everything had a different meaning now!

“As expected…” Zhang Hui muttered, “It was as expected…”

“Another distorted scene!”

The surveillance footage had already been tampered with.

Or rather…

Due to that person’s strength, the surveillance footage had been distorted.

Therefore, the surveillance footage could only capture what he wanted people to see.

Normal, ordinary, material world-based things.

Everything on the transcendent being side was blocked and distorted.

Just like that bookstore… the bookstore in the fog!

What you saw might not be true.

Beneath the surface, there was another hidden layer that no one knew about.

Only the person involved could understand what terrible things they had encountered.

And in the eyes of the people around them, everything was normal.

It could even be deliberately ignored.

So, what exactly did that person do?

Outsiders had no clue.

But, this was also in line with his character.

An existence at the level of a Taoist ancestor who played in the human world.

So, without a sound.

Two people with evil intentions were punished.

One was suffering from perspiration, and according to his own account, the disease was his own choice.

It was a bit of black humor!

It was the same as asking the prisoner to choose how he would die.

The other one, on the other hand, was suffering from an even more bizarre illness.

If he had any thoughts of breaking the law or being immoral…

His heart would immediately ache.

It was as if someone was holding a knife and slicing his heart!

Unfortunately, the bodies of these two unlucky fellows were completely normal.

Even the most excellent doctor and the most advanced equipment couldn’t find anything wrong with them.

Zhang Hui knew that this was very normal.

After all, that was an existence that could casually smash the entire werewolf clan into beasts!

That extremely terrifying bloodline curse directly stripped the werewolves of their intelligence.

It caused a large and strong clan in the land of Qin’s dark world to become a lab rat.

Transcendent being researchers all over the world were overjoyed!

Thinking of this, Zhang Hui called his think tank.

“This is Zhang Hui…” he said, “Congratulations, you got it right!”

“Our ‘guest’ does indeed have the ability to distort the matter and time around him!”

“Moreover, he can use this strength as he pleases without any restrictions!”

This was a characteristic that had been speculated for a long time.

It was a hypothesis that had been put forward by the think tank led by Zhang Hui after the bookstore in the fog was discovered. Since he could distort the bookstore and separate it from reality.

Then, could he also distort other things and separate it from reality, creating a world that seemed normal to the outside world, but had actually pulled people into another world?

Now, this hypothesis was proven.

He really could!

Heavy breathing came from the phone.

The voice of the researcher who answered the phone trembled, “Is it true?”

“Yes!” Zhang Hui nodded and briefly told him about Tang An and Qin Ming.

The breathing on the other end of the phone became heavier.

“If that’s the case…” Zhang Hui listened to the person on the other end of the phone and said, “We have to re-examine all our guesses about him!”

“Distorting space, dividing space…”

“More so in public…”

“This means that… his status and ability have already exceeded the known range of understanding of immortals and gods!”

At present, the Federal Empire and the entire world had a certain understanding of the mythical grade of transcendent being.

Generally speaking, land of Qin and Kunlun State only had gods and demons, and there was no concept of immortals.

Immortals were the unique existence of the eastern civilization with the federal empire as the main body.

The existence of immortals was illusory and vague, so far there were no reliable traces of immortals.

There were only stories in legends and descriptions in murals.

But gods were different.

Whether it was in the East, the land of Qin or the Kunlun State, a large number of shrines and temples were found. There were even gods that had fallen into the hands of humans.

Therefore, every country had a large amount of data regarding the study of gods.

Especially the Federal Empire!

After the Commander-in-Chief had killed the evil god, the Empire had obtained a large amount of first-hand information and data regarding the existence of gods.

It had verified a large number of thoughts and hypotheses.

It had gained a greater understanding of gods.

It was precisely because of this that the Blackguard was so cautious and careful after the appearance of that person.

That was because he did not belong to the category of the known gods.

And he did not belong to the legendary ‘immortal’ at all.

He was a completely new existence.

An unknown, high-ranking, powerful and strange terrifying existence.

Fortunately, he did not seem to have any ill intentions.


Thinking of this, Zhang Hui heard the person on the other end of the phone say.

“There’s something I need to report to you!”

“Hmm…” Zhang Hui said, “Go ahead!”

“We received a report from the Federal Empire’s Space and Aviation Affairs Bureau…” the other party said. “According to our estimate of the spacecraft in orbit…”

“The mass of the Earth seems to be increasing…”

“The radius of the earth also seems to be increasing…”


“It’s increasing by a lot!”

Zhang Hui’s eyes widened. “What’s going on? !”

“Tell me in detail!”

“It’s … our Space Department discovered something wrong with the data when they were conducting routine observations on the Earth…”

“After repeated calculations, we discovered that there seems to be an error in the data on the mass of the Earth…”

“Then, we began to calculate the Earth’s radius…”

“Then, we got a different data…”

“Currently, we have preliminary information that the Earth’s mass has increased by at least one-thousandth compared to last month!”

“And the radius has increased by at least one kilometer!”

Zhang Hui’s expression became serious. “Why didn’t the Aerospace Department report this to me?”

“This is something that has just been calculated…” The person on the other end of the phone said, “I have just got the relevant data, too!”

Zhang Hui couldn’t help but loosen his clothes.

According to the system, all kinds of scientific data and related information would first be submitted to the think tank of the generals by the relevant departments. After the think tank analyzed it, it would inform the general himself.

So, the Aerospace Department didn’t do anything wrong.


This was a big matter!

“Tell the Aerospace Department to first seal off the news and data…” Zhang Hui said. “Wait for the notice of the joint meeting between the cabinet and the Blackguard!”

“Yes!” An affirmative voice came from the phone.

Putting down the phone, Zhang Hui took a deep breath.

Immediately, the red phone on his desk, which represented the office of the Prime Minister, rang.

Zhang Hui picked it up.

“Yes… This is Zhang Hui…”

“I already know!”

“What does Prime Minister mean?”

“Understood! I will report this matter to the Commander-in-Chief!”

“At the moment, I personally suggest that we should seal off this matter… to avoid causing panic!”

Increase in the radius and mass of the earth?

This was not a joke.

It might lead to the destruction of the world.

At the very least, it would lead to an ecological disaster.

Just thinking about it was enough.

The gravity of the Earth was determined by the mass of the Earth.

In the past countless years, the gravitational balance between the Earth and the major planets, comets, and stars in the local galaxy had long been achieved.

When the mass of the earth changed, its gravity would inevitably change.


It would affect all aspects and even lead to an irreversible disaster.

Taking a deep breath, Zhang Hui picked up the phone and dialed the number of the Commander-in-Chief.

After a series of beeps, the call was picked up.


“You know about the latest report from the Aerospace and Aviation Department, right?!”

“Yes… I have already made a preliminary agreement with His Excellency, the Prime Minister, to seal off the news…”

“Yes… understood!”

“I understand!”

After putting down the phone, Zhang Hui slowly frowned.

He fell into a deep worry.

So much so that he did not even have the mood to think about the ability that that person revealed.

There was no other way!

This planet was closely related to everyone.

According to the ancient saying, if the heavens did not change, then the Path would not change.

Now, the heavens and Earth would change.

Then, would the Path also change?

And would humans, as well as all lives on this planet, be able to bear the consequences of the great change in the world and the Path?

As a lieutenant general of the Blackguard, Zhang Hui was naturally an expert in many fields at the same time.

Usually, he was very fond of ancient creatures.

Therefore, he knew that in the geological history of Earth, most of the creatures that went extinct were not eliminated because they could not compete with their opponents.

In fact, many extinct species were actually more advanced than those that came later.

However, when the world changed.

They were collectively exterminated.

Would the current human civilization be able to withstand the upheavals that had happened in geological history?

After thinking about it, Zhang Hui knew that the answer was no.

Even if the current humans had mastered technology and possessed transcendent being’s strength.


They were still weak in front of the heavens, the Earth, and the universe.

Therefore, Zhang Hui was anxious the entire day.

He kept on making calls and asking around.

In the evening, he finally received a call from the Aerospace and Aviation Department.

“What?” Zhang Hui listened to the report on the phone in disbelief.

“Although the mass and radius of the Earth have changed… the gravity of all celestial bodies relative to the Earth has not changed…”

“And no anomalies in the atmosphere have been detected?”

“Is it because the Earth’s mass has not increased enough?” He asked.

On the other end of the phone, a scientist said in a hoarse and tired voice, “General… from a scientific point of view, mass and gravity are proportional, and gravity determines weight force!”

“However, whether we detect it from space or test it on the ground…”

“Our planet’s gravity, magnetic field, and weight force have not changed!”

“Even with our most sophisticated and advanced instruments, we have not found any changes!”

“Not even a milligram of change has happened!”

“Similarly, the Earth’s revolution and rotation speed have not been affected at all…”

“So…” the scientist said dejectedly, “This is not a scientific problem!”

“This is a problem of transcendent being!”

“Even though we are unwilling to admit it… but… General… the source of this change is most likely from the transcendent world!”

“When we used the most advanced Zhang Heng Type A radio telescope and the many large aperture radio telescopes installed on the ground to observe the cosmic microwave background…”

“The result was we discovered that the universe’s microwave background, compared to the past, had a deviation…”

“Even though this deviation is extremely small…”

“It’s extremely crucial!”

“This is because we discovered that the entire universe’s microwave background is moving in the direction of the Earth!”

While listening, Zhang Hui took a deep breath, and asked, “You’re saying…”

“Geocentric theory?”

“Yes!” The other party sighed. “If the deviation continues… Sir, I’m afraid things will become true!”

Geocentric theory was an ancient theory.

The Earth was the center of the universe, or rather, in the minds of people at that time, their own world was the center of the universe, and everything revolved around them.

However, with the advancement of Science and Technology, geocentric theory and heliocentric theory were swept into the dustbin of history one after another.

Now, the scientific explanation was that…

The Earth was just an insignificant and ordinary planet in the universe.

Moreover, according to research, the Earth was even just a backwater in the universe.

It was just a desolate galaxy.

The nearest neighbor star to the Earth was measured in light years.

Compared to those prosperous regions of the universe, it was simply an interstellar desert.


The Aerospace Department’s radio telescope discovered that the cosmic microwave background was shifting towards the Earth.

In other words…

Scientifically speaking, this meant that a super large gravitational source had appeared on the Earth.

The gravitational strength of this gravitational source was even stronger than the gravitational strength of all the black holes in the universe.

Only in this way could it be explained scientifically along with the discovery of the increase in Earth’s mass and radius.

Zhang Hui stood up and looked in the direction of the Monson Villa.

A bold thought ignited in his heart, “Could it be… because of Him?”


How was this possible?

The strength of an individual was above the universe?

One person pulled the entire universe and made the entire universe follow him?

Could he actually be the manifestation of the legendary super massive black hole at the center of the universe that had never been proven?


Zhang Hui suddenly remembered something that Situ He had told him.

Situ He had once seen a completely unfamiliar and strange starry sky on the top floor of that bookstore.

There, Situ He had even seen the legendary super massive space hole with his naked eyes!

The great horn, the great void!

Land of Qin called it the “Great Void of the Bootes Constellation”!

Not only that, Situ He had also said that he was born to that huge void before at that time. It was the remains of a terrifying war.

Moreover, that war could not be separated from the strange and mysterious owner of the bookstore!

Zhang Hui sat down. He suddenly picked up the cup and gulped down the water.

He needed a good digestion!

Even more a calm thinking!

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