
Volume 10, 4: The Light of this Wonderful World – Part 1

Volume 10, Chapter 4: The Light of this Wonderful World – Part?1

Ruruta’s knife fended off a Cavalryman’s spear. Charging into its chest, he swept its front legs with a kick and drove his left fist into its torso. An Elephant Soldier’s nose came charging from behind and from the left came a Boxer.

Ruruta pushed forward. Stepping over the defeated Cavalryman, he headed for the Blade-Haired Lion in front of him. The bladed fur cut Ruruta, but in exchange he scratched the Lion’s windpipe open.

Ruruta ran and ran ahead. He was surrounded by Beasts of the Final Chapter on all sides and even around them the area swarmed with more enemies.


He blocked the horn of a Rhino and pushed it back. Crossing over its body he moved ahead.

They continued attacking. He had no way to conduct a defensive battle. If he were to stop he would simply receive attacks on all sides and be killed. He could only create his own chance of survival.

The only power Ruruta could use now was his own bodily reinforcement. And it certainly wasn’t something that would allow him to stand up to Nieniu. Yet even with that meager power Ruruta fought and survived.

The moment he threw his doubts away, the moment he overcame his resignation, a warrior obtained a new power.

Nieniu’s theater was distant. Ruruta kept earnestly pushing onward.

“…What a foolish man.”

The voice of anger reverberated through the Imaginary Entrails.

“…How can you think of fighting? You should have already realized that you were better off not being born!

I cannot bear to look at it! Please die already, Ruruta Coozancoona!”

Nieniu created even more Beasts and sent them after Ruruta.

Ruruta’s eyes were wet with tears. This was his second time fighting to the death with his lover. It was the biggest tragedy for him.

Inside Bantorra Library’s Sixth Sealed Archive, the rising Mirepoc was astonished. At her feet there was an unknown dead woman. She touched the woman’s clothes and looked at her face. She wondered if she knew her or not, but soon realized it didn’t matter anyway.

Mirepoc looked around. What she could see there was a scenery from nightmares. The figures of Armed Librarians, all of them without any exception collapsed and not moving a muscle, entered her vision.

The rebellion of the Guardian Beasts protecting Bantorra Library… Hearing the truth about the Armed Librarians from Hamyuts… The existence of the man known as Ruruta Coozancoona… The fact that the world was about to be destroyed… Finally, the fight against the Guardian Beasts and their loss.

When she opened her eyes she obviously remembered all that. Yet somewhere in her mind she wondered if it was all a dream. Perhaps morning would come and she would return to her normal life. She would scold Hamyuts who was wholly unmotivated, she would deal with Mattalast making fun of her… working in the office even on her days off, she would watch girls of her age happily talk about love and relationships from the side and have doubts in herself. She thought she was going back to that life.

“…Am I not awake yet?”

Even during the fight she felt it was all a dream. Yet reality was in front of her eyes. The Armed Librarians and trainees collapsed in the Sixth Archive all seemed like a dream but were part of reality.

Mirepoc grabbed the collar of Gamo collapsed near her and shook him. She shouted his name countless times, but he was immobile as if he were dead. Her only relief was that his heart was still beating.

She slapped Tena’s cheeks while her whole body was caked in dry blood, and clung to Marfa who was lying face-down. From the Sixth Archive she ran to the Fifth Sealed Archive. She found the bloody Mattalast collapsed there and called his name countless times. But it was useless.

“Why am I the only one awake? Why? Why doesn’t anyone wake up?”

Mirepoc further ran up the stairs and exited the Labyrinth. Another nightmare appeared to her there.


A shriek the likes of which she thought she would never utter after she aimed to become a soldier as a child escaped her mouth. The lobby where the normal librarians worked, the guests’ waiting rooms, and the entrance to the Library were all occupied by the Guardian Beasts – no, the Beasts of the Final Chapter.

A Lancer stared at Mirepoc. An Elephant Soldier blew its nose at her face. All these who knows how many Beasts all turned toward Mirepoc. She reflexively drew her gun and pointed it at them. The Beasts made no move and so did she.

Within her own limits of battle experience, Mirepoc’s intuition informed her – they were enemies, but she could never win against them. Although they were inactive now, the moment they set out Mirepoc would turn into scraps of meat.

‘…We will destroy.’

The intention of the Beasts was transmitted. An aimless killing intent. They were born just to kill so they would kill – such an intent was emitted from their whole body.

I can’t fight them. Mirepoc surmised this, lowered her gun and ran. She smoothly weaved her path through the Beasts. Quieting her breath and shrinking her body, she went outside.

She went through the lobby, passed the hallway and the reception desk, and by leaving the main entrance she arrived at the courtyard. The outside had also turned into the domain of Beasts of the Final Chapter already.

“…Haah… haah…”

Although she did nothing fear by itself took her breath away.

She found a fallen figure in the courtyard. It was Bonbo. She ran up to him and checked his condition, but soon gave up. He was immobile just like the other Armed Librarians.

There were scorch marks here and there around. This was neither because Bonbo’s ability nor because of Kyasariro who had escaped there. Mirepoc found an unfamiliar figure collapsed from afar. She had the feeling she had once seen him but couldn’t remember. Since he, different from the Armed Librarians, had an expression full of regret, she hoped that perhaps something would happen. But it was useless. Even he no longer moved.

But Mirepoc still held hope. She believed only that person was not yet collapsed. She believed that person would do something about the situation.

That person should be in the highest floor of Bantorra Library’s building that she just ran away from. Mirepoc turned around with 99% fear and a single percent full of hope.


It truly was a symbolic scene. Underneath the sky swirling with black clouds, a single giant needle stuck out from the old-standing Bantorra Library. A few meters above the tip of the needle floated a figure with an overwhelming presence.

And penetrated by the needle was Hamyuts.


Mirepoc’s knees folded. She held her head in fear and cowered on the spot.

“…It’s useless, it’s already useless, it’s over, it’s all over…”

The absolute winner and the thoroughly crushed loser. That sight was enough to completely break Mirepoc’s spirits.

The crouched Mirepoc entered the Beasts’ line of sight. Her mental state was like live bait thrown into a swarm of wild beasts.

“Dad, dad, save me, someone save me, please come, anyone, this is… this is… someone…”

Covering her face, Mirepoc kept muttering.

She was brave enough. No normal person would’ve been able to run through the Beasts of the Final Chapter. Assaulted by absolute solitude, faced by an overwhelming enemy, that would be about all a human could do. Being able to do anything more would be abnormal.

“…Please die, die already Ruruta!”

Inside the Imaginary Entrails, Nieniu unleashed one Beast after another.

“I can’t die, I can’t Nieniu!”

The density of the siege heightened without end. Ruruta could no longer find any gaps. He could only survive using the path he would carve himself using his knife.

Thrusting away a Cavalryman to wrench open a path, the moment he stepped out he dodged the acid of a Jail King Snake. Spinning his body he rode on the Snake, leapt and spun around, kicking down a Lancer to create a foothold.

If he made but one mistake in his moves he would have been killed. If he stopped but for a second he would have been killed. Ruruta stayed alive even during this deadly combat.

No matter how fierce the attacks were, he could avoid them for five seconds. And if he could survive for five seconds he would also survive the next ones. Then the next and the next. As long as he could endure five seconds he would endure forever.

This irrational reasoning that was impossible in reality was made possible just by Ruruta’s willpower. Only for the sake of the person he loved, for Nieniu.

Although that Nieniu was trying to kill him, he kept fighting for her sake.

“…How stubborn. Why will you not die?”

Nieniu didn’t check the Beasts of the Final Chapter “outside”. Her hatred for Ruruta was so deep she had forgotten about wanting to destroy the world.

At that moment, Ruruta felt a murderous intent other than that of the Beasts. He turned over his body.

“…Binding Song.”

Nieniu’s voice echoed. Her stone arm moved and pointed at Ruruta. Binding Song – one of the causality erasing attacks. It was the power to unconditionally kill anyone she pointed at. Nieniu herself attempted to kill Ruruta.

But by that time Ruruta had already hid himself behind the body of a Jail King Snake. Becoming his substitute, the Snake dispersed and was annihilated. Rolling on the sand, Ruruta used the Beasts of the Final Chapter as shields to protect against Nieniu’s Binding Song.

“Such an ability won’t work on me!”

Ruruta shouted, but Nieniu paid him no heed.

“…Apparently. But so what?”

He could prevent the Binding Song. However, this didn’t mean he was out of danger. Despair blocked Ruruta without any change.

Mirepoc crouched down near the fountain. Covering her face with both hands, tears spilled from her eyes. Even so she invoked her Magic Right. It was her Thought Sharing ability, allowing her to transmit her thoughts to people.

She no longer had any will to fight. The only thing that made her move was that she wanted to run away from fear. She could do by using the only means that supported her thus far, her Thought Sharing ability.

‘Help me! Someone! Is there anyone?! Someone help me!’

Mirepoc asked everyone she could for help. There was not a single voice to respond. Obviously. All people in the world were asleep by the Power of Tearless Ending.

Yukizona and Yuri whom she hadn’t seen… Minth and Yanku who weren’t currently in Bantorra Library… All Armed Librarians and trainees she could think of.

And not only them. She even sent thoughts to her acquaintances among the normal librarians or people from the town, and even her military comrades and family from the homeland. She even tried sending them to dead people such as Ireia and Noloty and to people whom she barely knew in passing such as Photona.

Obviously no reply came.

‘…Help me, someone help me. I’m scared, Director, Matt-san, dad…’

Fundamentally Mirepoc was a person who couldn’t fight unless relying on someone. She was able to gain courage once in her homeland’s army and now by relying on the Armed Librarians.

It wasn’t a bad thing. Most humans were like that.

There was no sign of Beasts’ attacks about to be interrupted. Ruruta’s feet tangled, his eyes misted over, and the knife was about to slip from his fingers.

His wounds were to the extent that had he received them on living flesh he would have already died.

The Imaginary Entrails were the world of souls. The power of the soul was willpower. Ruruta supported his body only using his feelings for Nieniu.

How many minutes could he hold on? Ten minutes? Fifteen? Or only ten more seconds?

Ruruta desperately rejected the limits of his body.

“…Ruruta, why are you fighting?”

While still angry, Nieniu inquired with a light pity in her voice.

“…No matter how many Beasts of the Final Chapter you defeat you will never reach me. Even if you did there is nothing you can do. You need enough power to fell a star to defeat me, yet your weapon is a single knife.

…What are you waiting for by keeping fighting?”

“I’m not… fighting you… because I want… to beat you.”

While defending against attacks he replied with ragged breath.

“…Please answer me. What are you waiting for?”

“What, I wonder. Something…”

Nieniu spoke back at Ruruta’s words that didn’t serve as any reply.

“…What is that something? What will happen in the few minutes until your death?

…Do you believe that something so convenient would happen to stop the destruction of this world when there is no one left?

…You fool. Die already. Why are you still alive?”

At that moment, Ruruta smiled for some reason. He smiled even though she was cursing him and telling him to die. Because no matter how horrible her words were, exchanging words with his beloved Nieniu was enjoyable for him.

“…Nieniu. I’m… standing only because… I’m assuming… something would happen.”


“Something will happen! If I don’t think so then I have nothing!”

“…I see. If so, then I just need to kill you.”

Nieniu asserted. That would probably happen soon. He was no longer able to see clearly.

Mirepoc kept sending out thoughts. There was no longer anyone left. She could think of no other people. She had no one to send her thoughts to.

So this is it, thought Mirepoc.

She opened her eyes. She recalled that she had a spare gun in her pocket. She should have several dozens of bullets left.

“…Director, I can’t allow you to end everything like this.”

She pulled out her handgun and clenched it. I can at least open a path for escape with these remaining bullets.

I’m going to die anyway. As if I care, thought Mirepoc.

The Beasts gazed at Mirepoc. They seemed to be saying with their silence that although the orders to annihilate the human race have yet to come, they weren’t as kind as to stay put when being attacked.

The moment she was about to shoot, Mirepoc heard a voice in the back of her head.

“Please survive, Mirepo.”

The one to speak this was Hamyuts. This happened when she had just become an Armed Librarian, when the battle against the Indulging God Cult began. Mirepoc had been called by Hamyuts to be preached about her mental preparedness.

“I believe the outcome of this battle depends on you. You are more important than either Matt, Ireia or me. Your job is to not die whatever happens. No matter what happens with everyone else, you must keep living.”

When she asked why, Hamyuts answered thus.

“You are the plus sign that connects all of us scattered ‘ones’. No matter how strong I or Matt are, we only possess our own powers. With you here, we add that one and one together to become the power of two people, of three, of four… You can turn all these scattered ones to a hundred.

So please live. I will never accept your death.”

Mirepoc lowered her clenched pistol. That’s not my job. I have to do my job until the end, thought Mirepoc.

She threw away her gun. She launched it far away with all of her power. It passed above the roof of the assembly hall and disappeared. She hesitated because she had a weapon. She shouldn’t have any weapon that hinders her work.

Is there any other path of escape? Mirepoc started thinking desperately.

Are there any other people I haven’t connected to? Knowing one’s face and name were the conditions to her sending thoughts to them. Has she contacted everyone she could remember?

She suddenly raised her face. She saw the needle as well as the statue of the boy floating above it.

“…Why have I forgotten?”

There still was someone to connect her thoughts to. And he was in front of her the whole time. A while ago in the Sixth Archive she had heard from Hamyuts the name of Ruruta Coozancoona. And he was that statue.


However, Mirepoc hesitated. She was now going to send her thoughts to the man who was destroying the world. He was someone who until now plucked off the Armed Librarians as if they were weeds. What would she say to him? What could she tell him to stop him?

The moment she thought of this Mirepoc was assaulted by another fear. If it was possible to stop the destruction of the world with words, then Mirepoc carried the responsibility to say them. The fate of the entire world rested on her shoulders.

What am I supposed to say? Mirepoc kept hesitating.

How many Beasts had he driven away? Meaningless questions rose to Ruruta’s exhausted mind. No matter how many he defeated, the number that remained was unchanged. The Beasts would be created endlessly unless Nieniu is stopped.

When would something happen to change the situation? That was also a meaningless question. Ruruta was waiting for something that was not supposed to happen.

If something could happen then it had to come not from the Imaginary Entrails but from the outside world. However, all living people were put to sleep by Ruruta’s Power of Tearless Ending. Ruruta cut off the final hope with his own hands a few hours ago.

Was no one, not even a single person able to repel the Power of Tearless Ending?

Or perhaps the outside world was already a wilderness in which no one could live. Since the sky of the Imaginary Entrails was covered by dark clouds he couldn’t ascertain the situation outside.


Ruruta noticed his fighting spirits were withering. Although he felt despair, he knew that he had to keep fighting. However, at this rate even before his fighting spirits folded he would be killed by Nieniu.

Is there no hope? The moment he thought this, a voice echoed in Ruruta’s head.

‘…R-Ruruta! Bantorra Library Director Ruruta!’

It came from Thought Sharing. There was someone still alive and moving.

For a moment he even forgot about the thrust of the Lancer approaching him. He felt so happy he could dance.

Yet Ruruta was still too optimistic.

‘I am Third Grade Armed Librarian Mirepoc Finedell! Kill me! Please kill this Mirepoc before the world ends!’

He was now fighting to stop the destruction of the world, so he thought of humans as his allies. Yet Ruruta forgot – it was mere hours ago that he was trying to destroy the world.

‘Please kill this Mirepoc!’

Mirepoc sent her thoughts to Ruruta. Even she realized she was being stupid. Yet she could think of nothing else to say. Mirepoc had no idea why he was destroying the world or what he was thinking about.

‘Mirepoc Finedell… no. The situation has changed.’

When she received the reply, Mirepoc thought for a second she got the wrong person.

‘…Wh-what are… you saying…’

‘Listen! The situation’s changed! I no longer want to destroy the world! I’m now protecting it!’

Mirepoc couldn’t understand his words.

‘Please, lend me a hand! Otherwise the world, will be destroyed… aaah!’

She heard a scream mixed in with his thoughts. Ruruta received some kind of attack. Looking up to Ruruta atop the needle, nothing happened.

A few hours ago Ruruta was trying to destroy the world. Now he was fighting against something in order to protect the world. Several hours passed since she had collapsed. What happened for the situation to change like this?

Why was he trying to deceive her? What did Ruruta want to do to her?

‘Stop saying nonsense! Fight me before ending the world! Do something about me! I no longer understand anything!’

‘Mirepoc! Believe me! I’m not lying!’

She clenched her teeth. How can I believe you? You’ve been deceiving everyone for thousands of years after all. You’ve created the Indulging God Cult, made them fight us, and tried to destroy the world. How can I believe such a person?

Ruruta desperately feigned calmness while connected to Mirepoc’s thoughts. He couldn’t allow Nieniu to notice her existence. Mirepoc was currently his final hope. If she could even be called a hope.

‘I won’t believe you. You’ve deceived us. Both the Armed Librarians and the Indulging God Cult! Who will believe you!’

‘But at this rate the world will…’

‘I don’t know who you’re fighting with, but you seem to be on the verge of death. So just die like that!’

‘No, Mirepoc!’

Seeing Ruruta’s expression change, Nieniu muttered.

“…I something going on?”

If he replied poorly she would suspect him. Ruruta had enemies all around him.

How could he make Mirepoc listen to him? He couldn’t think of any method. Ruruta knew no way of dealing with people other than with overwhelming power.

‘Ruruta. Who on earth are you fighting? The people you’ve Eaten? The Armed Librarians of the past?’

‘No! Please believe me!’

‘There’s no way I’d believe someone like you!’

Don’t complain, please shut up and listen. He thought of replying this, but was barely able to stop himself.

How many times had he failed like this? He was used to simply convey orders without telling the truth. Wasn’t everything now the result of that?

If he told the truth, if he let his true feelings be known, she would understand. And then she would fight with him. Ruruta believed so and sent out his thoughts.

‘Mirepoc, I’ll let you decide if you believe me or not. But please just listen to me. I can only count on you.’


‘The power of the Beasts of the Final Chapter is not mine. It came from the one who once tried to destroy the world, Orntorra.

I fought against him and won. And then…’

‘I said no!’

At that moment the Thought Sharing was cut off. The faintly connected hope was severed, and Ruruta was once again thrust into solitude.

Mirepoc cut off her Thought Sharing. Her head was already too disorderly to connect again.

Ruruta asked her to help him. He said he could only depend on her. He said that he, the person who tried to destroy the world, no longer wished to do it.

She couldn’t understand any of it. What did it mean? She wasn’t ever taught anything about such a situation. She had never heard about an enemy overwhelmingly superior to her seeking help. She only knew what she was taught.

What should I do? Someone please tell me. Mirepoc held her head.

She then recalled the face of a certain girl.

“If someone asks you to help them…”

She recalled the face of her friend and disciple. The words of Noloty Malche crossed her mind.

“Then the best thing to do is help them with all you’ve got. It will probably go well like that.”

This happened when she spoke to her after the Monster Incident. Having brought Enlike Bishile back to the Library with her, Noloty said this and puffed her chest.

Is that really fine? When Mirepoc asked this, Noloty made a smile free of worries and nodded.

“…I’ll believe. I’ll believe in him, Noloty!”

Mirepoc called and connected her thoughts once again.

‘Ruruta. Please explain how I can help you. I’ll believe it no matter how unbelievable it is.’

On the other side Ruruta was thinking of something. A small mutter was transmitted.

‘I see. So there are people who will help me in this world.’

Mirepoc was slightly puzzled at this behavior which seemed happy but self-derisive.

‘Why have I not noticed it sooner…’

‘More importantly, Ruruta, what should I do? No, first explain the situation!’

Ruruta desperately explained. Mirepoc listened while organizing everything in her head.

She heard about the woman known as Nieniu. About her being the incarnation of destruction given power by Orntorra and the master of the Beasts of the Final Chapter. About her being the one wishing for destruction and not Ruruta. About Nieniu currently hijacking Ruruta’s body. About Ruruta losing all his power and fighting desperately.

It was only a brief description while he was fighting. Mirepoc couldn’t get anything except the current situation. Ruruta didn’t have the time to explain anything about the long past, about his fight with Hamyuts or about Colio.

‘So how can we stop the destruction of the world?’

Mirepoc inquired. No reply came.

‘Why are you silent?’

‘…Mirepoc. The only way to save the world is to have Nieniu change her mind. Have her think the world doesn’t need to be destroyed. It can only be done by making her think this world is wonderful.’

‘Wait a minute. You said Nieniu only thinks about destruction… That she became the incarnation of destruction after being given power by God…’

‘That’s the only way. Even if it’s useless and impossible it’s the only way.’

At that moment Mirepoc finally understood the situation. It budded only ever so slightly, but her hope was instantly crushed.

‘Meaning there is no way other than persuading her? Persuading the incarnation of destruction? Persuading a being that only wants destruction?’

It didn’t feel real. She felt like that would be something out of a fantasy novel. Rizzly read a lot of such books… this completely unrelated fact rose to her mind. She couldn’t settle her thoughts. Her head didn’t work properly.

‘Impossible, how can I change her mind? We should rather kill that Nieniu or seal her…’

‘That wouldn’t work!’

She received Ruruta’s thoughts in the form of a shout. Mirepoc didn’t know about their relationship at the time.

‘Please, Mirepoc! Convey it to her! Tell her this world is wonderful and that there is value in protecting it! If you don’t then no one will be saved! Neither this world nor Nieniu!’

Mirepoc faintly understood his feelings. Although she still didn’t know of his circumstances and relationship with the girl known as Nieniu.

‘I-I can try. But… I don’t know at all how to do it.’

Once again the only reply was silence. So even Ruruta doesn’t know, thought Mirepoc.

‘…Mirepoc. Do you find this world wonderful?’

This irrelevant, or perhaps too big of a question, troubled Mirepoc.

‘Or do you think this world shouldn’t exist?’

Mirepoc began thinking. The faces of her family and the comrades she had met rose to her mind. She recalled the faces of Noloty, Luimon, Alme, all her friends who were no longer in this world.

‘I don’t. I had comrades, family and friends.’

‘…Thank you, Mirepoc.’

Saying this, the Thought Sharing was severed.

“…Who were you talking with?”

Nieniu inquired.

“With a friend. With Colio right here.”

He couldn’t let her know about Mirepoc. So Ruruta lied. His heart ached; although he was in the midst of fighting her, he didn’t want to lie to Nieniu.

“…So that knife is your only emotional crutch. Really, what a foolish man.”

How frank, thought Ruruta. And he was slightly sad. Nieniu stayed like this ever since they day they came to love each other without any change.

“…I cannot bear looking at you. Die already.”

With a voice unchanged from how it was in the past, she hated Ruruta, cursed him and abused him. Ruruta assaulted the Beasts of the Final Chapter while enduring these words.

He believed that the final hope, Mirepoc, would make something happen.

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