
Chapter 580 - Have You Been Well?

Chapter 580 - Have You Been Well?

Arvin didn’t answer that question immediately. Instead, he smiled at King sharo and took a closer look. The crybaby he remembered so many years ago grew up into a man as charismatic as his father.

"Have you been well?" Arvin asked. All these years, he could only listen to the news and gossip of adventurers and other travellers heading to and from Altear. Many people said terrible things about King Sharo, but Arvin didn’t believe them. Compared to his father, Sharo was a kind boy. Ever since Arvin left, he always prayed for Sharo’s happiness. Seeing the little elf grow up into an a.d.u.l.t, made him very happy.

The question was simple, but King Sharo heard more than just four words. The storm of emotions in his teacher’s eyes made King Sharo tear up as well. Zero took this chance to conceal his presence. He didn’t want to interrupt the heavy moment and borrowed Arvin’s small kitchen to whip up some snacks in silence.

"It was difficult to do as you said, sir. For the longest time, I didn’t know if I was doing wrong or right. However, I never once forgot your teachings. I didn’t follow in the footsteps of my father, Altear hasn’t spilt any blood since I became the king."

Arvin nodded and c.a.r.e.s.sed Sharo’s head, hugging him and crying freely. How many decades has it been since he dreamt of this day?

"You did well," Arvin affirmed. "You did very well. Not a single day passed that I didn’t think about how you were doing. The adventurers going and returning from Altear often speak about the things you did. I know you did your best. I’m proud of you."

Seeing his teacher’s tears, Arvin let down his guard and allowed the first tears in decades to fall. Zero heard the sniffling outside and turned around. The cakes can wait. These elves were going to have puffy eyes and stuffy noses when they were done. It was better to serve some mint tea instead.

Zero waited for them to move on to lighter topics before bringing the new tea and snacks. King Sharo saw Zero and introduced him to his teacher.

"Sir, this is Zero. He’s an envoy from Smargdas as well as the leader of Half Moon Village."

Arvin smiled. "Hello, traveller. We meet again."

Zero laughed. "Indeed. It is a small world. Who would have thought that meeting you would change so many things? I hope you’re not mad that I brought King Sharo out on a small excursion."

Arvin raised a brow, and King Sharo explained how he was forced to accompany Zero and his disagreeable bodyguard to Lycantopia. The petty king made full use of every chance he had to badmouth Truen and somewhere in Smaragdas, Truen sneezed.

Zero was in the kitchen again, thinking of what to make for dinner when he overheard King Sharo asking Arvin if the apothecarist had no intentions of returning to Altear.

"After going to Lycantopia with Zero, I realised what kind of King I wish to become. Change is needed. However, I don’t know if it is the right thing to do."

Arvin didn’t tell King Sharo if wanting to introduce new rules and opening the borders for alliances and trading was the right thing to do. However, the wise apothecarist told King Sharo something that made him think of Zero’s words earlier in the forest yesterday.

"There is no right or wrong answer. That is something that you should decide on your own, with or without the Weeping Willow’s help. If King Brice, King Darius and King Gaon can do it without help from the heavens, I don’t think you would fare any worse. Everyone has a role to play, and the king is a position with the heaviest responsibilities and the loneliest life. Nobody else can truly understand the king, but the king has to understand everyone. Hence, only you would know what is best for the future of Altear, not me. I can only give you my humble opinion as one of your many citizens."

King Sharo smiled bitterly and laid his head down on the table, something he used to do when he was younger. Arvin didn’t chide the king for slouching. If his father was still alive, Sharo wouldn’t get away with it.

"Say, was I a terrible king all these years? I finally realise what I’ve done and even if I start making changes, would it be too late?"

The wood elves that he ordered to be hunted, the other races that he marked as enemies all in the name of protecting the interest of high elves... those were the blood on his hands. Yet, as Zero mentioned, sometimes the only way to save more lives was to kill someone.

Arvin sighed and placed a warm hand over the king’s head. "It is never too late to realise that you’ve erred. However, the path to righting the wrongs will be a long and arduous one. For the longest time, I didn’t dare to return to Altear. I didn’t know if you hated me or if you, like Charo, wanted me dead. Yet, fate allowed us to reunite again. I might not be able to make up for all the suffering you had to endure alone all those past decades, but if you’d allow me, I’d like to share this burden with you."

Hearing that, King Sharo’s eyes shone with hope and a tint of happiness. Yet, he wasn’t confident enough to believe what he was hearing.

"Does this mean you will come back to Altear with me?"

Arvin smiled and slowly nodded, bringing a smile to King Sharo’s face. Now that the important discussion was over, Zero brought in something that made everyone’s stomach growled.

"Dinner, anyone?" he grinned.

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