
Chapter 107 - Demonic Sorcery

Raz agreed immediately. The sole intention of his speech just now was to lower the price.

After all, if Chen Zhao decided to sell his angelic crystals to other demons, he would lose a great amount of profit.

He did not have a way to sell angelic crystals at the moment, but it was only because he had never had any businesses involving angelic crystals in the past.

What were angelic crystals? They were to demons as radioactive matter is to humans.

Three times the cost of demonic crystals meant nothing to Raz. Once he found a way to sell them, he could even make a ten-fold profit.

It was just like how smuggling guns was always to most profitable business in the human world.

Of course, little did he know that Chen Zhao was also careful this time.

Chen Zhao would ask the other demons how much Raz managed to earn this time. Then, he would appropriately adjust the cost of the remaining angelic crystals.

“The honored living, I don’t have so many demonic crystals with me. Can I pay you with my goods?”

“Well... I’ve already bought what I need. I don’t really need anything at the moment.”

“Didn’t you want the spatial ring last time? I have it with me.”

“But a hundred years of demonic crystals is too expensive. I still don’t want to buy it.”

“Let me give you a discount: ninety years?”

Chen Zhao still shook his head. “Still too expensive.”

“Eighty five years, I can’t make it any lower!” Raz’s face was filled with pain.


“No way! Eighty years is my bottom line.”

“Seventy years. Any higher and I’ll take demonic crystals instead.”

“Living Lord, please show your kindness. I’ll make a great loss for seventy years!”

Chen Zhao sneered. Never believe a profiteer’s words, especially a demon profiteer.

“Seventy years. If you accept this price, I’ll give you the angelic crystals now. Subtract the items just now and you need to pay me fifteen years of demonic crystals. If you don’t accept, then forget it.” Chen Zhao was firm about the price.

“Fine, make it seventy, but for the remaining fifteen years, please buy my goods so that my loss will not be that great,” Raz said, looking as if he was having a difficult choice.

“Apart from those I wanted, what else do you have?”

Raz placed his goods in front of Chen Zhao, after which he introduced them one by one.

Chen Zhao scanned the goods over and over but was not satisfied with any of them. Most of them were entirely useless to him.

“Do you have any demonic spell books that I can learn?” Chen Zhao asked.

“Yes,” Raz replied at once. Then, he found a golden book among his pile of goods.

Chen took the golden book and gasped. It was extremely heavy.

“Is this book made from pure gold?”

“It’s Demonic Dark Gold, not the gold in the human world. It’s the cheapest metal in Hell.”

Chen Zhao inspected the book carefully. It was indeed not gold.

He was somewhat disappointed by the discovery. If it was pure gold, he would sell the book directly.

“Are the symbols in the book demon’s language?”

“Yes, Living Lord, I recommend a demonic potion for you. It’ll allow you to master Hell symbols immediately.”

“How much is it?”

“Ten years of demonic crystals, and five years for the spell book. Exactly fifteen.”

Chen Zhao glanced at Raz. “Include one drop of demonic dragon blood and I’ll accept the price.”

After careful consideration, Raz barely accepted the deal.

“Demonic Spellpedia.” Chen Zhao drank the demonic potion directly and could understand the Hell symbols at once. “Does it include all the spells in Hell?”

“Not that complete of course. It only contains the most basic demonic spells. You can choose suitable ones and practice them. If you want more advanced spells, I’m afraid five years wouldn’t do.”

“Maybe next time.”

After their deal, Raz returned to Hell.

Chen Zhao started reading the 20kg spell book. He had to admit that the book was way too heavy. As a result, he could not read it for too long.

With no other solutions, Chen Zhao could only drink one portion of the superman potions that he had made.

Chen Zhao called the potion superman potion. It was in fact more or less the same as the one David had.

The only difference was that Chen Zhao’s superman potion was made from perfect crystal. Its effect was therefore significantly greater than an ordinary strength potion.

While Chen Zhao called it the superman potion, he was definitely not becoming Superman.

Chen Zhao was merely going to become stronger.

In comparison, Chen Zhao was looking forward to learning demonic spells much more. This was a truly supernatural power.

“Huh, Blood Solidification seems to be a good way to treat high blood pressure. This spell looks easy to learn,” Chen Zhao muttered to himself.

Hell Knell seems useless. It can let a person see the scenes in Hell.

Cry of the Ghoul. Looks like those undead spells in novels. And I need to prepare a corpse in advance. Who would bring a corpse with them all the time?

Banshee’s Charm. It’s like advanced hypnosis. Should work great on insomniac patients.

Spiritual Sting. Must be used for torturing.

“Blackie, I thought humans can’t learn most demonic spells. Why do I feel that it’s very easy? At least it’s not as hard as I thought.”

“No idea. Perhaps you’re special... Lend me the book when you’re done.”

“Is there a spell that you don’t know?”

“In fact, I don’t know all of them. I think there’s some spells on this book that I can learn as well.”

Blackie and Chen Zhao were both beginners at Demonic Sorcery, so the two of them really had much to discuss.

With the spiritual vessel, Chen Zhao would not feel tired.

Although the spiritual vessel had no other uses, it could allow Chen Zhao to stay awake for three full days.

Before he realized it, Chen Zhao had already stayed in Blackie’s place for six or seven hours.

“Blackie, I’m going to sleep. You can study it slowly.”

“When I’m free. I need to go out and hunt too.”

Knock, knock...

Just then, a deep knocking was heard in the crevice.

Someone was knocking on the door in the basement. It should be Fali.

Chen Zhao walked to the exit. Hellhound followed him closely, reluctant to let him go.

Fali was on the other side of the door, which was suddenly pushed outwards from the inside. In that instant, Fali saw a huge black thing in the fog.

Chen Zhao walked out from the inside with Walter. Then, he closed the door and turned the key.

“Fali, what up?”

“I saw it, inside. The huge thing standing behind you just now. What’s that?”

“Why did you call me out?”

“Tell me what that thing is first. Is it a powerful demon king that’s been sealed here? Are you a member of a mysterious organization that’s been secretly protecting mankind all this while?” Fali unleashed her imagination wildly.

“Next time, after you knock, turn around. Don’t look at that thing in its eyes, or it’ll devour your soul.”

“Why didn’t you tell me earlier?! I already saw that thing’s eyes just now... Is it already hidden in my body now? Will it eat me in my dreams?”

“Nope, its seal is very firm, as long as you don’t go past this door.”

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