
Chapter 684 - You Probably Don’t Understand

Chapter 684 You Probably Don’t Understand

Kujira’s admiration was genuine and not in any way fake.

Just half a day ago, the Goddess of Magic informed all her churches that those who believed in her would be more likely to learn the Sword of Mystra, and this impacted the magic community to a certain degree.

But what truly set the entire magic community abuzz was Roland’s Simple Sugar Creation that came along with the goddess’s message.

All the magic organizations were concerned about the news of the Church of Magic, not to mention that this time, the Goddess of Magic Mystra had sent a divine message.

As the “idlest” lawful goddess, the Goddess of Magic had issued even fewer divine messages than the Water Goddess.

So when a divine message appeared, it had to be something big This made all the magic organizations around the world pay considerable attention.

Then they discovered that there was a reason for the divine message.

The Sword of Mystra was indirectly gathering faith for the goddess, and this was something that they could see and had to admit was a good move, and an obvious one.

The Mages in the world were somewhat unconvinced by Mystra, and so were less inclined to believe in her.

But with this treatment, there were probably a few powerful Mages that would like to rely on Mystra.

After all, the previous Church of Magic didn’t store spell models as comprehensive as those in the Association of Mages in various countries, and there was little to gain from the church internally-it was quite austere.

But now, even if it was just for the success rate of Sword of Mystra, it was worth giving her their faith.

After all... who didn’t want to have power?

Besides, Mystra was also a beauty, and for the sake of power, believing in a beautiful woman wasn’t shameful.

Then what truly surprised them was Roland’s Simple Sugar Creation that came with the divine message. Although sugar wasn’t a staple food, it could provide energy, and eating more of it could keep one from starving.

This was quite significant as it made Mages a special life form that would never starve in the suburbs and would remain self-sufficient as long as they had magic power. If the oil-making and water-making spells were both just for the magic community to admire Roland, then the appearance of the sugar-making spell made the entire magic community brighten up and feel extremely amazed.

For both the water-making and oil-making spells were essentially just a cheap trick of “carrying” matter from another place by magical means. These techniques could actually be done and created by Mages of Elite level and above, but they just didn’t think of it.

I could do it too, but he just got ahead of mesuch thoughts had always persisted in the minds of the vast majority of Mages. This was why their evaluation of these two spells was not too high. Along with that, the evaluation of Roland was only on the level of “a very thoughtful young man.”

But Roland’s Simple Sugar Creation was completely different from the two aforementioned trick spells.

This was a new spell in the truest sense.

It involved new ideas.

In the Goddess of Magic’s message, the spell model of the sugar-making spell was annotated like this.

Roland’s Simple Sugar Creation (Level-One Spell)

Effect: After use, depending on the amount of magic power and the strength of the spirit, you will receive one or more portions of glucose. It can be eaten, has better flavor when mixed with water, and has the effect of allaying hunger. Please note that in desert or arid areas, the amount of glucose received will be reduced.

Requirement: Normal air. The material was air.

This alone was a shock to people. Could air be considered a magic material? Wasn’t it available everywhere? And to make sugar from the air, what kind of operation was this?

Substance transformation was only capable of transforming metal ores.

This changed the views of all Mages.

They couldn’t wait to transcribe the spell model and use it.

After all, it was a level-one spell, and as long as they were official Mages, there was no hindrance to using it.

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It was an immediate success.

Then it generated a lot of sweet powdered sugar. After mixing it with water, it tasted all right.

Then they began to study this spell model.

At first, they also thought that Roland had used cheap tricks similar to the oil-making and water-making spell, but all of them were baffled when the nodes of the spell model were taken apart.

Completely baffled!

Couldn’t understand. All of them were energy input nodes, with no output nodes in sight at all.

Only a few Legendary Mages had identified the small divination magic array hidden in the nodes, but the problem was that they had never seen this divination magic array.

It seemed to be new. It was all but impossible to see which nodes were extracting air, which were responsible for converting matter, and which were responsible for stabilizing the magic input channels.

What was even more outrageous was that this spell only had twenty-six nodes. Damn it... even the nodes of level-one spell Hypnosis are more plentiful than that.

The sugar-making spell involved the transformation of matter, how could there be so few nodes?

When you looked at the real matter transformation spell, it was concise, but the number of nodes was still mind-numbingly high.

What the hell is with this sugar-making spell?

Any Mage with a bit of strength couldn’t help but doubt their eyes when they saw the pitifully small number of nodes in that spell model.

Am I mistaken in my delusion of trying to find more nodes in a level-one spell?

They couldn’t parse it or understand it, and finally, they could only admire and worship Roland.

Such regard soon spread, even affecting most of the magic apprentices.

This spell could also be learned by magic apprentices who knew how to operate magic power a little.

For many magic apprentices, even if they didn’t become official Mages, as long as they learned Roland’s oil-making and sugar-making spells, they wouldn’t starve to death.

In the future, if they sold oil and sugar, they might not be able to become rich, but they would be able to live at a modest level.

Kujira was one of the people who tried to analyze the sugar-making spell and couldn’t understand it.

He sat down in his dedicated seat, looked at Roland, and asked with a smile, “Mr. Roland, is it convenient for you to explain the concept of this sugar-making spell? Of course, it’s not mandatory, it’s just my suggestion. You can ignore me, after all; there is the right to exchange magic skills but also the right to privacy.” Although the Transmutation Magic Tower was about communication, they didn’t force people to reveal their trump cards.

It was all up to individual will.

Roland stood up, thought about it, and said, “Mentor, where would you like to start? Because it involves a lot of knowledge that kind of doesn’t quite fit with magic.”

Kujira was a little baffled when he heard this.

This is clearly magic, but you say it doesn’t quite match with magic?

So the sugar-making spell I just used is witchcraft?

He said with a straight face, “Let’s start with the basics; why air is used as a material.”

“Because the air contains carbon dioxide and water vapor, and after these two substances are subjected to the effects of a catalyst, they produce a new chemical compound, the monosaccharides, the so-called glucose.” Roland paused as he glanced around and said helplessly, “I guess none of you got that.”

Everyone was confused.

Because of the Language Proficiency translation, they understood the words, but when connected, they couldn’t understand anything.

What the hell are the number of oxygens and the number of carbons and the monosaccharides and the disaccharides?

Roland made an apologetic gesture.

It took a while before Kujira snapped out of his daze.

He was keenly aware that there was probably a new body of knowledge in what Roland was saying.

But this was an open class, not the time to ask for the root of the matter.

“Mr. Roland, please sit down. Sorry for my abruptness.”

Kujira nodded and continued to talk about the basic techniques and theories of other transmutation spells.

Roland continued to listen to the lesson.

When the lesson was over, Roland returned to his quarters and continued to parse spells.

Now he was interested in the spell Rope Trick.

It created a false space to use as a brief hiding place.

Space within space, which should be a paradox, because if such a small space truly existed then it should be visible. But the false space created by Rope Trick was not visible.

Otherwise, there was no way to use it for hiding.

For example, the space within space was like a small bubble hiding another bubble, and anyone in this space should be able to observe the small bubble.

But the space produced by Rope Trick was truly invisible.

Roland tried it himself, following the magic-generated rope and climbing up into the false space above him before seeing a square-shaped space.

It wasn’t a big place. It was only about a meter and a half in length, width, height, and he had to sit.

Then he came out of the Rope Trick space and pointed to that location, using his mental power to detect it.

There was nothing but air.

That meant that the space for this Rope Trick was not within the space of the main plane.

The magic rope acted as a spatial leap.

But why did Kujira say that it was a space within a space?

He couldn’t figure it out, so he went out and tried to communicate with Kujira. However, he hadn’t gone far when he ran into Robert Jr.

At this time, Robert Jr. was looking a little less than stellar, a little disheveled, and even a little downbeat. When he saw Roland, he came up to him, and with a faint resentment in his eyes, he said, “The Great Elder is not in our family now. Are you satisfied, great genius?” “I said I’d stay out of the rivalry between your families.” Roland frowned.

Robert Jr. sneered. “Then why are you helping Fields?”

“I didn’t help him.”

“You say you didn’t help him?” growled Robert Jr. “And where did old Robert get that new spell, that White Cloud Flight or whatever, that he turned in to the Council of Elders?”

“I think old Robert invented it himself.”

“How is that possible!” sneered Robert Jr. “If he had that ability, the position of Great Elder would have been his long ago. Why wait until now? You are the only one in the entire Magic Tower who can invent new spells. If it’s not from you, then who? That list with a variety of magic materials should be the thank-you gift from the Julien family.”

“That’s what they gifted me.”

“Why did they give it to you?”

“Because I have a future in inventing spells. Like making sugar and water and such.” Roland smiled mischievously. “I have important matters that need to be dealt with, so if there is nothing else, please make way, thanks.”

Good dogs don’t get in the way, Roland’s words meant something similar when placed in this world.

Robert Jr. subconsciously stepped aside.

Roland continued on his way.

“Humph! Good for you!” Robert Jr. muttered indignantly. “You people are such snobs; once my father is not the Great Elder, your attitudes change immediately.” “Excuse me, I seem to have spoken to you like this before. Is it any of my business if your father is a Great Elder?” Roland turned back.

Robert Jr. was dumbfounded.

He had tasted the coldness of the world these past days. So many people had changed their attitudes that he subconsciously attributed the same cause to Roland’s behavior.

But reminded of this, he realized that Roland did seem to be consistent.

Then he was even more depressed.


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