
Chapter 300 - Feels Great

Chapter 300: Feels Great

That night, Fali proved something to Chen Zhao.

The saying was: there are only oxen that die from exhaustion, no fields that are badly plowed.

Of course, the final result was that both sides suffered losses.

The next day, Chen Zhao was still spirited while Fali’s body was all sore.

Chen Zhao took the group of demons to Dell’s in the morning. After all, he had to go to the fashion show with Fali at night. The Baron Mansion was Zola’s, but it still wasn’t suitable to bring a bunch of pets there.

So he’d obediently keep the pets at Dell’s for now.

When Faith saw the wave of pets, she jumped out of Mary’s arms happily. Mary almost freaked out, but thankfully, Faith landed safely.

Then she watched Faith bring the pets next door to show off.


Wright felt that she hadn’t slept so comfortably in a long while.

She remembered that she’d drunk the wine from Chen Zhao last night. In the beginning, she only planned on taking a few sips. As she drank, she got into the mood. She couldn’t resist it.

Wright didn’t drink at all for many years, but last night, she drank more than half of the bottle.

She didn’t know when she’d fallen asleep, but she slept on the sofa for the entire night.

Technically, with her health condition, she would have to sleep in the hospital for a month after sleeping on the sofa for a night.

The strange thing was that she didn’t feel any soreness. Instead, she felt relaxed. Her limbs felt strong too.

She saw that the bottle of red wine had fallen over on the table. She must have hit it while sleeping. The ground was covered in wine.

Wiping the table, she remembered what Chen Zhao had said. If she couldn’t finish it, she should dump it, so she emptied the bottle.

But when she went to the bathroom and saw herself in the mirror, she had a fright.

Where was her trademark white hair? How come it was all black?

Had someone slipped in and dyed her hair last night? No one was that stupid though. Her age spots had decreased too.

Wright observed herself, realizing that she’d really changed drastically.

She thought of that bottle of wine. Chen Zhao had been very serious when gifting it to her. Could this be the wine’s effect?

Wright called Chen. “Hello, Chen?”

“Hi, Wright. How are you?”

“I’m great,” Wright said. “I’ve almost forgotten this light feeling. I’ve never felt this before.”

“You drank the wine?”

“Yes, I feel...”

“Like you got younger, right?” Chen Zhao asked.

“Yes, indeed.”

“You should be around 60 years old right now. I’m not sure about the specifics.”

“Chen, are you saying that I’ve become younger?”

“Only around 30 years younger,” Chen Zhao answered. “Oh, did you finish the bottle?”

“No, you said that I should dump it if I can’t finish... If the wine really has this effect, isn’t it better if I drink a few more times?”

“It’s only effective once. If you got drunk the first time, it means you’ve already reached the limit. There won’t be an effect the next time. And if this bottle gets into someone else’s hands, I’ll have endless problems.”

“Alright, I understand.” Wright was reasonable. She was shocked at Chen Zhao’s abilities, but she didn’t keep asking.

Chen Zhao was willing to help her for some things. For other things, he wouldn’t answer even if Wright asked. She was more willing to maintain this relationship.

Since Chen Zhao trusted her, she should trust him too.

“Oh, Wright,” Chen Zhao said. “Does your school have a psychiatry department?”

“Yes, what’s wrong?”

“I have a patient. He’s a vegetable. I don’t know how to treat him right now, so I hope to talk to an expert in this field.”

“No problem. When are you free?” Wright asked, smiling. “I finally see that you aren’t all-powerful either.”

“I’m not God. I’m obviously not all-powerful.”

“Okay, I won’t disturb you now. I need to start working too.” Chen Zhao hung up.


Chen Zhao heard a bang from his car. He turned and saw a biker kicking his car. It was the big-bearded biker from the fight at the bar last time.

He flipped Chen Zhao off and then rode off with exhaust flooding out of the pipes.

Chen Zhao wanted to floor the gas pedal and crush him, but considering the functions of the car, he decided not to.

The biker didn’t go far though. He slowed down and stuck his middle finger up again. Chen Zhao shook his fists at the man. He hadn’t lost in the last fight.

The biker drew a circle in the air, pointed at himself, pointed at Chen Zhao, and then clenched his fist. He seemed to be saying, find a place, just us two.

Chen Zhao nodded.

You want to fight? If I don’t break your leg, I’ll say my name backwards! Wait...my name is already backwards in America.

Just then, a car ran the red light. The bearded biker flew into the air. When he crashed back down, he was covered in blood.

The car responsible was long gone.


Chen Zhao quickly parked his car. He ran to the biker’s said to check his injuries. He wasn’t dead, thankfully... He was just badly injured.

Chen Zhao did some emergency first aid and then called 911. A while later, the ambulance and police were here.

The police officer wasn’t a stranger. It was Sharan, who’d taken him to the police station yesterday.

“How come it’s you?”

“Why can’t it be me?”

Sharan was annoyed. “Tell me what happened.”

“I don’t want to tell you anymore.” Chen Zhao didn’t feel like cooperating.

“Your car parked here is disrupting traffic. Want a ticket?”

“I was trying to save someone.”

“Saving someone doesn’t mean you can break the rules.”

“This is stupid.”

“You’re also obstructing the investigation.”

“Can’t you do anything other than threatening me?”

“Do I need anything else against you?”

“Don’t you want to leave the traffic team to join David’s crime investigation team?”

“So what?”

“You know David’s my good friend. If I mention him to you, he might consider having you join his team.”

Sharan’s eyes brightened. “Really?”

“Of course.”

“Then please help me say something.”

“I’m thirsty.”

Sharan clenched her fists, but she pushed it down. “I’ll treat you.”

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