
Chapter 633: How the Hell Are We Supposed to Fight with This Lag?

"Ah ah ah ah ah... you perverted pink turtle! There are so many things you can learn, yet you learned to lag?" The little turtle ran away while scolding endlessly. "The scarab race’s face has been thrown away by you! What is the point of learning this thing? Isn’t it better to learn to preserve time rather than lag it?" Amazingly, this little turtle did not seem affected by the lag effect at all.

Hold on... What’s up with preserving time? So even turtles have the problem where they can’t "last long"?[1] 1

Even more amazingly, due to the time lag, every action of Chen Feng’s and Qin Hai’s was delayed by two seconds. The entire world seemed to be lagging. What feeling was this? Those who had gamed before would understand this feeling, a feeling where one wished one were dead instead. One had obviously hit the enemy, yet the lag caused them to deal no damage. One had obviously evaded the enemy attack, yet they discovered that they had still received damage. This was simply absurd.

At present, this was exactly what they were experiencing. Saving the little turtle? Well, it wasn’t possible now. In their current circumstance, even preserving their own lives posed a problem.

Chen Feng was shaken. "Is this the real strength of Duma?"

Shua! Shua!

The sight before his eyes would sometimes skip forward or sometimes be cut short, causing him intense discomfort. This could not be allowed to continue. Chen Feng and Qin Hai exchanged glances. If they allowed Duma to capture the little turtle and consume him just like that, Duma’s strength would most probably be temporarily boosted. At that time, it would truly be game over for them.

"Spirit, can you study this for me?" Chen Feng asked inwardly. His thoughts were simple. Since everything lagged by one or two seconds, they would simply have to deduce the events two seconds into the future. Through deductions, they could adjust their movements so it flowed naturally. Alas...

Spirit shook her head helplessly. "It won’t work."

This was not a simple deduction. Rather, to make up for these two seconds of lag they were experiencing, only those mythical and powerful foresight abilities would work.

"No?" Chen Feng was somewhat disappointed. "Then, what if you study Duma’s ability?"

Suddenly, Chen Feng thought of something. Back then, the devil expert had used advanced spatial abilities. After an intense and bitter battle, Chen Feng had studied him thoroughly before breaking apart his ability. Through that, Chen Feng had obtained a minor disintegration ability and a major spatial-destruction ability. Now, facing Duma...

Shua! Shua!

Numerous numbers flashed through his brain. This was all the data they had collected since this battle had started.

"Are there any results?" Chen Feng asked.

Spirit shook her head. "Nope. Your disintegration ability, though weak, is still your core ability. From the data obtained through this battle, I have already improved your disintegration ability. In the future, you will be able to disintegrate the power of time as well. Naturally, this is only limited to basic time abilities."

"How about this lag..."

Spirit shook her head. "Nope."

This lag was obviously a major ability of Duma’s that involved complex calculations. In a short period of time, it was impossible for it to be fully studied. Spirit could only record it down to slowly study it in the future.

Bang! Bang!

In the distance, a bright eruption could be seen. Duma was only a slight distance away from the little turtle now. However, even this was the lagged scene that Chen Feng was seeing. Perhaps the little turtle had already been caught by Duma.

Damn it! Chen Feng cursed inwardly. Was there no other way? It wasn’t like this was an online game where a VPN could settle the lag...

Chen Feng felt too helpless to even berate this.

However, just as this thought flashed through his mind, he blanked. V... VPN? Yes! If a VPN could be used for online games, why couldn’t one be used for him? Essentially, VPNs were just accelerators. By way of changing connection nodes, it could help one’s internet speed improve, counteracting the lag. For this VPN to work, it would require a better server to serve as the connecting node between his internet and the online game. And now, this server was what Chen Feng required, a real-life server!

"I need a server to see the actual situation without the lag. On top of that, this server must also be able to transmit what it sees to me. Therefore..."

Chen Feng’s eyes flashed. Only Xiao Ying fit the requirements for this.

"Xiao Ying! Leave the lagging area and observe this place from long distance and reconstruct the scenes you see in my brain," Chen Feng commanded inwardly.


Xiao Ying shot out, leaving the lagging domain. His real body shot off far away. Staying in his half-illusory mode, he transmitted the real scene of what was happening to Chen Feng. Within Chen Feng’s brain, Spirit speedily rearranged all the transmitted data.

Inwardly, Chen Feng spoke solemnly. "Spirit, the scene sent by Xiao Ying is from his long-distance angle. I need you to study and analyze it, transforming it into a first-person view from my perspective."

Spirit nodded. "Understood." She couldn’t read the future. However, through the scenes sent by Xiao Ying, she would not have any problems transforming the scenes sent by Xiao Ying into a first-person perspective for Chen Feng.

Shua! Shua!

Soon after, Spirit was done. And next, when Chen Feng once again opened his eyes, he saw the real world! Perfect! No lag!

"Success!" Chen Feng was overjoyed. A brand-new world could now be seen. That was not his only gain. With Xiao Ying observing from far away, Chen Feng’s new vision covered an even wider area. He could see things he couldn’t normally see, including behind him! This was the benefit of transforming a third-person view into a first-person view. The additional scenes that had been eliminated from his view after the transformation to first-person view were now transforming into floating screens and indicators, flickering around Chen Feng.

So powerful! Chen Feng himself was shocked by how overpowered this was. This was no longer something as simple as seeing through things. Rather, this was an eye technique, in a sense.

Furthermore, this new ability he had created could not only be used to solve this lag problem. He could even use it to enhance his sight in environments where one’s sight was restricted, enabling him to see different things.

"This thing here..." Chen Feng lamented. If he had to give this new ability a name, he would name it "Xiao Ying VPN."


He swept his gaze around. Following the indicator, he saw that the distant Duma was already grabbing the little turtle in his hand. With a sneer, Chen Feng acted without hesitation.


The earth crumbled. Duma retracted his hand coldly and gazed at Chen Feng while frowning. He couldn’t imagine that Chen Feng was actually able to escape his lag domain. That was, after all, the lag domain...

Duma looked over and saw that Qin Hai was still flickering about persistently within. Evidently, Chen Feng was the only one that had escaped the domain.

"Coincidence?" he assumed instinctively.


Once again, he grabbed at the little turtle.


Once again, Chen Feng smashed his hand away.

Finally, Duma realized the truth. "You have indeed broken free." He was sure now that Chen Feng had broken out of his lag domain. No traces of energy could be felt, no abilities had been used—just like that, he had noiselessly broken out. This fellow...

Fear flashed through Duma’s eyes before they flashed pink. Finally, his gaze moved away from the little turtle to focus on Chen Feng.

"Looks like I have to first kill you."


Boundless killing intent surged from Duma’s body.

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