
Chapter 507 - Jumping Out of The Three Realms, Not Within The Five Elements!

Chapter 507: Jumping Out of The Three Realms, Not Within The Five Elements!

Translator: Lordbluefire Editor: Lordbluefire

Small white lotus flowers appeared out of nowhere, radiating glows.

Materializing things out of nowhere based on one’s mind.

Feng Lin sank into a series of comprehension.

In the past, his spirit force could go through endless transformations, and there was nothing it couldn’t do. However, it was still restrained within the universe’s regulations.

He could only create things with forms but couldn’t get involved in the intangible domain. He could change into anything, but he still needed to abide by the law of energy conservation.

And the materialization of the spirit force was different. The idealistic force was able to break through the materialistic regulations.

A small little lotus symbolized the heart’s desires, having the authority to create things out of nowhere!

Change! Change! Change!

A thought arose in his heart, bringing forth endless ripples.

With a single thought, his spirit force gushed out.

The white lotus flower suddenly started to spin rapidly, and the 16 petals bloomed. Straight after, a purple flame bloomed from the center of the lotus. Golden light also radiated, and a pure ball of gold was refined from the flames. It was stretched by an invisible force, turning into a small sharp and compelling golden sword. Strong cold auras seeped out from the sword, causing the air to condense into fog-like vapor. The vapor nourished the land, and green grass broke out from the land, growing strongly...

Metal, wood, water, fire, earth—the five elements formed a cycle that reinforced and counteracted each other. The changes took only a single thought, and all five elements were within his grasp!

Feng Lin’s eyes gleamed with a mysterious light and he felt as if his spirit had broken through some kind of invisible restraints. He felt unrestrained and could do as his heart desired.

Spiritual Stone Monkey was one of the Chaotic World Monkeys.

The characteristic of jumping out of the three realms, not being within the five elements, merged together with the Heart Monkey Force. They broke through the universe’s regulation and could freely assume transformations.

Regardless of the living creature in the universe, even if it was a powerful one that was born to be able to freely roam the universe, they would still be restrained by aging and illnesses.

However, right now, Feng Lin had a faint feeling of breaking through some kind of life boundaries, no longer being restricted by them.

However, this was such a delusion formed from the evolvement of life quality.

Feng Lin clenched his fist and the illusion-scape was destroyed.

The five elements broke down, turning into the most basic particles and scattering out. They emitted astonishing radiations.

An intense feeling of fatigue rose in his heart.

Any changes were an eruption from an accumulation, slowly changing in terms of quantity to quality. It wouldn’t be something that could be achieved with a single step.

Right now, the strengthening tally for the Chaotic World Demonic Monkey Gene was only 1. It was impossible to completely break through from the universe’s restraints.

It was like how he was only capable of neglecting physical restriction and casually converting between the five elements. He was still very far from creating objects, and even further from being able to create lives!

Moreover, it took even more effort to achieve changes through breaking the universe’s regulations compared to making changes within the regulations’ limits.

It was just a simple change, but he already found it hard to manage.

His only choice was to continue to cultivate!

As the Chaotic World Demonic Monkey Gene continued to strengthen, his ability to materialize and create things would become stronger. He would be able to reverse the five elements, creating things out of nothing. When the gene was maxed out to ten points, it wouldn’t be impossible to reach the authority of being able to create life!

“Great skill!” Feng Lin started thinking about it.

The prowess might not appear great from the appearance.

However, the greatest characteristic of mythological genes lay in their endless possibilities.

It involved the origin source of the universe in the area of creation. The meaning behind it was even more profound.

Even though the universe was very vast, the endless space-time distance also obstructed the footsteps of people’s probings.

Rare resources were very limited, especially the special cultivation resources for interstellar cultivators.

If one were to grasp the art of creation, as long as they had sufficient spirit force, they would be able to create things out of nothing, no longer restrained by any external factors.

This might be another meaning behind jumping out of the three realms, not within the five elements!

There were four important aspects of ancient cultivation terms. They were...

Wealth, Companion, Law, and Earth!

If the spirit could materialize, then the “wealth”, being one of the four aspects, could be fulfilled.

As the authority to create things gradually grew, it would reach the domain of creating life, and the other three aspects could be met as well.

If a cultivator could arrive at this stage, the cultivator would be able to break free from the universe, forming a world for himself. The person could be said to have achieved divinity.

After familiarizing with the Chaotic World Demonic Monkey Gene’s abilities, Feng Lin’s gaze then turned onto mythological genes again.

On the genetic map, there was a river of stars forming a bridge in the starry sea, connecting three golden stars together and forming a triangular structure.

Sun Wukong Gene x10 + Daoheart Gene x10 = Chaotic World Demonic Monkey Gene.

The triangular gene evolution structure started to climb up from the basic gene at level 0. A big and majestic tree was formed.

Then what was the path that was going to take place?

The genetic sequence of different level genes was very compact and logical, and there was the profoundness of the universe’s essence in the genetic sequence.

Level 4 was the Houtian Gene, level 5 was the Xiantian Gene, level 6 was the...

Chaos Gene!

Before the world was born, everything was in chaos!

It was said in the ancient era, before the universe was born, everything was in a state of chaos. Space-time and laws had all lost their meanings.

Amongst this, the lives that continued to survive, possessing great prowess from the moment they were born, were known as the chaos fiendgods.

At a later time, the universe was created and the chaos fiendgods attained Dao in succession, turning into the stars in the universe, all things in the world, as well as countless lives.

Celestial Gene led straight to Great Dao.

Then the Chaos Genes were what allowed cultivators to pursue the path of the chaos fiendgods, returning to the origin.

The derivations of mythological paths required using the mythological stories as leads, studying the growth and experiences of the mythological characters to slowly make derivations.

Feng Lin had long since guessed his own cultivation path and didn’t have many perplexities. He immediately started making his derivations.

He made the assumption that the level 6 gene of the Sun Wukong path was the Horse Protector Gene. Thereby, he started making derivations with the data he already knew about the Sun Wukong Gene.

However, the unexpected thing was that the genetic equation didn’t change at all. His potential also didn’t show any signs of reducing.


(It isn’t working!)

Feng Lin was surprised that such a situation had happened. His derived path was wrong and the genetic equation couldn’t be activated to perform the derivation of the gene evolution path.

Then the problem came up.

What was the gene after the Chaotic World Demonic Monkey Gene?

Feng Lin recalled the mythological story. He had thought that it was the Horse Protector Gene, but it seemed that it wasn’t the case.

Although it was a celestial position, it wasn’t recognized. Therefore, it wasn’t considered to be amongst the celestial ranks.

After all, the Heart Monkey was born as a demonic monkey and wasn’t accepted by the mainstream celestials. It could only be accepted through showing its real strength.

Then undoubtedly, the level 6 gene of the Sun Wukong Mythological Path would be what Feng Lin had been yearning for a very long time, the...

Great Sage Equal to Heavens Gene!

After obtaining this comprehension, the genetic map in Feng Lin’s body instantly moved. The star clouds in his Dantian that symbolized the genetic potential gushed out.

Things were working!

The reduction of his genetic potential showed that his derivation was correct.

Genetic potential -1,200, -1,200, -1,200...

His potential reduced at an explosive rate.

With the Chaotic World Demonic Monkey Gene as a starting point, a clear path of gene combinations appeared before his eyes.

As usual, the Sun Wukong Mythological Path was a paragon mythological path, possessing a unique characteristic. At each level, there could only be one genetic formula, the one and only.

Feng Lin looked over and a brand new genetic formula appeared before his eyes.

Chaotic World Demonic Monkey Gene x10 + Daofruit Gene x10 = Great Sage Equal to Heavens Gene!!!

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